

Rising Star
Your map is wrong, as is some of the information given about Africa
Your map is WRONG also, Mr. Shit-Talker. Show me South Sudan on the map you posted! As usual you correct mistakes with more egregious mistakes. Why can't we get together and vote you off of this bitch like a reality show? You bring NOTHING to the game.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Europeans. Read Basil Davidson.
So did the Arabs also force them as well. I would add that this was at a period of time when all of these groups were at the same level in terms of weapons. The white man couldn't go into the interior of Africa without some assistance.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So did the Arabs also force them as well. I would add that this was at a period of time when all of these groups were at the same level in terms of weapons. The white man couldn't go into the interior of Africa without some assistance.
Go check your facts. Read Gun, Germs and Steel. This will change your mind.