Age Differences and Relationships


Rising Star
Spin-off thread:

da fuck can a 30+ man have in common with an 18 year old


Shes a supermodel

Nigga, 18-25 year old broads literally throw themselves at 30+ year old men.

He snagged himself a dime snowbunny.

so you catch everything thrown at your? :hmm:
what the fuck can a 18 year ole broad offer to a 30+ man as far as a relationship goes?

shit,im not even 30 & i wont even spit on a 18 year old broad

As a 25 year old, I think 18 is way too young for me... There's a huge difference between a girl who is possibly not even out of high school and someone old enough to have been working several years and have been through college.

At the same time, as I see females my own age growing older and how unkind the ravages of the late-20s can hit some of these broads, I definitely gravitate away from older chicks.

I'd probably feel like a pedophile if I was 35 creepin' on 18 year olds... I understand the attraction but shouldn't there be boundaries? If you're 25 with an 18 year old, that's almost half a lifetime's difference. The difference between 30 and 18 means you've lived an entire two/thirds of a lifetime since that age. Isn't this type of relationship usually based in a mixture of pathetic and/or predatory motivations?

Feel free to add your beliefs and experiences.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
when i was 29....i dated a woman that was 40. it all depends on your likes and dislikes.

JD Walker

Square ass charmin niggas on bgol keep talkin about "relationships" n shit. :lol:

Between the ages of 30-50 MEN have first pick of ANY woman in ANY age bracket. Don't blame us MEN, blame the chicks who pursue us.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have absolutely nothing in common with a chick in the range of 18-22 (I'll be 27 this year). The only thing is attraction. So fucking is the only possible reason I would be dating a chick in that age range.


Rising Star
It depends on lifestyles too.
That's what I meant by "a mixture of pathetic and/or predatory motivations."

If you're 35 with the maturity of an 18 year old, you might have a better shot at a successful relationship with a girl half your age than a woman your own age. I'd categorize that under "pathetic motivations": one or both partners is retarded-- emotionally, socially or otherwise.


Rising Star
OG Investor
if she's old enough to be your daughter .... you dead wrong ....

This is true.

But Im not up there yet and 18 ...if she told me her age I wouldnt smash.

But If it happened then thats that. But no way in hell will I be in a relationship with one.

Alot of people say stuff like age doesnt matter...Shiiiiiiet come to Baltimore and have a "normal" Conversation with some of these 18-21 year olds.



Rising Star
Square ass charmin niggas on bgol keep talkin about "relationships" n shit. :lol:

Between the ages of 30-50 MEN have first pick of ANY woman in ANY age bracket. Don't blame us MEN, blame the chicks who pursue us.
I would love to see you squares turn down pussy from a hot 20 year old. :lol::lol::lol:

So the notion of a "relationship" is ridiculous to you?

I have absolutely nothing in common with a chick in the range of 18-22 (I'll be 27 this year). The only thing is attraction. So fucking is the only possible reason I would be dating a chick in that age range.

You use "fucking" and "dating" like they're interchangeable. But most people treat them as they are and then front when talking about it (like the above poster).

You think there's no chance you could have something in common with a girl five years younger than you, though?


Rising Star
This is true.

But Im not up there yet and 18 ...if she told me her age I wouldnt smash.

But If it happened then thats that. But no way in hell will I be in a relationship with one.

Alot of people say stuff like age doesnt matter...Shiiiiiiet come to Baltimore and have a "normal" Conversation with some of these 18-21 year olds.

Man... If you deal with little kids on a regular basis, the evolution from 6 to 12 and from 12 to 18 isn't exactly profound. Just kids with tits and ass at that point. That's why it's so hard for me to respect or even comprehend older guys dealing with such younger girls-- You're right, you can't even hold a conversation with them (unless you're somewhat retarded in some way).


Rising Star
People kill me with the way they perceive age difference when pertaining to male and female relationships. The fact of the matter is that one of the main attributes that stimulates attraction in a male of a female is fertility. Generally younger women around the age of 18 are at the peak of their reproductive years because they are generally healthy and in shape. Naturally, in life's inherent race of survival, the opportunity for a male to pass on his genes by procreating attracts an older male to a younger woman because she is more likely to get pregnant. On the other hand, one of the main attributes that stimulates attraction in a female of a male is the ability to provide for her off spring. Generally older men in their late 20s and early 30s are entering in to the stage of life where they are/becoming established and capable of being a provider, ensuring that the females off spring will be taken care of. Naturally, younger women compete with one another and gravitate to the [older] men with the resources and ability to pass on their genes and ensure the survival of the woman's off spring. This sums it up in its simplest form.

Obviously celebrities such as Kanye and the white chick are on some other shit and get together for the publicity it will bring them and their careers.

JD Walker

That's what I meant by "a mixture of pathetic and/or predatory motivations."

If you're 35 with the maturity of an 18 year old, you might have a better shot at a successful relationship with a girl half your age than a woman your own age. I'd categorize that under "pathetic motivations": one or both partners is retarded-- emotionally, socially or otherwise.

So in other words you don't get laid. Understandable, I guess. Women in your age bracket aren't giving squares like u the time of day. Instead they are chasing MEN in my age bracket beggin us to tear that pussy up, and fuck'em like they stole sumthin. You're mad. It's expected. I would give you some words of encouragement and tell you to ride it out until you hit thirty but I don't think L7s of your kind can be helped.


Rising Star
So in other words you don't get laid. Understandable, I guess. Women in your age bracket aren't giving squares like u the time of day. Instead they are chasing MEN in my age bracket beggin us to tear that pussy up, and fuck'em like they stole sumthin. You're mad. It's expected. I would give you some words of encouragement and tell you to ride it out until you hit thirty but I don't think L7s of your kind can be helped.
:( Very unkind words. :smh:

But, nah, there are plenty of hoes to go around. My problem definitely isn't losing out to the "We about to fuck Social Security up" generation.

What I'm getting at is intellectual stimulation and actually enjoying someone's company. If you're a grown ass man of 30, 35, 40 years old, I don't see how you can stomach some young female who looks up to Khloe Kardashian and shit.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Man... If you deal with little kids on a regular basis, the evolution from 6 to 12 and from 12 to 18 isn't exactly profound. Just kids with tits and ass at that point. That's why it's so hard for me to respect or even comprehend older guys dealing with such younger girls-- You're right, you can't even hold a conversation with them (unless you're somewhat retarded in some way).

I feel the same. And I never believed the whole Daddy issues with women messing with dudes way older than them until a recent relationship I left.

I left her and she went to mess with this dude thats 42 shes 22...

Im thinking to myself. Theres nothing he could really have in common with her and after meeting the guy by chance I see that hes the predator type controlling dude that has a young chick thats excited to see what he can offer.

But better him than me dealing with her annoying ass.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't remember where exactly I got this formula from but it goes;
[Guys age] / 2 + 7 = [Girl's Age]

So with me being 30, the youngest chick I'll date is 22. I don't actually stick to this formula but this is a interesting way to see what's the youngest you should go when dating women.
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Rising Star
I feel the same. And I never believed the whole Daddy issues with women messing with dudes way older than them until a recent relationship I left.

I left her and she went to mess with this dude thats 42 shes 22...

Im thinking to myself. Theres nothing he could really have in common with her and after meeting the guy by chance I see that hes the predator type controlling dude that has a young chick thats excited to see what he can offer.

But better him than me dealing with her annoying ass.


For those who would like to suggest that this is the natural order of things, imagine being a father who actually gives a fuck about your kids and some 42 year old is trying to fuck your daughter who is just past half his age.


Rising Star
I feel the same. And I never believed the whole Daddy issues with women messing with dudes way older than them until a recent relationship I left.

I left her and she went to mess with this dude thats 42 shes 22...

Im thinking to myself. Theres nothing he could really have in common with her and after meeting the guy by chance I see that hes the predator type controlling dude that has a young chick thats excited to see what he can offer.

But better him than me dealing with her annoying ass.


For those who would like to suggest that this is the natural order of things, imagine being a father who actually gives a fuck about your kids and some 42 year old is trying to fuck your daughter who is just past half his age.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Age at nothing but a number.




Always Strive And Prosper
BGOL Investor
I don't remember where exactly I got this formula from but it goes;
[Guys age] / 2 + 7 = [Girl's Age]

So with me being 30, the youngest chick I'll date is 22. I don't actually stick to this formula but this is a neat way to see what the youngest you should go when dating women.



Boss Soul
OG Investor
Good point... Obviously many dumb 15 year olds become dumb 25 year olds and dumber 35 year olds and so on. Age doesn't necessarily bring wisdom.

Not that they're necessarily dumb, but most women are irrational no matter the age or intelligence level. I think you see things the way you do because you're looking at things from a relationship point of view. 30 or 40 may seem old to some of y'all younger kats, but it's not. If you keep yourself in shape and be about your business you'll be able to attract women of any age. Kats like fine women, period, and they tend to be younger in age.


Rising Star
I feel the same. And I never believed the whole Daddy issues with women messing with dudes way older than them until a recent relationship I left.

I left her and she went to mess with this dude thats 42 shes 22...

Im thinking to myself. Theres nothing he could really have in common with her and after meeting the guy by chance I see that hes the predator type controlling dude that has a young chick thats excited to see what he can offer.

But better him than me dealing with her annoying ass.


For those who would like to suggest that this is the natural order of things, imagine being a father who actually gives a fuck about your kids and some 42 year old is trying to fuck your daughter who is just past half his age.


Rising Star
Not that they're necessarily dumb, but most women are irrational no matter the age or intelligence level. I think you see things the way you do because you're looking at things from a relationship point of view. 30 or 40 may seem old to some of y'all younger kats, but it's not. If you keep yourself in shape and be about your business you'll be able to attract women of any age. Kats like fine women, period, and they tend to be younger in age.
I'd say most women are irrational like most men are irrational, just in different ways.

The whole age debate is relative-- You don't think 30 or 40 is old when compared with 18?


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Im in my mid 30's and started attracting more women in my 30's then when i was in my 20's.I look like im in my mid 20's but have a mature vibe when I communicate with people.Attraction wise,I prefer chicks in their late 20s-early 30's.Under 27 and chicks tend to be really immature and attention whores.Im currently fucking a 21 year old that I can't stand holding a 5 minute convo with.That pussy is on point though.


Boss Soul
OG Investor
The whole age debate is relative-- You don't think 30 or 40 is old when compared with 18?

No. When I was 18 I didn't think 30 or 40 was old. Using it in the context of an 18 year old and a 40 year old dating, of course. Would I seriously date a 20 year old? No. Would I fuck a bad 20 year old? Yes.


OG Investor
No daddy issues here (i think the belief that younger women who date older men have daddy issues is not 100% true) and I love older men. I'm 22 and I love men that are 30 and up. I won't date a guy the same age as my dad or older (48) but 28-40 is fair game. I haven't found any college-age men (at least the ones around here) that I'm interested in but that being said, I won't diss a guy because he's the same age as me. He obviously has to give me a reason to.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
No daddy issues here (i think the belief that younger women who date older men have daddy issues is not 100% true) and I love older men. I'm 22 and I love men that are 30 and up. I won't date a guy the same age as my dad or older (48) but 28-40 is fair game. I haven't found any college-age men (at least the ones around here) that I'm interested in but that being said, I won't diss a guy because he's the same age as me. He obviously has to give me a reason to.
hmm and what do you bring to the table for a 30+ man besides the obvious?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm 30, if a bitch is 18^ I'm smashing no questions asked. When talking about a relationship it just depends on the situation

JD Walker

:( Very unkind words. :smh:

What I'm getting at is intellectual stimulation...


and actually enjoying someone's company. If you're a grown ass man of 30, 35, 40 years old, I don't see how you can stomach some young female who looks up to Khloe Kardashian and shit.

What makes you think bitches in their 30s and 40s have anything of "depth" to talk about? Most "conversations" with bitches in their 30s and 40s are "interviews for prospective mates". Most broads in their 30s and 40s are boring zombies. All they want to do is sit around all day listening to shitty neo soul and get fat.

Broads in their 20s don't behave the same way with older men as they do with clowns in their own age bracket.

I'm all about having fun these days, and most of that fun has come from mid 20s broads.


BGOL Investor
well I'm;s not really about the age. It's about the experiences yall have had in life, the maturity level, and if you share common goals...6 years age difference for me :)