Aerial pictures taken of a migrant camp in McAllen, Texas.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And YOUR ignorance is the blind sweeping assumption that they ALL come here seeking legal asylum, or have a meritous case to make an asylum claim, or take measure to gain citizenry.

Typical “sycophant” liberal mindset. If it’s true for one, then it must be true for all. :smh:
But you did make a general sweeping statement. So your basically describing your self perfectly in your post:lol:


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
The opted to go there instead of stay here and unless the Mexican government enslaved them they were better off.

What's the solution tho? Right now we (the United States) are making future terrorists with these actions.
They still got mistreated but to a lesser degree. They still had no rights and was not recognized as citizens. Whatever a natural citizen wanted to do to them was deemed lawful just like here. When you have no rights as a citizen you have no protection. Period.

As far as making them terrorists what difference does it make? We have homegrown terrorists. As someone already stated they walked into this mess. No one forced them to come here. They literally passed through several other countries that they could have stayed in or gone back to once they found out they couldn't get in or found out the conditions they would face. Countries that offered them the right to stay but they refused.


Rising Star
This stuff has definitely reinforced one of my core beliefs: Humans are trash. Watching so many reasonable ppl pretend this shit is cool has been an eye opening experience. You always catch glimpses of how willing folks are to excuse/condone fascism when they're part of the "in-group" but rarely do you ever see "mask off" moments like this en masse.

As climate change gets worse and as resources get strained I can only imagine this shit will get more and more barbaric. Fun times ahead!
I personally don't think it's cool - it's egregious, horrifying and appalling but so are things going on with black communities and truthfully this a small scale in comparison with the number of our people suffering everyday its just spread out over the whole nation. The concentration of bodies makes the migrant optics more sensational. Gather up all the black folks suffering into one place and lets see which situation looks worse.

I'll root for them but no way am I putting their problems ahead of our own. We've been doing that for 40 years. We need to hold our OWN nuts, not even about them.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I personally don't think it's cool - it's egregious, horrifying and appalling but so are things going on with black communities and truthfully this a small scale in comparison with the number of our people suffering everyday its just spread out over the whole nation. The concentration of bodies makes the migrant optics more sensational. Gather up all the black folks suffering into one place and lets see which situation looks worse.

I'll root for them but no way am I putting their problems ahead of our own. We've been doing that for 40 years. We need to hold our OWN nuts, not even about them.
Who asked you to put there problems ahead of ours? I think people say this to justify what’s happening.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I personally don't think it's cool - it's egregious, horrifying and appalling but so are things going on with black communities and truthfully this a small scale in comparison with the number of our people suffering everyday its just spread out over the whole nation. The concentration of bodies makes the migrant optics more sensational. Gather up all the black folks suffering into one place and lets see which situation looks worse.

I'll root for them but no way am I putting their problems ahead of our own. We've been doing that for 40 years. We need to hold our OWN nuts, not even about them.

It's not a zero sum game though fam. It's not like we can either be for us or for them (or in the case of some here - act like this is all just fine). There's no doubt our community has been subject to worst and on a much longer timeline but there's just no reason to dissemble about this stuff or fail to call it out for what it is.

I also think it's bad news for us as well ultimately as I've argued elsewhere but I'm gonna take a break from these threads. Tired of BGOL's hot takes on this issue lol (not you just generally) :lol:


Rising Star
Who asked you to put there problems ahead of ours? I think people say this to justify what’s happening.
Thats more than a bit of a stretch. I dont want to see any group of innocents suffering but when it comes to recompense I'm going to need some pork barrel style add ons for America's bastardized black folks if we are serving any to migrant populations. If its not either/or then play it that way LEGIT, no more doublespeak. If wait and see is good for the goose it's good for the gander.


Rising Star
It's not a zero sum game though fam. It's not like we can either be for us or for them (or in the case of some here - act like this is all just fine). There's no doubt our community has been subject to worst and on a much longer timeline but there's just no reason to dissemble about this stuff or fail to call it out for what it is.

I also think it's bad news for us as well ultimately as I've argued elsewhere but I'm gonna take a break from these threads. Tired of BGOL's hot takes on this issue lol (not you just generally) :lol:
I respect your opinion brother sharkbait so we may not agree point for point but its all in good faith and I think we are eyeing the same endgame scenario. A fair shake is all anyone can rightfully ask of society, if society's purpose is shared human endeavor. Otherwise, let's go back to tribal warfare and lets say to hell with the civics


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I respect your opinion brother sharkbait so we may not agree point for point but its all in good faith and I think we are eyeing the same endgame scenario. A fair shake is all anyone can rightfully ask of society, if society's purpose is shared human endeavor. Otherwise, let's go back to tribal warfare and lets say to hell with the civics

Respect brethren :cool:


*Nix Master
I’m always shocked when the most persecuted of people defend white people persecuting another non white group of people. It’s beyond baffling to me.
Or maybe we don't like illegal border ceossing because it negatively impacts blacks. Which is more plausible?
That was rhetorical...
Your narrative seeks to describe and action or a thought without my motive. Don't you think my motive play an important part in my thought and speech?
It's been studied and confirmed by the US Government that illegals are bad for black people. Therefore I am against illegal immigration. Easy!


Rising Star
Lol @ acting like most of these folks aren't obviously taking this path out of sheer necessity.
Imagine if they put that same effort into resolving and fixing their own country instead of trying to jump several steps from the Corolla to the Benz.

Anyways, it doesn't matter what you think about it... illegal entry is a misdemeanor offense for first time crossers
8 US Code §1325 holds penalties in line with a low grade felony and allows imprisonment up to 6 months on the 1st offense and 2 years thereafter prior to deportation.

and seeking asylum isnt a crime at all at ports of entry.

Asylum is a catch all word. It’s like running to and touching the tree and yelling “safe” when playing hide and go seek. Ultimately the investigator determines the validity of the claim. If it’s not found to have merit, well, they entered illegally.

Also there's a difference between being a "bleeding heart" and a heartless goon who excuses unnecessary child separations/detention (infants and toddlers too?). Shit is retarded.

Did you see me write that I agree with the policy? All I said is that they were given volumous ans ample forewarning.

If some duncsky takes their kids swimming in the pond with gates, barbed wire, and walls with signs that read “Toxic Hazard: DO NOT SWIM HERE.” and they all die a month later - how am I supposed to feel?

countless anonymous smiling CACs in black and white Civil Rights era photos :lol:
I won’t even begin to dignify your nonsense by making a comparison between what they are doing with the civil rights movement.

That’s pathetic on several levels. #NotYourMule


Rising Star
Never said they were all legal.
Your pointed response and barb gave no consideration to the majority of illegals who enter without claiming asylum. Asylum seekers are the MINORITY.
Moreover claiming aslyum doesn’t make your entry legal. It merely puts your status into a queue to be reviewed examiners. If no merit is found, the individual’s claim is rejected and they are sent back.


BGOL Patreon Investor
You’re quite frankly deluded if you think illegally entering another country is a Class A misdemeanor. :smh:

Forgive me for not be a bleeding heart, but we did send ample and significant warning not to come to America or else they would be detained and separated.

This wasn’t some snap decision made without advanced notice to all parties. We even petitioned their governments to reinforce the message. They didn’t - they thought it was a bluff.

They were wrong.

Are you not an American citizen. If so, whether you like it or not, whether you agreed with the policy decision or not, you are part of the “we”.

Wow. Huh?
I didn't send any "ample and significant warning..." nor petition anyone's government. and neither did you. Those who arrive are getting put in concentration camps and families intentionally separated, neglected, and tortured as a deterrent to immigrating to this country. If you choose to identify with the white supremacist actions of Trump's administration, I can't stop you.

I don't identify with it at all.


Rising Star
I didn't send any "ample and significant warning..." nor petition anyone's government. and neither did you.
Are you a US citizen?
If you did, then your government did.
Guess who gives a government power and legitimacy in a republic?
It’s citizens. So again, whether you agree with the policy or not, the “we” is you.

When a terrorist is blowing up a bomb in a plane or an ISIS wackjob is slicing through your neck, what, you think you’re going to say “But I didn’t vote for this war or to be an American”
is suddenly going to change the parameters?

Those who arrive are getting put in concentration camps

PAUSE! I don’t see forced labor, gas chambers, ovens or human experiments. Nor is this a genocide of citizens.

Stop being intellectually dishonest, facetious and embellishing or you can end the discussion with me here and now.

When you start using loaded and charged language such as that, we are done.


Rising Star
Damn heist is crazy
There are at least 15 other Spanish speaking countries in Central and South America.
Make it happen.
If/when the democrats make this their #1 issue they're going to lose in an embarrassing fashion.

They are a ship without a navigator or a captain. One would think after 4 years they would get it together and have a unified front and message - but nope. They’re fractured even more than they were in 2016. It’s emabsrassing ..


Rising Star
There are at least 15 other Spanish speaking countries in Central and South America.
Make it happen.

They are a ship without a navigator or a captain. One would think after 4 years they would get it together and have a unified front and message - but nope. They’re fractured even more than they were in 2016. It’s emabsrassing ..

They're done because people are beginning to see it more clearly now.

remember how them Cubans voted for DeSantis almost 40% when the Dems pushed that daca and immigrant freedom crap? they gonna get that worse this time around, they lose 15% of the black vote, they have done for a while and Trump will make major moves in the next 4 years to push America to the right.


Rising Star
OG Investor
They are a ship without a navigator or a captain. One would think after 4 years they would get it together and have a unified front and message - but nope. They’re fractured even more than they were in 2016. It’s emabsrassing ..

Doing stupid shit like this they deserve to get owned by that asshole trump come election time.



Rising Star
Stop being short sighted this is the same way they used to do us during slavery
Black people were not trying to come into the country illegally or at all. However, Black people who have been wrongly convicted are being subjected to conditions much worse than these.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The one thing President Obama, and President Trump agree on. Congress is fucking up this immigration shit.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Are you a US citizen?
If you did, then your government did.
Guess who gives a government power and legitimacy in a republic?
It’s citizens.
So again, whether you agree with the policy or not, the “we” is you.

When a terrorist is blowing up a bomb in a plane or an ISIS wackjob is slicing through your neck, what, you think you’re going to say “But I didn’t vote for this war or to be an American”
is suddenly going to change the parameters?
What are you talking about? You've been sounding like a Trump sycophant throughout this thread. Are you Black? Trump didn't win shit. He was cheated in -from various sides, internationally and domestically.

I and any other citizens who voted against him don't represent him and his ideals at all. What's wrong with you, talking like to be a U.S. citizen, we need to fall lock step in with the leadership's policies? The WE you describe is YOU agreeing with Trump and his merry band of white supremacists who give less of a shit about you than they do Central American immigrants.

PAUSE! I don’t see forced labor, gas chambers, ovens or human experiments. Nor is this a genocide of citizens.

Stop being intellectually dishonest, facetious and embellishing or you can end the discussion with me here and now.

When you start using loaded and charged language such as that, we are done.
I wish that when people like you come into here trying to make a strong point, that it was bolstered by more than a surface knowledge of history.
You are using an extremely narrow definition of concentration camp - the Nazi Germany example. Nazi Germany was not the first nor the last concentration camp.

Merriam-Webster defines “concentration camp” as:
“a place where large numbers of people (such as prisoners of war, political prisoners, refugees, or the members of an ethnic or religious minority) are detained or confined under armed guard." says
"a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution..."

This is what these immigrants are experiencing in these camps under the Trump Administration. His agenda was to have them treated so badly that it would deter others from wanting to come here. That in itself is psychopathic, but also it was a failed plan. They're still coming.

You are the one being intellectually dishonest and embellishing. If you want to bow out go ahead. No one's stopping you.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't believe so. If I were judging by the replies in this thread, I would sadly agree. Most black people are not pushovers.
explain why George Zimmerman is still alive then? we will go to war against our own for killing another brother but white boys murder our children and we turn the other cheek


*Nix Master
explain why George Zimmerman is still alive then? we will go to war against our own for killing another brother but white boys murder our children and we turn the other cheek
George Zimmerman is still alive because YOU haven't killed him. I'm not saying that you should kill him, I'm making a point about your lack of action.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Imagine if they put that same effort into resolving and fixing their own country instead of trying to jump several steps from the Corolla to the Benz.

8 US Code §1325 holds penalties in line with a low grade felony and allows imprisonment up to 6 months on the 1st offense and 2 years thereafter prior to deportation.

Asylum is a catch all word. It’s like running to and touching the tree and yelling “safe” when playing hide and go seek. Ultimately the investigator determines the validity of the claim. If it’s not found to have merit, well, they entered illegally.

Did you see me write that I agree with the policy? All I said is that they were given volumous ans ample forewarning.

If some duncsky takes their kids swimming in the pond with gates, barbed wire, and walls with signs that read “Toxic Hazard: DO NOT SWIM HERE.” and they all die a month later - how am I supposed to feel?

I won’t even begin to dignify your nonsense by making a comparison between what they are doing with the civil rights movement.

That’s pathetic on several levels. #NotYourMule

You've become a pedantic bore man and your hot takes are honestly about as interesting as reading some random MAGA Facebook page run by CAC boomers. Can you at least spend a few minutes cobbling together a more interesting/nuanced POV before typing for fucks sake?

As usual you're speaking with strong authority about stuff you don't know much about. Illegal crossing for first time offenders is a misdemeanor, it's actually a point of contention in this election cycle.

Platitudes aside ("fix your own country!"), your sneering condescension ignores that these folks aren't making this dangerous trek unless they're forced to and whatever feelings you have about them there's no reason to excuse the separation of infants and toddlers from their parents to "send a message". Nor does it make sense to be a pedant about the term "concentration camp" when that's exactly what they are. Folks like you believe that theres some clear line between fascism/not fascism when in reality fascism's not like things can't get worse (as they certainly will thanks to blind apologism and uncritical support).

Finally, I can agree that the Civil Rights analogy was probably a poor one (Japanese internment would've been better) but the point remains the same... most of you who are making excuses for this shit and minimizing the unnecessary cruelty will just pretend you were against it in 25 years assuming we don't continue this slide into dystopia... it's predictable af lol.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's a shame.
That in 2019, some folks on BGOL are willing to turn a blind eye to the suffering and maltreatment of others in the name of "Black Power". :smh:

Meanwhile, THIS motherfucker here is laughing at all of you because he knows he's using this issue to keep Black & Brown people marginalized, divided and fighting against each other.

(Wake up people....)


Rising Star
What are you talking about? You've been sounding like a Trump sycophant throughout this thread. Are you Black? Trump didn't win shit. He was cheated in -from various sides, internationally and domestically.

Sir, get off your pious pedestal. You write as if Hillary didn’t flagrantly cheat or have foreign assistance both hard assets and soft.

• Did you forget the slush fund for disguising international campaign contributions that was the Clinton Global Initiative?

• Or how she was exposed by Donna Brazile for running the entire DNC by proxy, with all its resources focused on her campaign leading to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s resignation.

• Or how she laid claim to the DNC’s treasury and redirected the campaign funds for state and local Democratic elections into her Federal campaign, in direct violation of federal campaign finance law.

• Or how she contracted Chris Steele, a foreign intelligence officer from MI-5 (aka a British Spy) to spy on Trump and ferret information to her campaign.

• Or used her connections in the CIA and other national resources in the government to target a political opponent, resources which are supposed to be non-Partisan and never deployed to target a political opponent.

So please - stop this angelic, holier than thou nonsense.
Trump won the election because he focused on winning the Electoral College.
That’s the only election that matters in so much as being nominated President. Period.

Perhaps if the Democrats didn’t act arrogant and ignore the flyover and smaller rural states, they would have won.

I and any other citizens who voted against him don't represent him and his ideals at all. What's wrong with you, talking like to be a U.S. citizen, we need to fall lock step in with the leadership's policies?

Here’s how this works. You can not vote for a President. You can disagree with a President and their policies, but the fact is you, as a citizen, live in and with their choices.

So if I say “we” [the government] gave them ample warning, that’s what I mean. The collective body not the individual. I’m sure you didn’t get on the horn and tell El Salvadorans not to come, nor did I.

You are using an extremely narrow definition of concentration camp - the Nazi Germany example. Nazi Germany was not the first nor the last concentration camp.

Merriam-Webster defines “concentration camp” as:

If only you would be intellectually honest. If only.
Show me any time in history where the Noun “concentration camp” was applied to a facility that DID NOT involve forced labor or mass execution.

China, N. Korea, Ottomans, Cambodia, etc. I can show 10-12 examples of Concentration Camps had all the same attributes commonly associated with the Nazis.
I doubt you can find one that that doesn’t.
Unless of course you want to ram your mischaracterization of a detainment center as a concentration camp.

You know, the “concentration camp” where illegal aliens are given hot meals, shampoo, TV, soccer balls, writing materials, air conditioning ... hell, America criminals in Arizona Maricopa prison didn’t even get the luxury of A/C or indoor bunks.

If you want to bow out go ahead. No one's stopping you.

Nah, I’d rather stay and watch you try to spin how we should be responsible for all this illegal migration and the care of those explicitly told not to come.
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Rising Star
You've become a pedantic bore man and your hot takes are honestly about as interesting as reading some random MAGA Facebook page run by CAC boomers. Can you at least spend a few minutes cobbling together a more interesting/nuanced POV before typing for fucks sake?

Sure. How’s this hot take:
Your argument is doubly moot, falls flat in its logic as you undermined and defeated your platform when you:

A) Made admission that a crime has been committed.

B) 8 US Code §1325, which ascribes the penalties for illegal immigration, has a penalty schedule in line with a low grade felony , irrespective of classification, for first time offenders (max 6 month imprisonment). Thereby making current detainment, imprisonment, “concentration camp” or any other superlative you and others want to attach both legal and in accordance with prescribed law.

Period. No further rebuttal required.

Finally, I can agree that the Civil Rights analogy was probably a poor one (Japanese internment would've been better)

More ridiculous ad hominem and deluded comparative examples from you. :smh:

The Japanese were AMERICAN CITIZENS who had their assets and freedom of movement stripped away from them for no other reason than their ethnic origin. They committed no crime.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Sure. How’s this hot take:
Your argument is doubly moot, falls flat in its logic as you undermined and defeated your platform when you:

A) Made admission that a crime has been committed.

B) 8 US Code §1325, which ascribes the penalties for illegal immigration, has a penalty schedule in line with a low grade felony , irrespective of classification, for first time offenders (max 6 month imprisonment). Thereby making current detainment, imprisonment, “concentration camp” or any other superlative you and others want to attach both legal and in accordance with prescribed law.

Period. No further rebuttal required.

More ridiculous ad hominem and deluded comparative examples from you. :smh:

The Japanese were AMERICAN CITIZENS who had their assets and freedom of movement stripped away from them for no other reason than their ethnic origin. They committed no crime.

Like I said man, you are a pedantic bore. There's no real reasonable justification for this zero tolerance child separation policy. It's an extreme overreach, incredibly immoral/cruel and like I've said a number of times we will collectively look back on this period with deep shame in rather short order. If you're still sucking up air on Earth you'll just pretend you were against it all along. Predictable and sad :lol:


Rising Star
Like I said man, you are a pedantic bore. There's no real reasonable justification for this zero tolerance child separation policy.

Tell me, with nearly 500,000 detainees and another 15,000 a month entering, what secure facility in the United States has the capability to manage the volume of that many family units?

Answer: None. Not even military on base housing for families has a capacity that enormous.

So the only method is to deploy the secure segregated housing units we already have. Unless you feel the need to spend a couple hundred million dollars building new family housing units for illegal detainees?

That would be serendipitously stupid. But I’m sure some ultra liberal will come up with a tax plan to pay for it.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Tell me, with nearly 500,000 detainees and another 15,000 a month entering, what secure facility in the United States has the capability to manage the volume of that many family units?

Answer: None. Not even military on base housing for families has a capacity that enormous.

So the only method is to deploy the secure segregated housing units we already have. Unless you feel the need to spend a couple hundred million dollars building new family housing units for illegal detainees?

That would be serendipitously stupid. But I’m sure some ultra liberal will come up with a tax plan to pay for it.


You and many other "centrists" like to pretend that this policy and the resultant treatment of these people (and their children) is some kind of inevitability borne out of very pragmatic reasons. There's a wealth of info out there to disabuse you of this notion if you can nudge yourself out of this delusion. Y'all can have at it though, I'm done arguing about it. Just do me a favor and make sure you don't pretend you were against it when the prevailing sentiment about this stuff swings back to something more human and moderate :yes: