Him and his buddy was giving that monkey the business, I'll allow it, no flag on the play, monkey's are assholes.Damn ... dog flipped the script on them!
Him and his buddy was giving that monkey the business, I'll allow it, no flag on the play, monkey's are assholes.
Me too, I've seen a few vids of monkey 's tormenting dogs, pulling their tails, or ears and moving too quickly for the dogs to get them back. Good to see the dogs winning one.They can fuck shit up in a hurry. I was surprised to see the dog(s) score a victory.
Me too, I've seen a few vids of monkey 's tormenting dogs, pulling their tails, or ears and moving too quickly for the dogs to get them back. Good to see the dogs winning one.
I haven't started watching this season yet. How is it any good?The current 3rd season of The White Lotus ... there's speculation that 1 or more of the monkeys may be involved with the eventual tragedy or tragedies.
I haven't started watching this season yet. How is it any good?
I'll check it out.Pretty good. I like the fact that the majority of the characters are pieces of shit each season. That quiet tension and friction amongst assorted people throughout. Fun to watch it all play out.
I'll check it out.