This would make one hell of a Maury episode. At this point I want accused and supposedly involved to take lie detector tests. SMFH @ book of dick pics.
I don't get you with this sexism abuse victim blaming thing
Innocent into proven guilty, ok.
But idk man, you do that shit mad quick
Can this possibly get UGLIER?
I did not use the word always.because i always look for an ulterior motive...
and i don't always do anything, I did it with Cosby and I am doing it here.
somebody coming forward and not using their name and they are in the paper ?
and Star saying if black lives matter then ZN should make him step down ?
that is another way of saying if black lives matter what about black on black crime
so what is the end game ?
I'm not saying it didn't happen or it did I am saying I need more than accusations decades later but one named and two unnamed sources.
Not to mention that politically after Cosby many states are trying to do away with the statute of limitations on rapes including NYS.
NY can't use Cosby to say they need to do it because none of his accusers were in NY.
Sure it can.....we had one thread that stayed on the front page for now we have another thread..
Remember how many Cosby threads we had and the only ones of those that left the front page were the ones that discredited the accusers
I did not use the word always.
What would an ulterior motive for this be?
Also, would the removal of said statute be a bad thing?
Cosby broke my heart...but I have to be honest we had heard rumblings...
this one I don't know it feels DIFFERENT somehow.
I really truly couldn't give a sh*t if Bam was gay...
but its the fact that Zulu kept abuse rape destruction of young defenseless black men
preying on them
the whole thing Zulu CLAIMED to be against protecting them from.
I aint never co-signed gang culture and basically lets be real that IS what Zulu was but the greatest the beauty the POWER the inspiration of Zulu becoming MORE was so powerful it sparked a NEW damn CULTURE of Hip hop..
a culture I am proud to say I am from and my kids and little ones are part of too...
but this is just vile.
I could picture a single Black mother in the hood saying ...
I don't want my kid in no gang, I don't want him dealing drugs, I don;t want robbing and stealing, I don;t trust no white priest, but I KNOW Afrika and Zulu gonna take care of my boy.
Every single muthafukin member of Zulu who KNEW about this and did nothing need to be charged federally, if this boys went on tour they should be charged with trafficking if pictures were taken the same...and a conspiracy charge for distributing child pornography
I'm serious.
The Cosby thing they were all fairly adult women who WILLING went up to his room...If he drugged them he should be put UNDER the jail.
If Bam and his crew REALLY did this?
I would NOT be opposed with the death penalty.
My gawd....
What tumblr did you get this from?
Can this possibly get UGLIER?
Can this possibly get UGLIER?
But bruhThe ulterior motive could be passing legislation..
It could be monetary..
It could be to destroy Zulu nation which has always been a positivity even when the crakkas took over rap and made it negative
It could be attention since Star is the one pushing it.
The removal could be a bad thing and adds the potential of abuse to an already abused justice system. It lessens the fairness for the accused.
How do you prosecute a case when there were no reports when it happened , no evidence collected and then 20 30 40 years later somebody makes an accusation and doesn't have to back it up ...
it would be just making innocent unless proven guilty even more of a farce..
But bruh
A gang of cats right on this board say they basically knew of this for years
The way you're framing it is like a lawyer looking for a loophole to keep a guilty muhfucka out of trouble at all costs.
The way sucka ass lawyers do when a cop shoots one of us.
It's shit like this that fucks up justice more than anything else.
Peace All,
I hear all these KATS saying they knew BAM was gay and getting down all-over the:
I thought I followed HIP-HOP closely back in the day. I even had some connections into the Source office, a couple of labels and AR's. I heard a lot of shit about alot of KATS but never BAM.
- 5 boroughs
- United States
- Internationally
Was the HIP-HOP community really covering up BAM's homosexual behavior that tight?
I'm sure if the people who could protect him knew about his get-down. I'm damn sure those who could place him in power or destroy him certainly knew.
So, I wonder what did BAM "NOT DO" that made this story gain traction in major papers, without any proof?
I'm not taking BAM's side or discrediting any of the Accusers. I'm simply asking a question.
I don't know what the "MORE" is?
But I whole-heartily believe that "ITS MORE" to this story:
People who can place you in power like to:
- Than reported.
- Why its come to light now
- What toes got stepped on to bring this about?
- Who did not fulfill their mission?
- And did that set the wheels of destruction in motion?
So, I believe just as many or more KATS who say BAM been a known homo for years. Those same KATS or more knew BAM fucked with boys.
- have something on you.
- Which can always be hung over your head.
- This gets you to continually kowtow to their wills and wishes.
- Even if it violates your moral code!
If this whole story is true?
Hell yeah. Let somebody get hold of the book of dick pics and start name dropping.
i read that and don't believe most of them if any...
but if they are telling the truth shouldn't they also get pinched ? They knew and did nothing ? they were witnesses.
the reason so many of us end up locked up is because we don't have lawyers looking to protect us we have public defenders looking to move us right along.
i hope you never go to court with your freedom on the line and get bullied into a plea bargain because there is no evidence but you don't want to take a chance on losing.
and i am not framing it to keep a guilty mofokr out I am framing it to keep an innocent mofokr out.
the ones framing it by not even caring if there is evidence or not are the ones who scare me because they sit on juries and just use emotion Those are the ones who let cops go because they judge with their bias
There are a lot of ifs in your post based on decades-old accusations by one person and two anonymous persons..
All it takes today is an accusation.....
but what else can I go fam?
We talking Black boys potentially getting raped for decades.
when ONE white girl dies from a heroin overdose they ready to not only change the laws about drug sale and possession they ready to spend millions on treatment and clinics and counseling...but us n*ggas we the abusers and the sellers let us all die they will change the law so that there is mandatory sentencing and the Black USER gets more time then the white trafficker and they start classifying drugs to target the poorest most disenfranchised.
My point being? THEY protect their own....point blank oeriod.
WE need to the same
IF and again IF Zulu did this...
this is worse then the white devil oppressor doing it...cause we KNOW them and we SHOULD always be vigilant.
But here not that I am absolving ANYONE of responsibility
its like family doing this.
Well, NY niggas on this board and BGOL cats in the business said they knew.
Griff, Jamar, Doggie Diamonds all said they knew about this type activity from 10, 20 plus years back.
It ain't about 'if' no more.
Bronx Fam knew Bam was a homo they didn't know he was messing with children there's a difference
the bolded is the first goal post move. Also there's a distinction to be made between people who witnessed directly and secondhand accounts from credible sources.i read that and don't believe most of them if any...
but if they are telling the truth shouldn't they also get pinched ? They knew and did nothing ? they were witnesses.
the reason so many of us end up locked up is because we don't have lawyers looking to protect us we have public defenders looking to move us right along.
i hope you never go to court with your freedom on the line and get bullied into a plea bargain because there is no evidence but you don't want to take a chance on losing.
and i am not framing it to keep a guilty mofokr out I am framing it to keep an innocent mofokr out.
the ones framing it by not even caring if there is evidence or not are the ones who scare me because they sit on juries and just use emotion Those are the ones who let cops go because they judge with their bias
Bronx Fam knew Bam was a homo they didn't know he was messing with children there's a difference
REPEAT, we knew he was into DUDES, never kids!
REPEAT, the BLACK "community" as a whole has ALWAYS covered up all such sexual and psychical abuses done to children, fuck if person a celeb or in church or Joe smho on the block, stop acting like that ain't the fucking truth cause it HURTS and is shameful to admit!
"He's a manipulator and a liar. He's just waiting for this chaos to blow over so he can go back to his dark, dingy hole and go back to his old ways. He needs to put down the candy and let the little boys go."
And kill that Bullshit on Zulu being on some positive shit like that too, it just like a franchise with different chapters doing different behavior. And everyone and they moms suddenly was Zulu or made honorary Zulu and wasn't even from them streets. Crazy legs a Zulu, that to you might make sense, Rich Medina is also Zulu, OW SWAY, HOW? And that's my dude too.
What is this 1992?
The Ghetto Brothers , Black and Yellow Benjy were the ONLY ones running around NYC mediating gang violence in 70's for the record since some of y'all running with hearsay bullshit. Zulu's were part of the group that killed and mutilated Black Benjy during a mediation and the Ghetto Brothers basically had the entire gang world of NYC and all their outer chapters ready to mobilize and go to war against the Zulu nation and the other latin gang involved which was pretty big at the time. Black benjy Moms asked them not to or this would be a whole different NYC if they had and the subsequent peace treaty meeting at Hoe Ave.
And by the way Bambatta was like 13-14 years old when this occurred, BAM was the man back then, TWO DIFFERENT people.