Actor/comedian Robin Williams dead of apparent suicide

Wobble Wobble

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My favorite memory of Robin Williams is the scene in "Good Morning, Vietnam" where Forrest Whittaker is driving him to leave the country and Williams improvises while asking the "soldiers" where they're from. Then, Robin switches and tells them to take care of themselves.


Rising Star
Loved his movies as a kid.
As a man I don't respect suicide
Cause there someone going thru some THing much worst.
He could of taken time to help poor people to get his spirits up. This was a selfish move, he didn't consider the love he already earned.


Support BGOL
I can't Say RIP to somebody that takes their own life. There are people laying in hospital bed praying and begging for just 1 more day. Anybody who takes their own life and leaves behind a family to deal with the pain for the rest of their lives is a coward. Great actor, loved his movies, sad to hear he's gone


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't Say RIP to somebody that takes their own life. There are people laying in hospital bed praying and begging for just 1 more day. Anybody who takes their own life and leaves behind a family to deal with the pain for the rest of their lives is a coward. Great actor, loved his movies, sad to hear he's gone

What options do you have when you are mentally sick


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mental Illnesses changes the game big time....sad man.....just sad

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 Active


Rising Star
You sir are an idiot. I wish people would stop saying that selfish shit.... Learn about mental illness before making asinine comments. Just by you saying he's selfish because other people are going through worse proves without a shadow of a doubt that you are a brainless fool...

If I'm an idiot then u a bum who needs an excuse for everything
Dude could of done plenty of activities to keep himself busy
If he feel he is too sick. Seek hElp
YOU Just As Stupid As He was Makin ExCuses FOR him.
Your want to prove he was correct? Then go kill yourself you faggot
U bum ass follower need a Leader ass nigga


Support BGOL
What options do you have when you are mentally sick
That depends on your mental sanity. If you are fully aware of what your doing and you feel like death is the better option the i disagree. If you are incapable for deciding between right and wrong and the voices in your head are saying kill yourself then it's a different story. I personally don't know Robin Williams. My opinion is based on means of death not mental health. I have a friend who's father jumped out of their 15th floor apartment window in the middle of them sitting down eating dinner. When this happened people said he had mental problems but when i looks at what his family who is still going through years later my thoughts and prayers are always with the family not the father. The people left behind don't have the same option of jumping out the window to get rid of their pain


BGOL Investor
I don't think people over 60 have to be mentally ill to off themselves, think about it , they luved their lives and shit really starts going downhill, in many cases. Some rather choose not being a old dude sitting back and waiting for life to throw some wild shit your direction. There are a lot of fucked up ways of dying old, and some rather go out with what dignity they have left.

A dignified suicide is a oxymoron.

But yea....
I told my Mother that if I ever got into an accident or became ill whereas I had to start depending on machine and anonymous/random Doctors to help me do shit that I should normally be able to do on myself.....dont let the machine keep me alive..just pull the plug.

But that didnt apply to Robin Williams.

I know a lot of Men and Women...of all colors ...that are 60-80...that may be stuck in their ways and come off as bitter...but theyre still not depressed about being old enough to kil themselves. No matter how you twist it..when u start thinking about killing yourself...thats a weakness.

We all get depressed and stressed....but when u put a gun to your head, wrap a rope around your neck etc etc..thats on a level by itself.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
A dignified suicide is a oxymoron.

But yea....
I told my Mother that if I ever got into an accident or became ill whereas I had to start depending on machine and anonymous/random Doctors to help me do shit that I should normally be able to do on myself.....dont let the machine keep me alive..just pull the plug.

But that didnt apply to Robin Williams.

I know a lot of Men and Women...of all colors ...that are 60-80...that may be stuck in their ways and come off as bitter...but theyre still not depressed about being old enough to kil themselves. No matter how you twist it..when u start thinking about killing yourself...thats a weakness.

We all get depressed and stressed....but when u put a gun to your head, wrap a rope around your neck etc etc..thats on a level by itself.

Your thinking about it from the western point of view where we are conditioned to believe that it is the ultimate sin to kill yourself... Remember we were considered slaves or work labor, and imagine if slaves had the believe that dying is better than living with out freedom or with out our dignity... Shit we'd be ready to fight and die no matter what the consequences, so to nip that in the bud the first thing they planted in our heads was the fear of death, dying and wanting to take control of our destiny...

To us suicide, at that age may seem like an oxymoron, on because we are not equip to think beyond the perimeters that we are programmed to think in.. But from a person that age it may be due to the fact that they choose not to go out in diapers, with out their dignity, seeing their friends grow old and die honorably , witnessing their own children grow old and start to die..
Man the subject really touched me one day, one I saw my Grandmother, for the last time, and my young dumb ass, at the time, said what most would say to someone up in age, I said wow Grandma what a blessing to be your age isn't it... She looked me in the eye and said, whats so blessing about it, I am blind, in pain everyday, all my friends are dead, the food is crap, and all I want now is to die..

I looked into her glazed useless eyes but was still able to see the truth deep in her soul, and for that moment I was her... It was the first and only time I felt that connection with her, she was not always a easy person to connect with, in life..

Since then I started contemplating my own mortality, and this is one of the reasons why I try to live my life full, with no regrets, appreciating everything I have, and what freedom I have , so if it ever gets to the point where my life got that heavy, or to the point where the docs to me the curtains are ready to fold, at least what ever I do, would be based on what I feel, not some arm chair quarter back who thinks they know whats best for me...

In the end the right to choose is what freedom is really about, and if you can't even contemplate how you would prefer to go out, believing that there is a good way and a bad way, well chances are you have never thought like a free man...


Staff member
A 60 year old man in diapers, what planet is that happening on. Unless a person is very sick or has
been in an accident they are not wearing a damn diaper at 60. Both of my grandparents lived to be 95,
they didn't show signs of deterioration until after 90.

My Pops died at 80, he got old faster because he was a war Vet and some of the pesticides that they
used in Vietnam took a toll on him. My Mom is 82 right now and she is frail, but she isn't wearing any
damn diapers.

You are probably a young dude, when you hit 50, let me know your thoughts on ending your life at 60.
Also let's see how anxious you are to wear a diaper when aint a damn thing wrong with you.


Your thinking about it from the western point of view where we are conditioned to believe that it is the ultimate sin to kill yourself... Remember we were considered slaves or work labor, and imagine if slaves had the believe that dying is better than living with out freedom or with out our dignity... Shit we'd be ready to fight and die no matter what the consequences, so to nip that in the bud the first thing they planted in our heads was the fear of death, dying and wanting to take control of our destiny...

To us suicide, at that age may seem like an oxymoron, on because we are not equip to think beyond the perimeters that we are programmed to think in.. But from a person that age it may be due to the fact that they choose not to go out in diapers, with out their dignity, seeing their friends grow old and die honorably , witnessing their own children grow old and start to die..
Man the subject really touched me one day, one I saw my Grandmother, for the last time, and my young dumb ass, at the time, said what most would say to someone up in age, I said wow Grandma what a blessing to be your age isn't it... She looked me in the eye and said, whats so blessing about it, I am blind, in pain everyday, all my friends are dead, the food is crap, and all I want now is to die..

I looked into her glazed useless eyes but was still able to see the truth deep in her soul, and for that moment I was her... It was the first and only time I felt that connection with her, she was not always a easy person to connect with, in life..

Since then I started contemplating my own mortality, and this is one of the reasons why I try to live my life full, with no regrets, appreciating everything I have, and what freedom I have , so if it ever gets to the point where my life got that heavy, or to the point where the docs to me the curtains are ready to fold, at least what ever I do, would be based on what I feel, not some arm chair quarter back who thinks they know whats best for me...

In the end the right to choose is what freedom is really about, and if you can't even contemplate how you would prefer to go out, believing that there is a good way and a bad way, well chances are you have never thought like a free man...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I won't miss this guy at all. He seemed like degenerate, effeminate scum to me. The support he's getting from WHITE BGOL members is shocking, in my opinion. It shows how ill-informed the members here are about their enemies...can you imagine a white owned forum making a STICKY for a fallen black personality? He was allowed by jews to succeed because he was a CAC and nothing else


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
A 60 year old man in diapers, what planet is that happening on. Unless a person is very sick or has
been in an accident they are not wearing a damn diaper at 60. Both of my grandparents lived to be 95,
they didn't show signs of deterioration until after 90.

My Pops died at 80, he got old faster because he was a war Vet and some of the pesticides that they
used in Vietnam took a toll on him. My Mom is 82 right now and she is frail, but she isn't wearing any
damn diapers.

You are probably a young dude, when you hit 50, let me know your thoughts on ending your life at 60.
Also let's see how anxious you are to wear a diaper when aint a damn thing wrong with you.

I think the main point is the quality of life, from the persons point of view not some scale that others have created or what others are at that age..
People age differently, and this has a profound affect on them both mentally and physically.
This is why its so important to keep your self in good health as a youth, so you won't be that old guy in his mid 60's looking like you are ready to hit 100..
I think in Williams case having all that money and doing so much for so long can also take its toll mentally, it seems like if you are rich and old, the ones who live the longest are the ones who are so fucked up, that they get off by making money not spending it, for the ones who are not fucked up and like actually doing shit with their money, it seems they suffer from that been there one that, situation, where their life then becomes empty, small and less exciting, imagine having that money an the only thing you have to look forward to is growing old, getting sick and dying...


Staff member
OK Brother RoadRage :shades:

I think the main point is the quality of life, from the persons point of view not some scale that others have created or what others are at that age..
People age differently, and this has a profound affect on them both mentally and physically.
This is why its so important to keep your self in good health as a youth, so you won't be that old guy in his mid 60's looking like you are ready to hit 100..
I think in Williams case having all that money and doing so much for so long can also take its toll mentally, it seems like if you are rich and old, the ones who live the longest are the ones who are so fucked up, that they get off by making money not spending it, for the ones who are not fucked up and like actually doing shit with their money, it seems they suffer from that been there one that, situation, where their life then becomes empty, small and less exciting, imagine having that money an the only thing you have to look forward to is growing old, getting sick and dying...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I won't miss this guy at all. He seemed like degenerate, effeminate scum to me. The support he's getting from WHITE BGOL members is shocking, in my opinion. It shows how ill-informed the members here are about their enemies...can you imagine a white owned forum making a STICKY for a fallen black personality? He was allowed by jews to succeed because he was a CAC and nothing else

Whoa racist to the cure oh nice white chick in your pick :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>No words.</p>&mdash; Billy Crystal (@BillyCrystal) <a href="">August 12, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>BillyCrystal is right...There are No words</p>&mdash; Whoopi Goldberg (@WhoopiGoldberg) <a href="">August 12, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

ABC News: Chris, my apologies on the loss of your friend. Tell me a little about the impact that Robin had on your life.

Chris Rock: Robin was, is, I hate to say was, is one of the funniest guys I ever saw in my life. I remember the first time I saw ‘Mork and Mindy.’ And I know this sounds weird, it was like watching, it was the first time I saw an actual human being be as funny as Bugs Bunny. You know what I mean? Like he wasn’t human in a sense. When they casted him as an alien it was perfect because he was so from another world.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>No words.</p>&mdash; Billy Crystal (@BillyCrystal) <a href="">August 12, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>BillyCrystal is right...There are No words</p>&mdash; Whoopi Goldberg (@WhoopiGoldberg) <a href="">August 12, 2014</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

RIP to him and now Lauren Bacall :(



RIP Mork.

And on the real, mental illness is ignored in our community and that is why we deal with it the way we do.

How many times does Big momma say "Lets pray on it" or "Lets pray the lord removes the devil from this child" before we take real action.

A friend of mines Uncle had issues his whole life and the family swept it under the rug and prayed. Then he killed a bunch of people, and they were still praying. :smh::smh:

Should have sent him to a doc when he attacked a girl when he was a teen instead of shipping him away. :smh:

Finally some sense in this thread


Rising Star
OG Investor
I can't Say RIP to somebody that takes their own life. There are people laying in hospital bed praying and begging for just 1 more day. Anybody who takes their own life and leaves behind a family to deal with the pain for the rest of their lives is a coward. Great actor, loved his movies, sad to hear he's gone

Loved his movies as a kid.
As a man I don't respect suicide
Cause there someone going thru some THing much worst.
He could of taken time to help poor people to get his spirits up. This was a selfish move, he didn't consider the love he already earned.

:hmm: :smh: shit is never that simple, you 2 are idiots


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Guess its time to watch World's greatest dad again

Its a movie where Robin Williams plays the father of a kid who died jerking off with a belt around his neck


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
I won't miss this guy at all. He seemed like degenerate, effeminate scum to me. The support he's getting from WHITE BGOL members is shocking, in my opinion. It shows how ill-informed the members here are about their enemies...can you imagine a white owned forum making a STICKY for a fallen black personality? He was allowed by jews to succeed because he was a CAC and nothing else

But you have the most post in this thread.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude, I am a professional comedian. What you just said is complete bullshit. Seeing how I am a "professional" you might want to listen instead of making yourself look foolish.

Listen to what?
If you're going to disagree, rebut or refute an opinion at least make a cogent counter point or an argument pertinent to subject matter of our differences in opinion.

By the way,..Who are you?
You can claim you're this and you can claim you're that but (it's the internet) So I aint buying that "I'm a professional comedian" bullshit unless you show proof.

What's your stage name "Mr. Professional Comedian"?
Do you have any YouTube videos of yourself performing?
You made a claim as to whom you are so show and tell.
Until then you just keep dreaming of the day when you don't have to do your stand up routines at senior citizen lucheons and kiddie birthday parties that is if you're really a "professional comedian".:rolleyes:
Drop that video mr funny man , Other wise I think you are a joke! (no pun)
Last edited:


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
:hmm: :smh: shit is never that simple, you 2 are idiots

I wouldn't say 'never'...idk about robin williams but not every person who kills themselves does so bcuz of some mental condition...sometimes it as that simple as just being a coward and afraid of dealing w/ adversity


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon: We Owe 'Everything' to Robin Williams


Without Robin Williams, Good Will Hunting may have never been made.

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, two barely known actors from Boston, faced an epic struggle to get their screenplay greenlit in Hollywood. The duo faced rejection upon rejection. But “Robin really was the rainmaker,” Affleck said just last year in an oral history about Good Will Hunting's rocky start.

On Tuesday, more than 15 years after the little film hit theaters, and a day after Williams took his own life, Affleck is again thankful for his late friend.

"He made Matt and my dreams come true," Affleck said in a Facebook tribute. “What do you owe a guy who does that? Everything.”

"Robin brought so much joy into my life and I will carry that joy with me forever," Damon wrote in a statement obtained by Yahoo Movies. "He was such a beautiful man. I was lucky to know him and I will never, ever forget him."

When Williams signed on to Good Will Hunting, he was one of Hollywood’s hottest tickets, just off Jumanji and The Birdcage — both huge box-office hits. He had wrapped Francis Ford Coppola’s fantastical comedy Jack, and he sparked to the guys who wrote the story of a therapist and an unlikely young genius. With Williams on board, the Weinstein Company gave the go-ahead to the project — which went on to earn Affleck and Damon an Academy Award for Best Screenplay and Williams the Oscar for his supporting role.

"Thank you, Ben and Matt," a breathless Williams said during his 1998 acceptance speech as his two overjoyed Hunting costars looked on. “I still want to see some ID,” he added, continuing a long-running joke he’d established with Affleck and Damon from the start of the film.

Affleck admitted in his Facebook post that he is “heartbroken” over Williams’s death and went on to express his enduring gratitude to the late entertainer. “Thanks, Chief — for your friendship and for what you gave the world. Robin had a ton of love in him. He personally did so much for so many people… May you find peace, my friend.”


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
^^^ I've never seen that flick...just seen rounders the other day...think I'll check this out today