31yr old doctor in India, beaten then gang rape, loads of semen found in her during examination


Platinum Member

Protests escalate in India over rape and murder of doctor in Kolkata​

The discovery of the 31-year-old’s body last week at a state-run hospital has caused widespread outrage.​

A woman holds a candle during a vigil in Mumbai, India, at a rally condemning the rape and murder of a trainee medic at a government-run hospital in Kolkata. [Francis Mascarenhas/Reuters]


Thousands of women and
men marched across several Indian cities as protests against the rape and murder of a doctor escalated.

Holding candles and posters that read “reclaim the night”, they held rallies in several cities, including Kolkata in eastern India, where the body of the trainee doctor was found last week, also triggering protests by fellow medics demanding better and safer working conditions.

Many government hospitals in cities across India suspended all services except emergency departments earlier this week, as junior doctors sat outside in protest, demanding justice for the victim.

The 31-year-old doctor was found dead on Friday. Police said she had been raped and murdered and one person was subsequently arrested in connection with the crime.

“As a society, we have to think about the atrocities being committed against our mothers, daughters and sisters. There is outrage against this in the country. I can feel this outrage,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday in an address to the nation on Independence Day but did not specifically refer to the Kolkata case.

Crimes against women in India rose 4 percent in 2022 from the previous year, data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), released late last year, showed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They dont really?

When compared to other Asian women Indian women are much more likely to marry an Indian man in the West.
The West I'm not surprised, but in India, I can see why that Feminist said she didn't making men feel some kind of way.


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member
I am on a few travel forums and in the last decade or so, Mexico (for obvious reasons), Egypt, and India have been taken off the list of places to visit. Especially, lone female travelers who are looking to "find themselves". The book and movie, Eat, Pray, Love made this popular.

Recently, India has been getting a ton of bad press. Not just because of the poverty, filth, relentless begging, and overpopulation. But because they it is increasingly becoming "rapey" over there.

Egypt and India were popular tourism destinations in the East for Westerners. Not anymore.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
They found "loads of semen" inside of her?

So let me understand this...
So after the 1st ninja nutted up inside
And his cum was still up in her & dripping out, etc, etc
The next ninja said, "let me stick my dick in that too"?
And then the next ninja did the same, and then the next, etc, etc

#NoDiddy :puke:
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They found "loads of semen" inside of her?

So let me understand this...
So after the 1st ninja nutted up inside
And his cum was still up in her & dripping out, etc, etc
The next ninja said, "let me stick my dick in that too"?
And then the next ninja did the same, and then the next, etc, etc

#NoDiddy :puke:


They should all be castrated


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What is it about India and rape? I've been hearing these stories for years, particularly from India and a few stories from Egypt to a lesser extent. Shit made me think about the psychology of rape and these countries. In India's particular case, I think a lot of it has to do with the extreme cultural hierarchy of their caste system.

A solid book to read on it is "Caste" by Isabel Wilkerson. She pretty much lays out that in systems like patriarchy, imperialism, colonialism and white supremacy, there is an imperative to not be on the bottom of the totem pole. In some instances, rape is often the disenfranchised man's way of asserting some measure of control over those circumstances. Men tend to hate women when they can't find work or can't get their shit together because it's easy. It's easier to take advantage of a vulnerable women than to challenge another man who has more than you and may be able to kick your ass.

I found this interesting article that went in depth: The Psychology of a Rapist

Motives behind rape vary and are difficult to quantify. However, studies show that rapists have some common characteristics:

- a lack of empathy

- narcissism

- feelings of hostility towards women
Hamby, who is also founding editor of the American Psychological Association's journal Psychology of Violence, explained how toxic masculinity promotes rape culture. "A lot of offenders of rape and other sexual assaults are young men," she said. "The only way to have social status among male peers in many cases is to be highly sexually experienced, and not being sexually active is often stigmatized."

She believes that these kinds of peer pressure set men up to become sex offenders because "many are just in absolute panic they're going to be discovered as not sexually experienced by their peers."

In other words, there are elements at work in some cultures, and often even in media, that suggest to these men that they should assert dominance over women as a form of fake masculinity and that stigmatize those who don't have a lot of sexual encounters.
Abbey quoted yet another repeat offender as saying: "I felt as if I had gotten something that I was entitled to, and I felt I was repaying her for sexually arousing me." This man described both of his rape experiences as "powerful," "titillating," and "very exciting."

Sherry Hamby told DW that in some cultures, patriarchy and dominance are expressed through a kind of "dehumanization" in which women are seen as inferior beings to men. This makes it much easier for women to become the targets of aggression.

According to Hamby, for men in such cultures, "part of their cultural training is for them to lose touch with their emotions." They do not know how to deal with their own feelings and even worse, they are not aware of the feelings of others or simply do not care.

The link between narcissism and rape seems to be especially strong when repeat offenders are concerned. One of the key characteristics shared by rapists and narcissists is a tendency to dehumanize others.

There are a lot of incel niggas on this board and online in general that I believe would absolutely rape given the right circumstances. There are threads where some of ya'll clearly hate women and others where ya'll feel they don't deserve privacy or body autonomy. It's easy to shit talk India but some of ya'll would also fit right in, smh.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
My mom went to India for 3 weeks around 2015 or so. Her then boyfriend’s daughter was getting married in a traditional wedding to her husband, and a smaller one back on the westcoast later.

Told her to be careful as a woman in her mid-60s.

Fortunately the trip went smoothly. She travels a fair bit so she’s very alert in the moment and doesn’t have her head in the clouds as an oblivious foreigner looking to get got.

Said it was definitely fast-paced though. Watch where you’re going with all the forms of transportation, etc. [Ludacris voice] Get run the fuck over [/Ludacris voice] otherwise.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They found "loads of semen" inside of her?

So let me understand this...
So after the 1st ninja nutted up inside
And his cum was still up in her & dripping out, etc, etc
The next ninja said, "let me stick my dick in that too"?
And then the next ninja did the same, and then the next, etc, etc

#NoDiddy :puke:
Lot of hidden faggotry amongst women haters.. pay attention to nigs that like to always be around groups of men with no females around, dudes that always have negative things to say about females.. they comfortable being around sausages and of course didn’t mind the man juice during this savage act


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just damn :(

It's barbaric and inhuman

This isn't some porn set gang bang. Or an orgy, even a girl getting into a gang or some weird train action.

This is vulgar woman hating actually no its woman despising actions.

This ain't even closeted gay behavior even though some of that has to be in here too.

This is below animalistic

This should be India version of George Floyd complete unrest moment.

You CANNOT be human and accept this

You can't even know a female exists and cosign that.

I don't want to hear I have a mother a sister a wife a daughter so I understand

You have a SOUL you should understand this is despicable