55-year-old Jennifer Lopez has filed for divorce from 52-year-old Ben Affleck on the same day as their 2nd wedding anniversary


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Funny side note(s) for you, Playa.


- Tim Horton's is sort of played out at this point ... still very popular ... but a bit too pricey for what they are. Well known for their donuts and coffee, but trying to branch out more with other menu options. I will say though ... the Timbits are still very tasty, and of course they've got some nice muffins and donuts

- I hardly ever have waffles or pancakes, so I can't tell you the last time I had maple syrup. It's been years, lol. I could go for some fucking waffles or pancakes though ... those are always great at home or in a restaurant

- First time I ever tried poutine was in late-2022. It was pretty good. I guess it's more of a Quebec / Montreal and eastcoast thing. Not as big on the westcoast, and I never got around to it ... then finally said lemme try it. Had some in late-December 2022 - pretty good

- I still own the Rascalz debut album on cassette tape.

- Have the 2nd one on CD- used to play it a shitload in high school art class. It was 4th period or 5th period one year near the end of the day, and our teacher was cool as fuck and let us bring in CDs to listen to. Really good sound system in there with nice speakers ... so long as other students were cool with what you were playing

- Used to listen to alot of co-op / college hiphop radio shows back in the late-90s / early-00s ... the Rascalz DJ would often help with their shows, and another guy affiliated with the group would do afternoon rush hour drive mixes for one of the mainstream radio stations during the 2000s and possibly portion of the 2010s

- Had a few classmates who had older brothers who were friends with the group members - knew them from outside of school

- Bumped into the group member Red 1 a few times just in passing running errands. Once at the Zellers discount dept store, and another time parking the car and then us both crossing the street :cheers:

Just so your aware check the times

Drake dropped 3 new songs about 6 hours after you posted that blatant disrespect.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

comparing jlo to karrine Steffans is wild and jlo shows no signs of being demanged, she living her best life
Uh, huh.
Yeah, right.
The chick is on her 4th divorce by age 55. You call that the behavior of someone who ISN'T damaged...?
And from the stories I've heard, she's not a very nice nor particularly pleasant person to be around. All evidence says she's a vain, selfish and egotistical individual when the cameras are off.

And you can't just say it's the men she chooses.
- Dude, the problem is her...
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Rising Star
Uh, huh.
Yeah, right.
The chick is on her 4th divorce by age 55. You call that the behavior of someone who ISN'T damaged...?
And from the stories I've heard, she's not a very nice nor particularly pleasant person to be around. All evidence says she's a vain, selfish and egotistical individual when the cameras are off.

And you can't just say it's the men she chooses.
- Dude, the problem is her...
that's not a indication that she is the problem, jlo does not have a drinking issue, gambling problem or infidelity issues, as for the stories of her being nice or nasty is not saying anything, most of the women we know or met or seen have the same rep, everything comes down how we as mem respond or handle it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that's not a indication that she is the problem, jlo does not have a drinking issue, gambling problem or infidelity issues, as for the stories of her being nice or nasty is not saying anything, most of the women we know or met or seen have the same rep, everything comes down how we as mem respond or handle it
I think you mean to preface your statements with; "that we know of...".
- You DON'T know whether or not she has a drinking problem.
- You DON'T know if she has a gambling problem.
- You DON'T know if she has an infidelity problem.
And as for her being nasty or nice, the internet is FULL of negative stories from folks who've dealt with her personally who say she was a complete and total BITCH to them for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

So, nah bro.
Couple this info with her now failed 4 marriages, I think it's safe to say:
The problem is HER...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I saw vid about their doc coming where Ben was somewhat upset that she told them something he told her in confidence.

The narrative seemed to indicate that she loves the spotlight a bit too much.


Transnational Member
We need to bring genital mutilation of women to the United States. There is no way you can travel out of town and come back and she hasn't been with three or four guys.

Ben is afraid to speak out on what happened to him as a victim of her debauchery and sinful lifestyle. Right around her age that is when they have reached their Apex and you don't need to baby monitor them to discourage them from fooling around on you because they are in heat.

I talked about the WNBA endorsement deals that I have reviewed that had no morals clause in them, based on my sources, they fought more to keep this clause out then the amount of the endorsement deal, which should tell you something.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Ben appears to have moved on..supposedly with RFK Jr's daughter




Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor

This stupid ass bitch got Halle Berry by her “White Knight” Ben Affleck.

She already feels so screwed over by Ben," says a source. "Writing him a massive check is just the final insult, and it's not something she's going to just hand over."

Because the pair reportedly had no prenup when they eloped, they could have to divide their "community property" evenly.


Family law attorney Andrew Zashin explained to the U.S. Sun that all of their earnings received "during the marriage could be considered 'marital property,' or 'community property,' and each party would have a 50-50 stake in them."

Because J. Lo and Ben, 52, are both high-profile celebrities and make millions of dollars, a lot of cash could be at stake. However, the Marry Me star's net worth of approximately $400 million is much higher that the Gone Girl actor's net worth of approximately $150 million.

"Jennifer's net worth is approximately four times that of Ben's," said Zashin, who is not working directly with the estranged couple, "so it could have been a costly choice for her to forego a prenup."

For J. Lo, says In Touch's source, "It's become very clear now that there's no getting out of paying Ben half of what she made during their marriage, which is obviously not sitting well with her."

"She has enough money to drag this out, and frankly she'd rather give the money to lawyers than Ben, so she's given her team the go-ahead to stall as much as they can, no matter what it costs her in fees," says the source. "She's pretty disgusted that he'd even consider taking money from her after the way he broke all his promises. It really proves he's not the man she thought he was."
