ADOS Official Website With Black Agenda (


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor

I posted this in the Kamala thread and HN err Hotlantan deleted the whole thread.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Grifting and defending grifters is hard work. :yes:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor

Hotlantan thinks banning and censoring Black Americans on his message board will save Obama's legacy. Problem is, he is a pussy, and now that "progressive" whites and latinos are going in on Barry, he just gon take it. :lol:

Understand, Black America gave Barry all his cred, if we say he's fraudulent, he has no cred anymore. Simple as that. He done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Some black power rhetoric, jailhouse philosophy, thrown in to disguise empowerimg the very people you claim to hate so much. All the rhetoric and actions help Right Wing sentiments. You have no real political power just aggressive media trolls and tough talk but y'all ain't done shit to move Blacks forward except complain and post memes that lack context. No one is listening to you fools. I pay attention to no one who divides, and disrespects the efforts of the many that came before them who suffered to get us where we are for those very people to call it table scraps.....y'all are sad and sick. Just my humble opinion. Waiting for the Borg responses.....maybe something new will pop up


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Some black power rhetoric, jailhouse philosophy, thrown in to disguise empowerimg the very people you claim to hate so much. All the rhetoric and actions help Right Wing sentiments. You have no real political power just aggressive media trolls and tough talk but y'all ain't done shit to move Blacks forward except complain and post memes that lack context. No one is listening to you fools. I pay attention to no one who divides, and disrespects the efforts of the many that came before them who suffered to get us where we are for those very people to call it table scraps.....y'all are sad and sick. Just my humble opinion. Waiting for the Borg responses.....maybe something new will pop up

Yea yea yea. All this tough talk on the internet but scared to say something publicly. Tell me the Black immigrant organization thats gonna shut down ADOS? We make shit hot, not you. :lol: Reparations is a bigger topic than immigration in the Black community thanks to us. You tethers are done like Obama. :itsawrap:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
I remember when folks trashed ADOS for acknowledging Barry as a sellout. Now the bulk of his criticism is coming from "progressive" cacs and latinos. :lol:

The anti-ADOS dissed us not realizing Black Americans give cred to these "Black" politicians, not the other way around. Once people see us stop defending folks and offering them protection, cacs go in and no longer have hangups about being labeled as "racist" to them. Obama getting dissed more than Trump now. He's becoming this era's Nixon. And Black people who openly admit to voting for Biden will be remembered as coons and sellouts.



Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor

A week ago Obama threads that criticized him were still being deleted off BGOL for being "racist". Now that "liberal" white people are dissing him and saying the things weve been saying for 2 years, I guess its OK now.  :giggle:

Even his stans Dr. Lies and EasyBitch done fell back.


Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I think Khalid would have had a field day with Obama. I posted on another thread but I think its more relevant here. For the next 20 or 30 years the White man will trot out his creation Barack Obama everytime negroes get out of line. Every legitimate gripe the Black community has you'll see push back from Obama or his wife. The white man is a damn genius cause I have no doubt at this point that Obama was created and groomed for that express purpose.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Explain why you follow a half Jew lesbian with a white girlfriend, who helped create a movement that shits on black people.