5 Sweet And Savory Ways To Dress Up Grilled Fruit - The Takeout
Grilling doesn't have to just be for meat. Try throwing some fruit on the grill instead - we'll show you how to dress it up as a side or dessert.

Is It Okay to Skip Breakfast If You’re Really Not Hungry in the Morning?
Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for an early meal.

Is It Dangerous To Eat Bay Leaves? - The Takeout
Many of us have wondered if accidentally eating a bay leaf can turn dangerous. Here's the truth about bay leaf safety (hint: you don't have to worry much).

Is It Okay To Eat Ground Beef That's Starting To Get Gray? - The Takeout
Ground beef is one of those meats where every 'off' trait makes you scared that it's spoiled, but a grayish color might not be a huge alarm.