Actress Gina Torres Explains Why She Felt Trapped Being A Latina Woman In African American Roles


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Can some inform me or correct me if I'm wrong but when they say culturally is there a cultural difference between the islands,different languages,same foods,same environment,same history of being enslaved,down trotted,used,same celebrations....culturally is there such a difference between them?I know Haitians are not Dominicans but is there such a difference between them or is it some shit that they like to paint that there is a difference .

Small Islands that was conquered by other countries that imported slaves to work the land cause the people of those Islands didn't make it;If I fish in Cuba would it not be the same if I fish in Jamaica ....isn't rice a staple in all of their diets like it is for most of the world?'re just making up shit.


BGOL Patreon Investor
theres a lot of good points already made...and I'm not trying to be obtuse about it but I'm not getting her gripe. As Mista said before we live in a racist/racially minded society that sees complexion first so when we SEE Rosario Dawson and Sofia Vergara because of their complexion they read LATINA.. its that kinda light skin complexion thats typical of how we see Latin people. And ANYONE who has it could PASS for Latino

hell I thought Zendaya was latina


Her father is African-American, with roots in Arkansas; her mother has German and Scottish ancestry.

AOC is clearly latina....darken her complexion two shades and she will read as mouthy black chick.:giggle:

But that doesn't change that the history of roles she plays could have easily been Cuban as there was nothing culturally specific about any of them really.

Again how would one portray a specific Latino ethnicity? Okay so she speaks Spanish fluently...meh...she could be PR, DOM, MEX, South American would one portray Cuban without saying I'M CUBAN! Hell Desi Arnez had to make a point if constantly referring to himself as Cuban otherwise visually he could have been any Latino. And in the black and white days of tv and film if he didn't have that slight accent he'd read as white.

I think her statements made out of her personal frustration really can only confuse things between Blacks and Latinos. I'm still a fan of hers but on the surface, her statements read as kinda lefthanded to Black Americans.
Again, her comments weren't about not her being portrayed as specifically an Afro Cubana it was about how she feels personally not being cast in roles as a Black Latina.

Gina seemed to have just been sharing the way she experiences her cultural and racial identity in acting.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Can some inform me or correct me if I'm wrong but when they say culturally is there a cultural difference between the islands,different languages,same foods,same environment,same history of being enslaved,down trotted,used,same celebrations....culturally is there such a difference between them?I know Haitians are not Dominicans but is there such a difference between them or is it some shit that they like to paint that there is a difference .

Small Islands that was conquered by other countries that imported slaves to work the land cause the people of those Islands didn't make it;If I fish in Cuba would it not be the same if I fish in Jamaica ....isn't rice a staple in all of their diets like it is for most of the world?'re just making up shit.
Culture and race are both made-up constructs. The only difference is culture doesn't pretend to be science.
We are different phenotypes, scientifically speaking.
Race was just pseudo-science made up by the 17th century English royalty to avoid honoring their contract between them and their ex-cons once they had done their time. They "put them in charge" instead of giving them the land they were promised. To divide them from their "slaves" etc., race was born. Its more philosophy than it is science and still, to this day, we debate that shit like its gospel (which is also bullshit).

Its all bullshit. Live life.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm Jamaican and on both sides I have a lot of Cuban/Panamanian born uncles, aunts, and cousins due to the work migration of the post WWI Era. All of them consider themselves black. Granted; most of them were back in Jamaica by the age of 5. It wasn't until they migrated to the US in the 60s, & 70s that they had to even think about their race as it relates to their nationality.

One of my aunts, who has a classic Latina look, fair skin, wavy hair, hazel eyes, went to nursing school in London & Spain, and did some Peace Corp type work in Haiti in the 70s. When she migrated to the US in the late 70s (Miami & then NY), she got into a ton of heated discussions about her ethnicity. The spanish nurses were offended that she recognized herself as black and not spanish. In their eyes she was born in Cuba and spoke fluent Spanish (Spain influence) yet was turning her back on her culture. Even though my aunt left Cuba at the age of 6 and only returned to vacation a few times in her teens and 20s. They justified it as she was scared to associate with a communist country while living in the US. When the truth of the matter it wasn't a subject that she had to address, must less think about until her 30s.
Thank you for sharing and that's interesting that the hispanic nurses had a problem with her identifying as black. I have limited knowledge of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic (all Spanish speaking countries in the Caribbean). In addition, I may as well add most of Central and South America too. I often wonder do most of the people fully understand why they speak Spanish and their countries true relationship to Spain?
A friend of mine, who used to live in my building was having a discussion with me about football. He's a good guy, family man, and he happens to be Puerto Rican. So he said something in Spanish, but he mispronounced a word or two. What he said next I found kinda interesting. He said he needed to speak Spanish better or it would upset his Spanish ancestors. I didn't address it, but in my mind I am going...WTF? The Spaniards colonized Puerto Rico, raped and enslaved the Boriquens, and made them speak Spanish. And yet, you want to pay homage to your conquerors?
Nevertheless, the hispanic nurses that worked with your aunt are upset with her because she doesn't share their values? Ok.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While I understand (and empathize) with what Gina is saying, I'm very curious about just how often did she approach, read for or audition for ANY of these well known Spanish channels that are specifically marketed to Spanish people...?


Because to me, this ain't just about Hollywierd and their racist practices.
It's about the very real, very tangible, ingrained racist practices of the many different Spanish cultures and nationalities from across the globe.
Many (if not most) Spanish speaking societies still treat Black members of their countries & communities just as poorly (if not worse) as America has.
I can't recall Gina ever publically (or proudly) embracing or supporting fellow Afro-Latinas like Amara La Negra and her message:

Could that be because Cubans still look down on and dislike Dominicans?
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's full of shit. The majority of the roles I've seen her in were nondescript. Take Firefly for instance. She was just Zoe Washburne. It wasn't an "African American" role. Just a female character. These broads confuse the shit outta me. You never hear male English actors talkin about "I hate I can't portray an English character". They take it as a challenge to be able to pull off certain roles. It's always these self hating women doing that shit. What she's really saying is that portraying an African American woman is beneath her. Complaining just to complain.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While I understand (and empathize) with what Gina is saying, I'm very curious about just how often did she approach, read for or audition for ANY of these well known Spanish channels that are specifically are marketed to Spanish people...?


Because to me, this ain't just about Hollywierd and their racist practices.
It's about the very real, very tangible, ingrained racist practices of the many different Spanish cultures and nationalities from across the globe.
Many (if not most) Spanish speaking societies still treat Black members of their countries & communities just as poorly (if not worse) as America has.
I can't recall Gina ever publically (or proudly) embracing or supporting fellow Afro-Latinas like Amara La Negra and her message:

Could that be because Cubans still look down on and dislike Dominicans?
While serving hispanics and spanish speaking...I think all those networks serve mexican and south american cultures mainly particularly beyond the fact that they all generally speak spanish I don't think those networks would necessarily serve her better in tems of culture.

Again, her comments weren't about not her being portrayed as specifically an Afro Cubana it was about how she feels personally not being cast in roles as a Black Latina.

Gina seemed to have just been sharing the way she experiences her cultural and racial identity in acting.
I'm not trying to be a noodge dude really,...but HOW DO YOU PORTRAY THAT on the screen?? If youre too light youre seen as white and if youre too dark youre seen as black. Unless being cuban is germane to the story in some way theres no real way to portray it in a role or story where the ethnicity of the characters isn't an issue. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: honestly it comes off as first world problems to me..

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While I understand (and empathize) with what Gina is saying, I'm very curious about just how often did she approach, read for or audition for ANY of these well known Spanish channels that are specifically are marketed to Spanish people...?


Because to me, this ain't just about Hollywierd and their racist practices.
It's about the very real, very tangible, ingrained racist practices of the many different Spanish cultures and nationalities from across the globe.
Many (if not most) Spanish speaking societies still treat Black members of their countries & communities just as poorly (if not worse) as America has.
I can't recall Gina ever publically (or proudly) embracing or supporting fellow Afro-Latinas like Amara La Negra and her message:

Could that be because Cubans still look down on and dislike Dominicans?
I had a friend David (R.I.P.), who was a brown skinned Puerto Rican, (about the size of "Proposition Joe," from the "Wire") and a good brother. He was married to light complexion Puerto Rican woman (think Jennifer Lopez). So we're chilling one day and the subject of race came up and he told us that his wife's family didn’t really want him to marry her because he was black.
This is just my opinion, but I think most Afro-Latinas are aware of the racism that exists within the hispanic culture, they just chose not to discuss it at times.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While serving hispanics and spanish speaking...I think all those networks serve mexican and south american cultures mainly particularly beyond the fact that they all generally speak spanish I don't think those networks would necessarily serve her better in tems of culture.

I'm not trying to be a noodge dude really,...but HOW DO YOU PORTRAY THAT on the screen?? If youre too light youre seen as white and if youre too dark youre seen as black. Unless being cuban is germane to the story in some way theres no real way to portray it in a role or story where the ethnicity of the characters isn't an issue. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: honestly it comes off as first world problems to me..
I not sure who their target audience is, but I do remember years ago an ex-girlfriend (she's black) used to watch "Xica da Silva." It's actually based on a true story and the lead actress was Tais Araujo. I think the ex-gal started watching it was because she didn't see to many black women on Telemundo.
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BGOL Patreon Investor
While serving hispanics and spanish speaking...I think all those networks serve mexican and south american cultures mainly particularly beyond the fact that they all generally speak spanish I don't think those networks would necessarily serve her better in tems of culture.

I'm not trying to be a noodge dude really,...but HOW DO YOU PORTRAY THAT on the screen?? If youre too light youre seen as white and if youre too dark youre seen as black. Unless being cuban is germane to the story in some way theres no real way to portray it in a role or story where the ethnicity of the characters isn't an issue. :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: honestly it comes off as first world problems to me..
Perhaps by there being more stories that includes characters where the cultural particulars of Afro Latinas are shown within the story is the simplest way. Or by having more stories that are Afro Latinas.

There have been some.

An important part of that is letting Afro-Latina filmmakers and directors do their thing in order to present accurate portrayals and provide acting opportunities.

It's not complicated really. If films and tv shows are able to show us at the dinner table, enjoying a soul food dinner and speaking to each other in and discussing issues in ways that are specifically relevant and particular to African-American life, the same can be done for Afro-Latinas.

Also the Spanish language networks like Telemundo tend towards whiter looking Latinos in their shows and movies. So there is that racism there too.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
The part that kills me is when she complains about being "sad that she couldn't express her Latin culture on screen"

Maybe she just been in the business too long because most actors of any color are overjoyed to be able to play ANYTHING on screen.

And besides which, she's an actress. Her job is to portray people who aren't like her. So miss me with that "Jedi mind trick".

This would be like Giancarlo Esposito complaining he can't get roles that allow him to express his Italian heritage. SMH


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Ok. And?

So she can't talk about what her personal experience is?

Your Daniel Day Lewis comparison is apples and oranges.

First of all because this is about ethnicity. Daniel Day Lewis white ass has never a day in his life been marginalized on the basis of his skin color or ethnicity. Roles for white men about white men comprise probably 2/3rds of movie roles.

And vampires are fictional. THAT shit was funny though. :lol:

The irony is that playing those black roles gave her the platform to complain. Otherwise nobody would care about her personal experience


BGOL Patreon Investor
The part that kills me is when she complains about being "sad that she couldn't express her Latin culture on screen"

Maybe she just been in the business too long because most actors of any color are overjoyed to be able to play ANYTHING on screen.

And besides which, she's an actress. Her job is to portray people who aren't like her. So miss me with that "Jedi mind trick".

This would be like Giancarlo Esposito complaining he can't get roles that allow him to express his Italian heritage. SMH
Not necessarily. Because first of all she didn't complain about not getting roles. And secondly, Giancarlo Esposito is of mixed parentage. An African American on one side and an Italian on the other. You don't know what the culture was of his upbringing.

This woman does not come from mixed parentage. She comes from two Cuban parents and apparently was immersed in a Hispanic cultural environment.

I don't know why it kills you. So she can't feel like she feels? She's entitled to that. Who are you as a white man to legislate that? No one has to "miss you" with shit. It's your people in charge of most of Hollywood that don't put effort into trying to accurately portray cultures other than their own. FOH.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Not necessarily. Because first of all she didn't complain about not getting roles. And secondly, Giancarlo Esposito is of mixed parentage. An African American on one side and an Italian on the other. You don't know what the culture was of his upbringing.

This woman does not come from mixed parentage. She comes from two Cuban parents and apparently was immersed in a Hispanic cultural environment.

I don't know why it kills you. So she can't feel like she feels? She's entitled to that. Who are you as a white man to legislate that? No one has to "miss you" with shit. It's your people in charge of most of Hollywood that don't put effort into trying to accurately portray cultures other than their own. FOH.

Legislate what? I was expressing an opinion same as you.

And she can feel however she wants, but when you say dumb shit in an article don't be surprised when people call you a dummy.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Perhaps by there being more stories that includes characters where the cultural particulars of Afro Latinas are shown within the story is the simplest way. Or by having more stories that are Afro Latinas.

There have been some.

An important part of that is letting Afro-Latina filmmakers and directors do their thing in order to present accurate portrayals and provide acting opportunities.

It's not complicated really. If films and tv shows are able to show us at the dinner table, enjoying a soul food dinner and speaking to each other in and discussing issues in ways that are specifically relevant and particular to African-American life, the same can be done for Afro-Latinas.

Also the Spanish language networks like Telemundo tend towards whiter looking Latinos in their shows and movies. So there is that racism there too.
What you stated brings to mind this film:
"I Like it Like That" (1994) starring Jon Seda and Lauren Velez. It was written and directed by Darnell Martin, who is a black woman.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't know why it kills you. So she can't feel like she feels? She's entitled to that.
This is kind of what is annoying about this thread. Some are trying to straw man this into an "I no black, Papi" situation when it isn't.
How dare she acknowledge her own culture?
"Just shut up and pretend you're a regular black American with black American parents or be dragged on black twitter!"
She never tried to deny her blackness. Its the Cuban culture part that some people seem to have a problem with.
Some of y'all sound like blacknecks.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Legislate what? I was expressing an opinion same as you.

And she can feel however she wants, but when you say dumb shit in an article don't be surprised when people call you a dummy.
You're not the same as me, however. Your white man's opinion about Black cultures and ethnicities etc does not carry equal weight.


BGOL Patreon Investor
This is kind of what is annoying about this thread. Some are trying to straw man this into an "I no black, Papi" situation when it isn't.
How dare she acknowledge her own culture?
"Just shut up and pretend you're a regular black American with black American parents or be dragged on black twitter!"
She never tried to deny her blackness. Its the Cuban culture part that some people seem to have a problem with.
Some of y'all sound like blacknecks.
Thank you.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
So she feels no guilt stealing roles that should have gone to a black woman? :rolleyes:

to be fair most of her roles that i recall were racially ambigous. She played a woman of color
i guess her gripe that she never got cast in roles specifically as a latina...but not sure what she had mind cause there arent that many roles out there during most of her career


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
could be worst
in the porn business both these chicks 'black' based on the company


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is kind of what is annoying about this thread. Some are trying to straw man this into an "I no black, Papi" situation when it isn't.
How dare she acknowledge her own culture?
"Just shut up and pretend you're a regular black American with black American parents or be dragged on black twitter!"
She never tried to deny her blackness. Its the Cuban culture part that some people seem to have a problem with.
Some of y'all sound like blacknecks.
blacknecks :giggle:

but for real...look at these statements

My view of myself doesn't change. I know who I am. I'm Cuban-American; both my parents are Cuban--one was a little browner than the other one. That's who I am. I feel sorry that it's taken so long for the film industry to figure it out and to catch up.
There was no place for me as a Latina, and then as a Black woman—I didn’t identify as a Black woman, because for me it was cultural. Because, of course, I present Black, I am a Black woman. I am also Cuban,”

while admitting she LOOKS "black" she doesn't identify with African American culture. She does say I am a Black woman but she's talking in how she's PERCIEVED and PRESENTS not culturally. Hell as far as I can tell she hasn't said anything about being AFRO-Cuban...just Cuban... so she is denying "blackness" as it pertains to culture. There is a difference.

I'm willing to be she's been made to feel different in Cuba and family gatherings.


BGOL Patreon Investor
to be fair most of her roles that i recall were racially ambigous. She played a woman of color
i guess her gripe that she never got cast in roles specifically as a latina...but not sure what she had mind cause there arent that many roles out there during most of her career
Many roles that were looking for a Latina, she could have played. It appears that casting directors considered her look to be too "Black" to play those roles.

Completely xenophobic and ignorant considering so many Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Panamanians, Cubans and Brazilians look just like her.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Many roles that were looking for a Latina, she could have played. It appears that casting directors considered her look to be too "Black" to play those roles.

Completely xenophobic and ignorant considering so many Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Panamanians, Cubans and Brazilians look just like her.
That woman has done ALOT over the years...and what would make your statement fit better is if SHE said I went out for latina roles and they denied me because they said I looked like a black american more than a latina for the character." I'm sorry but she really needs to come out and say something more direct like that.

If she can make that kind of statement then I'm willing to cut her slack. Otherwise :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


BGOL Patreon Investor
blacknecks :giggle:

but for real...look at these statements

while admitting she LOOKS "black" she doesn't identify with African American culture. She does say I am a Black woman but she's talking in how she's PERCIEVED and PRESENTS not culturally. Hell as far as I can tell she hasn't said anything about being AFRO-Cuban...just Cuban... so she is denying "blackness" as it pertains to culture. There is a difference.

I'm willing to be she's been made to feel different in Cuba and family gatherings.
How others see her outside of her culture and color isn't necessarily the reality. She said she is Black more than once, geechie. That's undeniable looking at her. That is your extrapolation that she's talking about how she's perceived and not talking about what she is. Your accusing her of denying "blackness" makes no sense. It feels like badly you want her to be some self-hating, race denying sellout that she is not.


BGOL Patreon Investor
That woman has done ALOT over the years...and what would make your statement fit better is if SHE said I went out for latina roles and they denied me because they said I looked like a black american more than a latina for the character." I'm sorry but she really needs to come out and say something more direct like that.

If she can make that kind of statement then I'm willing to cut her slack. Otherwise :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
So then, if you're going only by what she said then you can't really add to it. Perhaps if we're really interested in this topic and want to know more about her experiences in Hollywood and how she feels, we should see if there are other instances besides that article where she spoke about this.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i it get but alot ppl will interpret this as a dig or anti-black (like she had to settle for black roles)
its just like biracial kids who pass for black but want to claim their whiteness. That claim of whiteness however legit can easily be interpreted as minimizing/ignoring your blackness
It didn't help that she seem to imply that she hated playing black in ALL her roles.

I don't think there would have bern any shade had she said she would have liked a better mix of roles.