Aerial pictures taken of a migrant camp in McAllen, Texas.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
To all of the we're next and the they came for them and they will come for us next crowd.....guess what? When have they ever stopped coming for us? We've been in a low level war since the end of slavery. Literally. Sometimes it's escalated into all out skirmishes and isolated battles but don't fool yourselves with this we're next and they will come for us next bullshit rhetoric. They never stopped coming. Where are all of those allies in the foxholes with us?

Don't give me that bullshit about the Mexican government allowing runaway slaves to stay in Mexico. They only did that to try and destabilize the same country that was stealing land from them. It was a political ploy. They could give a fuck about a fucking runaway African when they themselves just now are voting to recognize Afromexicans in their own constitution this year. Literally Afromexicans have no rights or access to government resources and its been that way even when they where allowing runaway Africans to stay. So what rights did those runaway Africans have in Mexico?


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
They did us worse in slavery...

Show me a pregnant Mexican woman with her stomach slit open, only to have the innocent child stomped to death.

I'll be the first to say the immigrants are getting done dirty right now, but the shit in Mcallen, TX aint got nothing on slavery
That had to happen after the freedom of slaves.

It don’t make economic sense to kill 2 of your slaves.

Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
Yeah, it's definitely fucked up...

Sidethought/note:. You think these migrants held in these camps will get reparations for their treatment? Before ADOS?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
To all of the we're next and the they came for them and they will come for us next crowd.....guess what? When have they ever stopped coming for us? We've been in a low level war since the end of slavery. Literally. Sometimes it's escalated into all out skirmishes and isolated battles but don't fool yourselves with this we're next and they will come for us next bullshit rhetoric. They never stopped coming. Where are all of those allies in the foxholes with us?

Don't give me that bullshit about the Mexican government allowing runaway slaves to stay in Mexico. They only did that to try and destabilize the same country that was stealing land from them. It was a political ploy. They could give a fuck about a fucking runaway African when they themselves just now are voting to recognize Afromexicans in their own constitution this year. Literally Afromexicans have no rights or access to government resources and its been that way even when they where allowing runaway Africans to stay. So what rights did those runaway Africans have in Mexico?

The opted to go there instead of stay here and unless the Mexican government enslaved them they were better off.

What's the solution tho? Right now we (the United States) are making future terrorists with these actions.


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
Keep telling people Trump gon' act a fool if he get a 2nd term...white trailer park cacs will get reparations before ADOS :lol: :smh:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
We've survived the laat one and the one before than and the one before...

Some survived. Many didn't. There was damage to our community that we still haven't recovered from.

This is also a WS talking point that slavery wasn't so bad, that black folks survived. That regardless of how bad the situation is, black folks are used to it, so it's ok to treat us like shit. It's similar to the strong black woman trope that I hate so much, that just because someone can survive and make a dollar out of 15 cents that struggle should be the norm and that it's ok to put us in sub par circumstances and actively work to prevent us from rising above them. It's just another way to dehumanize and other us, to imply that we don't feel pain, and relieve white folks of the responsibility for the consequences of their actions toward us because in their minds one doesn't need to have compassion or decency toward us because to be in despair and living below white folks is our natural state. It was ok to rip our kids away because a black woman couldn't feel a mother's love or pain, no more than a dog when her litter is divided up. It's ok to shoot our kids for the same reason.

Then we see the stress killing black men and women, the emotional issues that lead to over eating, drinking, drugs and other destructive ways to cope leading to other health problems and somehow don't see the correlation.

Yeah we CAN survive, but survival mode shouldn't be a chronic state.

Joy DeGruy told y'all already. PTSS.

They equate our people to animals for a reason. You don't need concern for simple minded or dangerous beasts. Trump has been doing this successfully with immigrants, but it's just right outside our circle. I expect white folks to accept this mindset, I expect better of us when our ancestors and communities have been and still are subject to it and we know better.

We have folks on this board who want reparations. With black folks making up 13% of the population, how does this happen without the support of non blacks? Should they tell us what y'all say to others - hold your own nuts? What's the point then? It's all talk because it won't lead to anything if others have y'alls same attitude.

Y'all want to burn everything down like we won't also be on the receiving end of burns and smoke damage.


Rising Star
this shit is mind boggling how there just housing these migrants with no plan on what to do with them...that shit dont make no sense...

They’re temporarily housed, sorted, and then sent home. Those who meet legal asylum status are transferred.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm not arguing to let them stay. I'm arguing against mistreatment, family separation and the ignoring of long established United States and international law to do so. By all means deport them, but what is being done to them now is morally wrong and, IMO, folks hardening their hearts against this is a bad sign spiritually speaking.

We are setting a precedent to be used against us later and no one is wanting to do the majority of the jobs they come here for, which is why prisons are now leasing convicts to replace them.
Camille don't be afraid, you can want them to stay. Shit everybody in this bitch is an immigrant, what's the problem with a few more. They had no problem letting the Irish in this bitch during the 1840s or the Italian and other lessor whites in during the early part of the 20th century. So fuck them. Why cry now. Let our brown brother in because the need the same help as those none WASP Europeans. Also, for those that say the brown brothers didn't help fight against black oppression then you need to read Peniel Joseph, and William L. Vandeburg. Their works discusses black nationalism, and revolutionary causes during the BP movement. Man, you dudes need to pick up a book.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
If your legally seeking asylum you will be sent here. Your ignorance on the matter is typical of a MAGA sycophant.

Obama had a plan with ankle monitoring where 90%+ people released showed back up for court even if they were going to be deported. Trumps WH stopped it and decided to hold people. They wouldn't let people in at border crossings, making them sit there for weeks, and even tho the law says if someone crosses at a non entry point and presents themselves for asylum they can apply, and they have criminalized this and are still snatching kids


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

What does that have to do with who I really care about: black people?

If we had an "us first, always" mentality, we'll be in a much better place in this country. Niggas waiting and forever waiting for people to act on better angels.

How many more hundreds of years will it take blacks in the country to realize that shit ain't happening?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Camille don't be afraid, you can want them to stay. Shit everybody in this bitch is an immigrant, what's the problem with a few more. They had no problem letting the Irish in this bitch during the 1840s or the Italian and other lessor whites in during the early part of the 20th century. So fuck them. Why cry now. Let our brown brother in because the need the same help as those none WASP Europeans. Also, for those that say the brown brothers didn't help fight against black oppression then you need to read Peniel Joseph, and William L. Vandeburg. Their works discusses black nationalism, and revolutionary causes during the BP movement. Man, you dudes need to pick up a book.

Thanks for the references.

I don't care if they stay here or not and although I'm ok with undocumented folks being allowed to get drivers licenses, purchase (not get for free) health insurance and car insurance, because that contains the costs for the rest of us and protects us in the case of an accident, I think certain benefits are for citizens only.

I take issue with the treatment. We have enough damaged people in this country, we don't need more. All these years we've heard about national sin regarding abortion and homosexuality, but I don't believe we get repercussions for allowing what God allows - free will.

There are specific scriptures that deal with repercussions for the mistreatment of foreigners and the poor. In the past, we have always had good overcome evil and at least move us in the right direction, if at a snail's pace.

What I am observing is every culture and race being tested on different fronts, hearts becoming hard, Christians being deceived. When God makes or allows folks to become blind and hardens their hearts, it's usually because he is about to take the nation out. I know we don't have a lot of folks around here who believe in "white Jesus" but I'm worried. I see all these pieces falling into place.

Trump is the opposite of every fruit of the Spirit and the embodiment of all the deadly sins and abominations. The only one we can't prove is murder, but he says he can do it and not lose a vote, and I believe him. Yet we have Christians embracing him en masse. We have always had people who have given lip service to the faith, but this wide spread deception is leaving me troubled. It's darker than the run of the mill hypocrisy.

We also aren't the only nation struggling with white nationalism. Too much is happening all at once. Everyone is being tested and we are failing the tests. Black folks are normally pragmatic and not easily deceived. Now we have folk parroting Russian talking points and believing in a flat earth. I've never seen anything like what's going on everywhere, and I've seen a lot of nonsense in my lifetime.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
If we had an "us first, always" mentality, we'll be in a much better place in this country. Niggas waiting and forever waiting for people to act on better angels.

How many more hundreds of years will it take blacks in the country to realize that shit ain't happening?

There is nothing wrong with us FIRST, but the folks are advocating us ONLY even when what happens to others will trickle down to us. Standing against mistreatment and requiring this country to follow the law benefits everyone.

You always take care of home first. I'm not asking folks to march or adopt an immigrant, I'm just asking that folks vote to keep the abusers out of power. They need someone they can be excited about. They sound like a bunch of Jr Highschool girls.

The time to vet your candidate is in the primaries that are going on now, but once a winner emerges and it's down to them and Trump, it's stupid to sit out and let Trump win as tho he won't be more dangerous than any flaw a dem candidate has.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All I am asking for is some consistency on the part of Latinos. Like I keep saying, we shouldn't be more outraged about Trump and his policies than they are. Latinos should be leading this, not us.

That's all well and good my friend, but I just hate seeing kids suffering. I can focus on more than one thing at a time, so while I'm concerned with black community issues, I can also acknowledge that this border shit is fucked up.


*Nix Master
Some survived. Many didn't. There was damage to our community that we still haven't recovered from.

This is also a WS talking point that slavery wasn't so bad, that black folks survived. That regardless of how bad the situation is, black folks are used to it, so it's ok to treat us like shit. It's similar to the strong black woman trope that I hate so much, that just because someone can survive and make a dollar out of 15 cents that struggle should be the norm and that it's ok to put us in sub par circumstances and actively work to prevent us from rising above them. It's just another way to dehumanize and other us, to imply that we don't feel pain, and relieve white folks of the responsibility for the consequences of their actions toward us because in their minds one doesn't need to have compassion or decency toward us because to be in despair and living below white folks is our natural state. It was ok to rip our kids away because a black woman couldn't feel a mother's love or pain, no more than a dog when her litter is divided up. It's ok to shoot our kids for the same reason.

Then we see the stress killing black men and women, the emotional issues that lead to over eating, drinking, drugs and other destructive ways to cope leading to other health problems and somehow don't see the correlation.

Yeah we CAN survive, but survival mode shouldn't be a chronic state.

Joy DeGruy told y'all already. PTSS.

They equate our people to animals for a reason. You don't need concern for simple minded or dangerous beasts. Trump has been doing this successfully with immigrants, but it's just right outside our circle. I expect white folks to accept this mindset, I expect better of us when our ancestors and communities have been and still are subject to it and we know better.

We have folks on this board who want reparations. With black folks making up 13% of the population, how does this happen without the support of non blacks? Should they tell us what y'all say to others - hold your own nuts? What's the point then? It's all talk because it won't lead to anything if others have y'alls same attitude.

Y'all want to burn everything down like we won't also be on the receiving end of burns and smoke damage.
You can call it WS if you want, but what you can't do, is tell me what I mean when I say something.
I applaud my strong black ancestors, insomuch as we are still here, attesting to our resilience, ingenuity and power.

This is a good article


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
If your legally seeking asylum you will be sent here. Your ignorance on the matter is typical of a MAGA sycophant.

Obama had a plan with ankle monitoring where 90%+ people released showed back up for court even if they were going to be deported. Trumps WH stopped it and decided to hold people. They wouldn't let people in at border crossings, making them sit there for weeks, and even tho the law says if someone crosses at a non entry point and presents themselves for asylum they can apply, and they have criminalized this and are still snatching kids

The geniuses making excuses for this stuff have no idea what they're talking about. Just a bunch of lemmings/followers with no moral center.

Not only are asylum seekers being detained in terrible conditions they are being separated from their children (in a bizarre and cruel "zero tolerance" expansion of a previous policy). There are literally 4 month old babies being held in detention centers separate from their mothers. For what amounts to a Class A Misdemeanor. Thats evil and retarded. They are also losing track of children and often unable to reconnect these families. I'll never forget reading a Homeland report which claimed they lost track of"1488" migrant children. This is white nationalist dog whistling if you're not familiar with the significance of the number. Could have been some troll staffer and I normally abhor these kinds of conspiracy theories but the bizarre cruelty of these policies and the fact that Stephen Miller (a dude with known connections to White Nationalist leaders) is a key architect of this stuff is enough for me. Regardless though... this shit is all pretty amazing. Humans are trash. Assuming shit doesn't get worse for the whole country everyone will just pretend they were against this in 25 years.
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BGOL Patreon Investor
Some survived. Many didn't. There was damage to our community that we still haven't recovered from.

This is also a WS talking point that slavery wasn't so bad, that black folks survived. That regardless of how bad the situation is, black folks are used to it, so it's ok to treat us like shit. It's similar to the strong black woman trope that I hate so much, that just because someone can survive and make a dollar out of 15 cents that struggle should be the norm and that it's ok to put us in sub par circumstances and actively work to prevent us from rising above them. It's just another way to dehumanize and other us, to imply that we don't feel pain, and relieve white folks of the responsibility for the consequences of their actions toward us because in their minds one doesn't need to have compassion or decency toward us because to be in despair and living below white folks is our natural state. It was ok to rip our kids away because a black woman couldn't feel a mother's love or pain, no more than a dog when her litter is divided up. It's ok to shoot our kids for the same reason.

Then we see the stress killing black men and women, the emotional issues that lead to over eating, drinking, drugs and other destructive ways to cope leading to other health problems and somehow don't see the correlation.

Yeah we CAN survive, but survival mode shouldn't be a chronic state.

Joy DeGruy told y'all already. PTSS.

They equate our people to animals for a reason. You don't need concern for simple minded or dangerous beasts. Trump has been doing this successfully with immigrants, but it's just right outside our circle. I expect white folks to accept this mindset, I expect better of us when our ancestors and communities have been and still are subject to it and we know better.

We have folks on this board who want reparations. With black folks making up 13% of the population, how does this happen without the support of non blacks? Should they tell us what y'all say to others - hold your own nuts? What's the point then? It's all talk because it won't lead to anything if others have y'alls same attitude.

Y'all want to burn everything down like we won't also be on the receiving end of burns and smoke damage.
Beautifully stated, Camille (as expected).
I wonder sometimes if some of the "hold your own nuts" crowd were abandoned by their fathers...If maybe that's why they consistently parrot the twisted ahistorical, amoral views of YouTube personalities. The way they quote these frauds who have zero record of providing any neighborhood resources, participating in any organized protest, generating any candidates or joining (and refraining from attacking) any other groups out here actually fighting for our liberation - is disheartening and pathetic. It's as if these YouTube personalities have become substitute father figures for lazy negroes. They are especially dangerous because they run their fucking mouths nonstop, quietly collect their constituents' money, but are quick to lie and say, "I'm not a leader" to absolve themselves of the responsibility and consequence of their words. They're worse than televangelists. They ARE televangelists. "God wants you to be prosperous.The more you send me seed money, the more it will come back to you!". And then on the other side, "Sign up for my Black Wealth Bootcamp. The little money you invest in that is small compared to the wealth you'll achieve!"

It's the same damn thing! One misuses God and the Bible to empty people's pockets with slick talk and pipe dreams of personal wealth. The other misuses Black identity and Black frustration with the realities of white supremacy to empty people's pockets with slick talk and pipe dreams of personal wealth, enlightenment and imaginary academies for boys.

There is clearly a disconnect when it comes to the idea of what it is that constitutes manhood and leadership. If you have children, you house them, love them, nurture them, give them your time, guide them in taking their first steps, teach them, feed them, clothe them, get them schooling, provide for them, encourage them and celebrate them.Deadbeats distance themselves from parenthood and their kids. They might think about their kid sometimes, maybe brags about them to friends. They keep and spend their ends on themselves and maybe occasionally will pay a visit to their seeds. They miss the notion that love is an action word and they miss the reality that leadership is sacrificial and is active, not passive.

YouTube charlatans are deadbeat parents. They snow their followers into the fantasy that talking conscious, repeating what the charlatans say and criticizing those who are actually active in trying to change the system constitutes being conscious.

When I was a child, I was blessed to have literate parents who were active in the movement toward Black liberation. Their bookcases stayed full and replenished and both of my parents made sure that my bookcases were full and updated too and that a love for reading was nurtured in me. I learned through their life examples that we each have a personal responsibility to be active in securing our liberation and we each have the responsibility of defending and protecting the freedoms that we collectively are able to secure. I also learned what it is to be a Good Samaritan. I later learned how that ties into the concept of Ubuntu.

I wish that everyone could have had my parents. Knowing that's not possible, I feel a responsibility to pass on to others what was given to me by them.

As a young person, my generation was told, "If you have a question that we can't answer, call the library." I remember doing that. I remember standing for hours in the African bookstore, reading. Going to the library and walking out with a stack of books and incurring late

Today, all of us are walking around with hand held computers in the form of smart phones but so many seem to lack questions or the wherewithall to use these computers to educate themselves, learn history, download books and develop a worldview based on the knowledge they acquire through personal study (and through service). The library is in everybody's pockets. One doesn't necessarily even have to go to a physical location (although I recommend it). Instead of using their pocket computers to become knowledgeable and personally develop, folks are skipping the process entirely and instead allowing others to think for them.

In 1854, in 'Walden', Henry David Thoreau wrote:

"Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind."

Truer words never spoken.
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Rising Star
If your legally seeking asylum you will be sent here. Your ignorance on the matter is typical of a MAGA sycophant.

And YOUR ignorance is the blind sweeping assumption that they ALL come here seeking legal asylum, or have a meritous case to make an asylum claim, or take measure to gain citizenry.

Typical “sycophant” liberal mindset. If it’s true for one, then it must be true for all. :smh:


Rising Star
. For what amounts to a Class A Misdemeanor. Thats evil and retarded.

You’re quite frankly deluded if you think illegally entering another country is a Class A misdemeanor. :smh:

Forgive me for not be a bleeding heart, but we did send ample and significant warning not to come to America or else they would be detained and separated.

This wasn’t some snap decision made without advanced notice to all parties. We even petitioned their governments to reinforce the message. They didn’t - they thought it was a bluff.

They were wrong.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
You’re quite frankly deluded if you think illegally entering another country is a Class A misdemeanor. :smh:

Forgive me for not be a bleeding heart, but we did send ample and significant warning not to come to America or else they would be detained and separated.

This wasn’t some snap decision made without advanced notice to all parties. We even petitioned their governments to reinforce the message. They didn’t - they thought it was a bluff.

They were wrong.

Lol @ acting like most of these folks aren't obviously taking this path out of sheer necessity. Anyways, it doesn't matter what you think about it... illegal entry is a misdemeanor offense for first time crossers and seeking asylum isnt a crime at all at ports of entry. Also there's a difference between being a "bleeding heart" and a heartless goon who excuses unnecessary child separations/detention (infants and toddlers too?). Shit is retarded. You can keep clicking and clacking on that keyboard but it won't change a thing. 20 years from now you'll just pretend that you were against it all along. Just like all those countless anonymous smiling CACs in black and white Civil Rights era photos :lol:


BGOL Patreon Investor
You’re quite frankly deluded if you think illegally entering another country is a Class A misdemeanor. :smh:

Forgive me for not be a bleeding heart, but we did send ample and significant warning not to come to America or else they would be detained and separated.

This wasn’t some snap decision made without advanced notice to all parties. We even petitioned their governments to reinforce the message. They didn’t - they thought it was a bluff.

They were wrong.
"We?" Wow. :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And YOUR ignorance is the blind sweeping assumption that they ALL come here seeking legal asylum, or have a meritous case to make an asylum claim, or take measure to gain citizenry.

Typical “sycophant” liberal mindset. If it’s true for one, then it must be true for all. :smh:
Never said they were all legal.