► Alien megastructure mystery deepens: 'Dyson sphere' star found to be dimming dramatically AND plenty of other space / science links, articles & pics


Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
whatever the fuck humans do in space....if they do it long enough they will not be human anymore.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

Funny how relative things are especially when they say just 750 light years away from each other, meaning even if you had a rocketship going at the speed of light, it would still take you 750 years to get there. That is far as fuck!


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Funny how relative things are especially when they say just 750 light years away from each other, meaning even if you had a rocketship going at the speed of light, it would still take you 750 years to get there. That is far as fuck!
heres a twist for you...that planet 750 light years away...means the light and image youre seeing in your telescope is actually what that planet looked like 750 YEARS AGO.. we're NEVER seeing anything contemporary time. its ALL IN THE PAST! JW telescope picked up a star some 13 billion light years away....(13 billion years ago)...chances are great that star either no longer exists OR looks vastly different now and it will take another 13 billion years before newer images are seen.
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
humans colonizing another celestial body (planet or moon) will eventually adapt to that environment and future generations will have changed to the point where they cant live in an earth environment and may have evolved in ways that no longer make them human in the same manner we are. They may be HUMANOID having a head and two arms and legs (maybe) but they wont be all the things that we define as human.

3 reasons why astronauts can't walk after landing on earth

Reason #1: Living in a microgravity environment causes bone and muscle loss

Reason #2: The cardiovascular system is also affected by microgravity

Reason #3: Microgravity also causes balance issues

The human body is designed to work in Earth’s gravity, which means that when astronauts return to Earth, their bodies have to readjust to the planet’s gravitational force. Astronauts may experience a reduced sense of balance, mobility, and coordination after landing on earth. It usually takes a few days to a few weeks for astronauts to recover from their time in space and feel back to normal.

However, for some astronauts who have spent extended periods of time in space, it can take months to recover from the effects of microgravity. In the case of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, it took him five months to re-adjust to Earth’s gravity after spending five months on the ISS.

Thats just less than a year in the space station..what do you think would happen to a colony living on mars..having babies on mars....



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
humans colonizing another celestial body (planet or moon) will eventually adapt to that environment and future generations will have changed to the point where they cant live in an earth environment and may have evolved in ways that no longer make them human in the same manner we are. They may be HUMANOID having a head and two arms and legs (maybe) but they wont be all the things that we define as human.
adding this part as fact before the piece you appended below it is wild. and the conclusions you are drawing are a little elementary honestly.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Phantom of the Chakras
BGOL Investor
This is interesting. From the article "The results could help to shine light on the many mysteries of the deep Earth, including what part the inner core plays in maintaining the planet’s magnetic field and in affecting the speed of the whole planet’s rotation — and thus the length of a day."
I've been reading up on this wild "the poles shift on the planet every however many years" so that part just jumped out to me. The planets are mesmerizing in themselves but their cores are what's currently got me snared never thought about them too much? Some podcast (I think Tin Foil Hat with Sam tripoli) was talking about how NASA would crash shit in to the moon to see how much of a plume would rise which led to an understanding of how hollow parts of the moon are


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
