16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, shame


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Genocide? That's clear an overstatement. These people and these acts make up the minority. These kids don't represent the teenagers I know; these acts aren't even statistically even remotely comparative to far bloodier times. I mean it's fucked up, but not lets get into the world is coming to an end stuff.

No I am not on the wold is coming to an end stuff. But when I say genocide I am talking about a lost generation of youths.. If this bullshit spreads to other cities around the nation we can have another slaughter similar to the late 80's and early 90's.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Real shit...those people that he call his guys will be the ones to set up if he doesn't keep shelling out that cash.

Yep & it never fails. Once niggas start feelin' like they deserve more & don't get it then they'll turn on him.

I'm convinced that there are bloods and crips everywhere except probably Oakland..I know Chitown BGOL heads gonna reply and say "no not my city" but the dude who created the Bloods is from chicago..you gonna tell me aint none out there?

No one man alone started da Bloods. Neither B's or C's have no presence in Chicago.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Damn Chicago got some different type of hate.....


BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Sad shit all the way around no matter how you look at it. :smh:


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Lupe Fiasco was 100% correct.

Fuck all you enablers of everything ignorant and self destructive in black culture who thought Lupe was full of shit.


Rugged smooth
BGOL Patreon Investor
Not to be an ass I survived the Bronx when they were trying to burn that mfcker to the ground. I bust my ass became a marine and it took me ten years but I got my B.A. I will be dammed if I will let anyone corrupt my son. I talk to my son I make sure he will have everything he needs. If an ignorant child tries that I will TALK to his parents. And because of BGOL I will be monitoring his dammed cellphone and his internet activities. Gonna have the A.R. just in case them little rugrats want to act a fool and trespass. Fucc it just get involved and watch your kids man. It's not that hard to escape the Hood mentality.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

so i hard people was trying to get at Lupe on tweeter.......can we just destroy tweeter......


BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Damn RIP young black boy lost. Make me feel a little better about the shit in Detroit compared to the way they killing each other in the CHI..

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I'm convinced that there are bloods and crips everywhere except probably Oakland..I know Chitown BGOL heads gonna reply and say "no not my city" but the dude who created the Bloods is from chicago..you gonna tell me aint none out there?

t rodgers did not create the bloods.

he took bps to la via chicago, they happen to be bloods, in la.

no bloods or crips in chicago.

These ninjas are suppose top be the fathers of the community, shit is deeply disturbing. This cats are just chief Keiths and JO jO'S that never matured.

It seem like there is a clear almost obvious correlation between all this "reppin shit" and cultural identity and self esteem. No "knowledge of self" has the cats clinging on to streets, hoods and blocks for self esteem and "identify". I cats had some kind of "lifeline" via traceable linage to various cultural & spritual systems of africa or even something as simple as a family name linking them to africa they'd be less likely to rep such frivolous things as american, streets and hoods.

its tribalism, plain & simple.

people fighting & killing each other because they think

they are all different. which is contrary to the truth, a mental

adjustment is needed!


Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I'm convinced that there are bloods and crips everywhere except probably Oakland..I know Chitown BGOL heads gonna reply and say "no not my city" but the dude who created the Bloods is from chicago..you gonna tell me aint none out there?

I'm going to assume when you said "the dude who created the Bloods is from chicago" means T Rodgers


lol no offense but you are very wrong

T Rodgers did not create the Bloods, he only created the W/S Black P Stone Bloods ... which is just ONE (well techincally two) of the MANY different sets of the Bloods we have out here in Cali

PS: B's and C's don't exist in the Chi


BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Not to be an ass I survived the Bronx when they were trying to burn that mfcker to the ground. I bust my ass became a marine and it took me ten years but I got my B.A. I will be dammed if I will let anyone corrupt my son. I talk to my son I make sure he will have everything he needs. If an ignorant child tries that I will TALK to his parents. And because of BGOL I will be monitoring his dammed cellphone and his internet activities. Gonna have the A.R. just in case them little rugrats want to act a fool and trespass. Fucc it just get involved and watch your kids man. It's not that hard to escape the Hood mentality.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

100% truth bro. Same feeling here about my children. A saying me and a couple of fellas have is " Can't cry at ya kids funeral if you ain't crying trying to keep them alive"


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

watermark? did you guys create this content? you guys are fools

If you let BGOL niggas tell it they'll try to say they created internet. Smh, all of that shit is literally all over the net on forums, the OP had to see it somewhere else to post it on here.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Imma try and make it to the funeral we gotta speak to these young cats. It's like ignorance feeding on ignorance. It's a damn shame these lil dudes are from the chi where Barack came from he should be an inspiration why do they seem so hopeless ?

Yeah man, this is sad to me.

And the mind set of these little dudes, to actually go on Twitter laughing about the shit. :smh:


BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Reading that fader article...and looking at the recent events...

I really hope that boy keef has enough sense to get up out of the chi asap.

Being the hoodrich 16yr old in the middle of a warzone is not the biz.

Too many young dudes around him n not enough adult guidance.

he doesn't.

CampaignSosa300 ‏@ChiefKeef

Lupe fiasco a hoe ass nigga And wen I see him I'ma smack him like da lil bitch he is #300



Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

No I am not on the wold is coming to an end stuff. But when I say genocide I am talking about a lost generation of youths.. If this bullshit spreads to other cities around the nation we can have another slaughter similar to the late 80's and early 90's.

If...:confused: that shit is already in effect


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

This isnt close to the 90s. You guys need to take a statistics class.

Did you not state if this spreads to other cities (as if it's only happening in Chicago):confused:


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

From Twitter:

@AmpDTE: Jo Jo Was 16, Het Got Hit 17 Times So Dats A Bullet Fa Each Year He Was On Dis Earth Plus Da 17th 1 Which Was At His Forehead, Rest In Piss.

Just damned sad. Useless youth


Support BGOL
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

We need to organize and get our own schools and educational system. These little fatherless negroes are running around doing dumb shit killing each other :smh::smh: We have a black president but sadly he isn't doing anything to address these issues in the black community.
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Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

We need to organized and get our own schools and educational system. These little fatherless negroes running round doing dumb shit killing each other :smh::smh: We have a black president but sadly he isn't doing anything to address these issues in the black community.

How does getting our own school solve the issue. When you can't even get parents to show up to a pta meeting with the school system now? Please explain how the president can solve folks having personal problems with each other and deciding to go out and shoot/kill folks.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

watermark? did you guys create this content? you guys are fools

Not really. It's not about original content. The OP repackaged the original content, added a compelling thread title, provided a narrative, and thus created an interesting thread. Which you decided to click on.

Mediafakeout does the same shit. Except when they do it, they get mainstream revenue off of it, because they're not a porn board.

How does that affect you. Well, Mfakeout is supported by major Ad dollars....

...and you have to pay every year.:hmm:

For the shit YOU created for them.


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I personally give less than a quarter of a full fuck about this lil Joker! One less pain in the ass to worry about, sooner or later he would have been on some bullshit so fuck him! Wanna be a tough guy thug?!?!? It is what it is... :hmm:


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

I'm not condoning promotion of gang culture, but dude seemed like he was talented though. I see talent there and if only he could have channeled that talent into a positive direction which would have benefited him.

Looking at videos of him, he reminds me of myself at that age. I think for most members on here it's probably the same way too at that age whether you wanna admit it or not. It's like looking in a mirror at myself nearly 20 yrs ago. Of course when u'r much older it seems totally ridiculous now.

Again I'm not condoning gang behaviour or promotion of that lifestyle but the perspective and outlook on life of someone whose 35 yrs old and up willl not be the same as someone whose 16-19 yrs old. A 16-19 yr old is not gonna have the same insight or views on life that way most members here have. The mindset is different when your that age.

When young kats like these are getting murked like there is no tommorrow, I blame the parents. If parents would play an active role in their kids life the murder rate in chicago wouldn't be what it is right now. But that is always easier said than done cause violence always begets violence & negativity always begets negativity. It's a chain that's never broken

Yours Truly.....Professor


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

They hawkin niggas in Tennessee too talking dat GDK shit. :smh:

If I ever need to let off some steam, Chicago is seemingly da place to go. Shit be just like a live action hood Metal Gear Solid. :D

(0_0)..l.. finger

Certified Pussy Poster
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

our kids are so lost, its not funny...


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

no doubt.

Whats sad is that by allowing these murderers to walk the street and do what they do, many of the people who choose to say nothing will not be alive to say anything in the near future, killed by the very same people they are protecting....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

Did you not state if this spreads to other cities (as if it's only happening in Chicago):confused:

Granted Philly ain't seeing the turnout in funeral homes like Chicago, but we have a reliable and consistent turnout.


Rising Star
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

article on CHIEF KEEF & the emerging HIP HOP MUSIC SCENE in Chicago:


Snitches get snitches......but if it's an article, it's all good.

The reporter recounted how Keef broke a court ordered curfew, was around guns, forged documents to get a state issued ID, and ended the article with him smoking a blunt.

Also, if you hate this type of music, be prepared to be bombarded with it. The records labels are signing Keef and anyone from Chitown who sounds like him or runs with him.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: 16 Year Old Chicago Rapper JO JO ...murdered over some rap neighborhood BEEF, sha

This ni99a 50 threw Chief Keef a nice little alibi in his tweet on the low.
