A 30-Year-Old Clip Of Maya Angelou Correcting A Teen Has New School Twitter Up In Arms


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When elders in my family had friends over to play cards or whatever, they referred to them by their first names: Harold, Beverly, etc.
I wasn't allowed to do the same. If anything, it was,"Mr. Harold" or "Miss Beverly." And even that's only because I was familiar with them like that.
Shit, I'm old af and STILL put a 'mr.' or 'ms.' on elders' names when face to face.

The young girl should've had enough upbringing to know better in the first place IMO.
Gotdam right on everything you said.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Y'all don't hold this same disrespect for black men with white wives fighting for black rights tho...

I have posted these blog posts several times in the past and never receive and adequate response. I'll go even further though and add that these men weren't interested so much in black liberation as they were the right to copulate with white women without penalty or backlash. Liberation for black women was an after thought or fringe benefit.

Skool me...shoot me their names....I definitely hold em all in contempt..bae


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Point is, you determine how they address you

Maybe that went over your head. I think it’s absolutely silly for someone to lose their shit because someone doesn’t call them Mr or Mrs. I’ll never request anyone call me that because I don’t think it’s imporant in a nonprofessional environment. And I’m especially not demanding it of children. I think there are way now important things to care about. That’s just me though.


Hip-Hop father
BGOL Investor
Maybe that went over your head. I think it’s absolutely silly for someone to lose their shit because someone doesn’t call them Mr or Mrs. I’ll never request anyone call me that because I don’t think it’s imporant in a nonprofessional environment. And I’m especially not demanding it of children. I think there are way now important things to care about. That’s just me though.
I don't know or care what your real name is. So maybe my comment went over your head

So, what's more important than respect.. from your children? And a public forum, on TV, isn't a non professional environment?


BGOL Investor
Not seeing what the problem is here...? :confused:
A celebrated author, thinker & lecturer informed a young lady how she wants to be addressed.
- It's what she's earned.
- It's what she deserves.
- It's what's proper.
- It's what's right.

If the young lady was speaking to MLK Jr., I guarantee you she would NOT have called him "Martin". She would have referred to him as "Dr. King".
Showing Dr. Angelou the same respect is no different....:dunno:

You know what the real problem is?? Lack of education. The people complaining have never had the displeasure of being address as "boy" like many from that generation have
Imagine some snot noised child calling Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "boy". And him not being able to address that little punk without the threat of being killed.

Or some punk little becky having say over Ms Maya Angelou and addressing her any damn way she pleases.

I still think that Ms Maya was talking indirectly to the HOST of that show.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I've never subscribed to the "Miss" or "Mr" theory. It always comes off as very formal and that's unnecessary around family and friends in my opinion.

I've had young kids call me "Mr", and I've had to correct them because I don't wedge that formality in between us like that. I always tell them to get rid of the "Mr" because we're not at work or a professional environment.

Home is where you can be yourself and should be.

If you're tripping on a title, there's clearly a bigger issue here.

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