Switzerland leads the Big Mac index as of January 2024. The index is a way of measuring whether currencies are over- or undervalued against each other.
Michigan P.E. teacher Alfred Kattola reunited with his students Isreal DuBose, 17, and Correy Coleman, 16, to thank them for saving his life after suffering cardiac arrest during a student-teacher basketball game.
Known to his friends as the Legend, John Starbrook is living, breathing proof of the power of exercise and enthusiasm. I tried to keep up with him – and barely survived
An explosion of dietary supplements marketed to and purchased by parents for kids has prompted pediatricians and experts to ask whether we really know what our kids are taking.
Having turned my back on the partying, hangovers and self-destruction, I’ve slowly worked out what was behind them – and how to replace them with something better
The people being diagnosed with MS are often parents, specifically mothers, who will have to grapple with how to explain their symptoms to their children.
Prices at America's biggest fast-food chains have soared above the rate of inflation in the last five years as firms come under fire for 'greedflation.'
Is this new sugar substitute any healthier than others? Experts weigh in on the potential health impacts of the newly FDA-approved natural sweetener brazzein.
A B.C. massage therapist has been prohibited from massaging certain parts of female patients' bodies while a misconduct investigation is underway, according to the professional regulator.
The College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC) is a professional regulatory body that exercises authority delegated by the provincial government through BC’s Health Professions Act. As mandated by the Act, CMTBC regulates the profession of massage therapy in the public interest to...
In a world growing increasingly accustomed to wild weather swings, the last few days and weeks have seemingly taken those environmental extremes to a new level. Some climate scientists say they are hard pressed to remember when so much of the world has had its weather on overdrive at the same time.
A top cancer hospital is embroiled in a bullying scandal that has culminated in staff members requiring emergency mental health treatment, DailyMail.com can reveal.
Anne Shaw, 68, was given the devastating diagnosis after doctors repeatedly failed to spot a golf-ball sized ovarian tumour clearly visible in a 2019 scan.
Iowa-based Palmer Candy Company has recalled its 'White Coated Confectionary items' due to potential salmonella contamination. The products were sold in stores like Walmart.
Michelle Ellis (pictured), 45 from Plymouth was bitten twice by the family dog on 13 January 2021 on her right wrist and outer forearm and called an ambulance two days later.
Michelle Ellis was rushed to Derriford Hospital in Plymouth several days after the attack and put in an induced coma the small wound developed into sepsis.
New England Patriots player Calvin Anderson revealed in an interview that he battled a case of malaria last year after unknowingly contracting the disease in Nigeria. He said he was given a 50-50 chance of surviving it by his doctors.
Michael Jordan was in attendance for the opening of a third Novant Health Michael Jordan Family Medical Clinic in his Wilmington, North Carolina hometown after donating $10 million for the cause
British Columbia's human rights tribunal has awarded a neurodigergent actor, who was diagnosed with sensory and learning disorders, more than $55,000 after finding that a Kelowna theatre company discriminated against him because of his disabilities.
Pfizer has agreed to settle more than 10,000 lawsuits about cancer risks related to the now discontinued heartburn drug Zantac, Bloomberg News reported on Wednesday, citing people familiar with the deal.
Dr. Monty Lyman says research suggests the brain, gut, and immune system are linked. He shares how he cultivates a diverse microbiome for a healthy mind and body.