

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Anyone watching the college bowl games?
We will be drafting one of these guys
Too bad we don't have a shot at getting Abdul Carter
Bruh is a straight beast !!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

My 49ers Brothers

I'm soo glad that we re-hired Saleh back as a DC!!... :yes: ..Damn we needed him back!!.....I like this move cause next season, if we don't start off good and losing and If they fired Shanahan during the season.. We have a good coach to take his place in Saleh!!.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My 49ers Brothers,

As I'm watching this season playoffs...On the real, It doesn't feel the same cause the 49ers isn't there!!.. :crying: ...I'm so use to us being in the playoffs every year and now we aren't in this season playoffs, it doesn't feel right!!...I'm not like this feeling...We need to get our shit together and get back in the playoffs like we use to!!..


Star Playa
BGOL Investor
^^^I was talking about this the other day to someone. That 2011 "Tony Montana" Special Teams squad was different-different. They set the tone. As soon as kickoff happened teams knew what they were in for.