Aerial pictures taken of a migrant camp in McAllen, Texas.




*Nix Master
Stop being short sighted this is the same way they used to do us during slavery
I'm not being "short sighted". I have a full plate right now thinking about what I could do to further help black people. I'm Black First. If that's a bad thing then sign me up for the full meal deal and a free tattoo.
Are "immigrants" marching for reparations for my people? I looked in all my pockets, the couch cushions and even under the "fridgerator" and I still can find a fuck to give.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Trust fucking Mexican has ever stood tall with blacks when we suffer injustices. As a matter of fact, they go out of their way to let everyone know that they aren’t black.

What Spanish person ever marched with us in the 50’s, 60’s 70’s in the name of civil rights? Where were they when police sent dogs to maul us, fire departments to douse us with water from high pressure hoses, lynched, etc . They were nowhere... they couldn’t care less about our struggle....BUT.....they will gladly come here and enjoy the benefits of civil rights that ONLY blacks fought and died for. They will come here, get free shit, get civil rights, get all kind of grants and affirmative action considerations thanks to the black struggle. All of this while they quickly refer to you as a god damn ni****.

You’re right... fuck them. I say black first. We have our own issues that we have to address. What the fuck do I care about some clown Mexican for? They put their kids in harms way by trying to sneak them all in here. Then when they are detained, these bleeding heart liberals are suggesting to open the border and let a million niggas in here. FOH! For that, I’ll just pack up my kids, go to China, demand enterence, demand a free license, benefits, child care, etc.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
This stuff has definitely reinforced one of my core beliefs: Humans are trash. Watching so many reasonable ppl pretend this shit is cool has been an eye opening experience. You always catch glimpses of how willing folks are to excuse/condone fascism when they're part of the "in-group" but rarely do you ever see "mask off" moments like this en masse.

As climate change gets worse and as resources get strained I can only imagine this shit will get more and more barbaric. Fun times ahead!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Horrible. I feel bad for them but no empathetic to it. Many choose it-babies aside. I’ve been to a lot of those third world countries and the conditions are horrible. STILL, most have to know this shit is going happen once they get here. Not to mention, they assimilate to Cac, are starting to lean Republican, don’t like blacks and think they are better.


Rising Star
Trust fucking Mexican has ever stood tall with blacks when we suffer injustices. As a matter of fact, they go out of their way to let everyone know that they aren’t black.

What Spanish person ever marched with us in the 50’s, 60’s 70’s in the name of civil rights? Where were they when police sent dogs to maul us, fire departments to douse us with water from high pressure hoses, lynched, etc . They were nowhere... they couldn’t care less about our struggle....BUT.....they will gladly come here and enjoy the benefits of civil rights that ONLY blacks fought and died for. They will come here, get free shit, get civil rights, get all kind of grants and affirmative action considerations thanks to the black struggle. All of this while they quickly refer to you as a god damn ni****.

You’re right... fuck them. I say black first. We have our own issues that we have to address. What the fuck do I care about some clown Mexican for? They put their kids in harms way by trying to sneak them all in here. Then when they are detained, these bleeding heart liberals are suggesting to open the border and let a million niggas in here. FOH! For that, I’ll just pack up my kids, go to China, demand enterence, demand a free license, benefits, child care, etc.

Harsh but you right no one capes for us, when our kids get shot it's nothing but black mom's out there protesting, we gotta move past symbolic gestures and demand fair treatment. These dudes can cape all they want but truthfully most these liberal minded, all lives matter dudes think it's self inflicted. Most these dudes are more Republican minded than they think, just like to front heavy and socialize around poor black folks they really don't care about.

They'll low key blame blacks for their own problems while speaking that racism talk that's popular right now. Mad dudes coming up off talking and doing nothing.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Stop being short sighted this is the same way they used to do us during slavery
I think it’s more shortsighted to compare this to slavery which was involuntary servitude and importation of humans.
These are people fleeing their country voluntarily and they have a choice to return to their country. Instead , they prefer to take their chances to make you pay for their chances with your tax dollars.
I’m an immigrant but I would have returned home if I had not been approved to remain in this country after school.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The 1980-2000 immigrant influx, therefore, generally 'explains' about 20 to 60 percent of the decline in wages, 25 percent of the decline in employment, and about 10 percent of the rise in incarceration rates among blacks with a high school education or less.

Immigration and African-American Employment Opportunities: The Response of Wages, Employment, and Incarceration to Labor Supply Shocks


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Harsh but you right no one capes for us, when our kids get shot it's nothing but black mom's out there protesting, we gotta move past symbolic gestures and demand fair treatment. These dudes can cape all they want but truthfully most these liberal minded, all lives matter dudes think it's self inflicted. Most these dudes are more Republican minded than they think, just like to front heavy and socialize around poor black folks they really don't care about.

They'll low key blame blacks for their own problems while speaking that racism talk that's popular right now. Mad dudes coming up off talking and doing nothing.

We've had this discussion before. Mexico was once a haven for escaped slaves and their government refused to return them to the U.S..

I've also linked recent work by Latinos and here are some other quotes from a similar discussion.

Blacks owned slaves in the US. Do we not help each other because a black person once owned slaves? Mexicans held slaves too, but there was still a time in history later where Mexico became a refuge for slaves, giving freedom to those who crossed their border and refusing to hand them back over to the United States. History is messy, no doubt. We are dealing with the present. Just like we need white allies in the judicial system, and people who will speak up and be a voice and a witness like one of the two women who brought the Starbucks incident to light, we need to join voices with other groups.

When it comes to BLM I've seen every race standing with us. Even in Ferguson it was white folks getting gassed with the locals. Y'all want to give blanket labels to people and groups, but don't like it when it is done to us. It makes no sense. You want to talk about how racist Mexicans are, but y'all don't mind fucking every Mexican/Latina chick y'all can. No one is asking you to have people as guests in your home, but if you don't think allies are necessary you are being very short sighted. Trump is trying to pull legal status from naturalized citizens. There are blacks from other countries who will be affected as well. They are targeting every community, everyone needs to be concerned.

I don't have to. When I'm at rallies with the kids I work with... When they organizing with other teens... When they're planning actions, there are always Latinx , and Asian allies involved.

Don't get me wrong. I def understand your point. We won't get help in Chinatown for the most part. Can't say I recall ever seeing a Black Lives Matter poster in nary a window there. So believe me, I understand. But with that said, I don't think we should be sitting on our hands or turning a blind eye when Mexican.and Central American children are being kidnapped. From a humanity standpoint, an economic stand point (being stored in private facilities and making our enemies richer from the contracts) and from a precedent standpoint

Common sense isn't that common.

If it is in the best interest of white supremacy to keep non-white people from uniting and white supremacy controls the media and thus the narrative.

Why in the fuck would they report any unity?

Wouldn't common sense dictate that all they would report are things to keep disharmony and keep us and them in a state of being adversarial?

Isn't it in the best interest of white supremacy to keep us in a state of us versus them?

And aren't this uninformed folks that would rather sit online listening to false narratives helping white supremacy by repeating and spreading their narrative?

its a damn shame when so many have minds that don\t match their hearts...

they think they are being pro-black but in reality, all they do is carry the white man's water by helping keep the separation.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
The 1980-2000 immigrant influx, therefore, generally 'explains' about 20 to 60 percent of the decline in wages, 25 percent of the decline in employment, and about 10 percent of the rise in incarceration rates among blacks with a high school education or less.

Immigration and African-American Employment Opportunities: The Response of Wages, Employment, and Incarceration to Labor Supply Shocks

I'm not arguing to let them stay. I'm arguing against mistreatment, family separation and the ignoring of long established United States and international law to do so. By all means deport them, but what is being done to them now is morally wrong and, IMO, folks hardening their hearts against this is a bad sign spiritually speaking.

We are setting a precedent to be used against us later and no one is wanting to do the majority of the jobs they come here for, which is why prisons are now leasing convicts to replace them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not arguing to let them stay. I'm arguing against mistreatment, family separation and the ignoring of long established United States and international law to do so. By all means deport them, but what is being done to them now is morally wrong and, IMO, folks hardening their hearts against this is a bad sign spiritually speaking.

We are setting a precedent to be used against us later and no one is wanting to do the majority of the jobs they come here for, which is why prisons are now leasing convicts to replace them.

OK, this I agree with one hundred percent. Central America is fucked in large part because our government helped to destabilize it. MS-13 started in LA and didn't even exist in Central America until we deported them there in the 90s. All I am asking for is some consistency on the part of Latinos. Like I keep saying, we shouldn't be more outraged about Trump and his policies than they are. Latinos should be leading this, not us.

Nobody wants to do those jobs because while your average cac hated Mexicans coming here, business cacs love cheap labor and did everything they could to get more of them here.
Those same factories paying pennies to people illegally here previously paid lower middle class wages/benefits to primarily black workers. Also keep in mind, the daily minimum wage in Mexico just went up to $5.10. Someone coming here from Mexico or Central America could make more in a year than they could in a decade back home.


Rising Star
Another thing tucked away in American History is the "Devil's punchbowl" Natchez, Mississippi.....Its very hard to find info on the web about it.

20,000 Free Blacks were funneled into this concentration camp and were exposed to the worst living conditions one can imagine (diseases, starvation, etc.)

History has always made concentration camps to be synonymous with the atrocities of Nazi Germany. But, America has its own dirty secrets about the use of concentration camps. These camps were located in Natchez, Mississippi and were used to corral freed slaves during and after the American Civil War. As slaves were being emancipated from the plantations, their route to freedom usually took them in the vicinity of the Union army forces. Unhappy with the slaves being freed, the army began recapturing the slaves and forced the men back into hard labor camps. The most notorious of the several concentration camps that were established was located in Natchez, MS.

As the slaves made their way to freedom, the town of Natchez went from a population of 10,000 to 120,000 people almost overnight. In order to deal with the population influx of recently freed slaves, a concentration camp was established to essentially eradicate the slaves. The men were recaptured by the Union troops and forced back into hard labor. The women and children were locked behind the concrete walls of the camp and left to die from starvation. Many also died from the smallpox disease. In total, over 20,000 freed slaves were killed in one year, inside of this American concentration camp.
