A dangerous brushfire in LA California area 1/7


Transnational Member

Los Angeles is much different than Seattle or Vancouver where they have mountain ranges that force precipitation to dump down. It comes off the Pacific and get spread out over a wider area beyond Los Angeles. San Francisco has a much bigger buffer zone than Los Angeles probably due to the Rocky Mountains.

The question is much more complex and they need to take the science and technology that exist today to see if a city should exist like Los Angeles with that many people. Nobody has taken a look back on whether European settlers made the right decision.

These fools are going to try to rebuild that shit rather than taking off. I don't see what's so special about the city, many of the people are fraudsters and bandits that steal from me. I saw some old lady retired, living in expensive San Francisco under rent control, not wanting to move, damn get out of your comfort zone every once in a while

Here is my theory, look at all the desert cities like Phoenix and Las Vegas that surround Los Angeles. You have a hybrid climate, which gives you the false sense because you can see trees and other vegetation. Los Angeles would be better off, looking like Phoenix. Any arson, powerlines, can trigger these fires easily causing massive devastation during the drought cycle.


The white settlers showed up and built this city, thinking it is Seattle or New York. It should be a low population city or you are going to have to remove all the vegetation.

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
Seems like most deaths from this fire were Black.
Here is a story of yet two more Black men who perished in their own home.
These two men burned to death on the phone
with the fire ambulance a block away that
couldn’t/wouldn’t get to them.

A lot of Black residents were from Altadena. Black people at one time weren't allowed to lived in Pasadena due to redlining, so they settled in that community farther north up against the woods.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man that's a slap in the face, but this is what the residents in North Carolina got from the most recent hurricane that swept through Asheville. Do better Biden.
Fam, I lived in Asheville and I got to be exact $750. Now the only thing I really lost was a few groceries, power and no internet/cell service for about a week. These folks have lost everything and all you give them is less than $1000. Wow, we are really a shithole continent. Yep I said it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fam, I lived in Asheville and I got to be exact $750. Now the only thing I really lost was a few groceries, power and no internet/cell service for about a week. These folks have lost everything and all you give them is less than $1000. Wow, we are really a shithole continent. Yep I said it.

So….you ever think that this is tied to a statute or administrative guidelines for disaster areas. A google search indicates this is the max amount that can be given without a more formal process that may take months or even years. If we want to fix the non-loan disaster process, most likely need to go to congress.

Or, it may be better to take a quick tweet and claim that the administration doesn’t give a fuck and only gave $750. We can run with that. Especially if it fits a narrative.


Platinum Member
It's like HELL!!!

At least in a flood or hurricane, something is left to salvage. Fire just takes EVERYTHING!!!!

It's just total destruction!

Man I wasn’t gonna bring this shit up…
These folks deal with earthquakes, mudslide and wildfires…
We really just deal with hurricanes, which is bad too

But this why, it’s funny to me. Folks from other states want us to leave the swamps.

When it was stated the first few times, I just over looked it. Once it became a punching bag for shitting on the area, I said something.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man that's a slap in the face, but this is what the residents in North Carolina got from the most recent hurricane that swept through Asheville. Do better Biden.

It's the law, this the limit that congress set. All prior presidents were similar


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good questions. this wasn't like an earthquake.
You had known facts
* resovoir.was empty
* Santa Anna Winds were forecast
* Land was dry for months

There were previous fires in the area,
So with these facts, why wasnt action taken to fill the
resovoirs which has been empty since last February?

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