Ahmaud Aubery shooting Video. They claimed self defense. The video shows Pre-Meditated Murder; UPDATE ALL 3 CACS GUILTY of Felony and Malice MURDER!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude is a cac , always talking that stupid shit. No Black man can tell a cop to hey leave me alone man. What kind of clown shit is that, oh yeah Cac shit
You don't think that is a problem? Being black does not mean we have to accept things


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm talking that drug activity shit. It's fuckery. Sitting in a car waiting for someone is suspicious. Driving down a street is suspicious. Walking to the store. Every fucking thing. The drug war is a racist racket and the 'drug activity' schtick is part of it.

And no, you can't tell officers to kick rocks. I was once waiting for some chicks and had EC tear up my car claiming I was in a drug activity area. Black pigs at that(which can be the fucking worst).

I don't know what planet you from where you can tell cops to leave you alone. That shit works on tv. In the real world, you getting a disorderly or some shit. :smh:
As black people we have to stop with the mindset of this is just the way things are going to be. If you have done nothing wrong you can simply tell the cop "I have nothing further else to say and if I am free to leave"

Record the encounter and if CACs get out of line get your money.

I don't be on that "yes sir" or "no sir" shit. If I don't feel like talking I let it be known once and then shut up.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
You don't think that is a problem? Being black does not mean we have to accept things
If you were Black you’d know we need to interact with pigs different. We can’t Mouth or ask them to leave us alone like a fucking cac. Black folk know this, you’re not Black so you have your entitled twisted reality.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you were Black you’d know we need to interact with pigs different. We can’t Mouth or ask them to leave us alone like a fucking cac. Black folk know this, you’re not Black so you have your entitled twisted reality.
I would never advocate a cop not doing his job. I understand they are supposed to investigate suspicious activity. But I am not about to bow down to a CAC cop. That is not going to happen. If I don't feel like talking then I will say so. I am a grown as man and not about to hold my tongue. I am smart enough to remain civil in my tone but I am going to say how I feel.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I would never advocate a cop not doing his job. I understand they are supposed to investigate suspicious activity. But I am not about to bow down to a CAC cop. That is not going to happen. If I don't feel like talking then I will say so. I am a grown as man and not about to hold my tongue. I am smart enough to remain civil in my tone but I am going to say how I feel.
OK Karen


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
The officer that empowered the McMichaels to act.

In this video they said there was a community Facebook page and those photos/videos of the people going into that house were all posted on there so the whole community could see the people. I said earlier this was gonna turn out to be some “we gotta keep our own community safe” thing but Travis McMichael took it to far amd ended up murdering someone. The cops had covered it up but when the video came out and there was public outcry they had to open the case back up, you see how everyone copping pleas now talking about they didn’t know the McMichaels and shit

If you listen to the evidence you’ll see people were right this is a modern day lynching. They get in their truck and follow him and try to make him stop, the dad was probably pointing his gun at Ahmaud then so that’s why he turned around, when Ahmaud turns around the dad gets out of the truck and gets on the bed and they turn around, as Ahmaud is running the other way another car pulls out and tries to block his path he dodges this car and keeps running and that car turns around too, He‘s running and 2 vehicles are chasing him, one being a truck with a man on the back with a gun. They said they pulled up beside him and tried to get him to stop again, looks like they drove ahead and rounded the corner and parked in the middle of the road to cut him off, Ahmaud is still being chased by the man in the car who is now filming, when he rounds the corner he sees the McMichaels waiting on him, the dad is on the back with his gun and the son gets out with a shotgun, when Ahmaud sees this he runs to the right to avoid the man with the gun but the man with the gun runs around the truck and meets him at the front of it. If you listen and watch the video as soon as Ahmaud gets to the front of the truck and goes right you will hear the shotgun go of, after that there is a fight for the gun and Ahmaud it hit by the second and third shotgun blast. One of the most fucked up parts to me is after Ahmaud has been shot and stumbles and fall Travis McMichael just turns around and walks off with his chest puffed out like he had just shot a big deer. That’s clear murder
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Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
And you know what? From the very beginning I felt like that's why he went in the house too! I KNEW IT!!!!


After the video of him in the house that day came out I had dismissed the whole he was jogging thing but recently it came to me here might have been. His mother lived about 2 miles away so how did he get there, did he walk 2 miles just to look in a house, was he taking a break from jogging and walked into the house looked around and then continued his jog, did someone drop him off. Also he came from one way if he was so called scared off by the neighbor calling 911 why didn't he run back in the direction he came? They all jumped on this "see I told you he wasn't jogging and this vid proves it" but maybe he was


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
His mother lived about 2 miles away so how did he get there, did he walk 2 miles just to look in a house, was he taking a break from jogging and walked into the house looked around and then continued his jog

I'm guessing a lot of people that are commenting on the distance are fat asses that have never exercised. My friend is training for the Broad Street run, and it's nothing for her to be two miles from home, because she is training to run ten miles. I can't run two miles straight, but that's not really far for people that participate in the activity.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
After the video of him in the house that day came out I had dismissed the whole he was jogging thing but recently it came to me here might have been. His mother lived about 2 miles away so how did he get there, did he walk 2 miles just to look in a house, was he taking a break from jogging and walked into the house looked around and then continued his jog, did someone drop him off. Also he came from one way if he was so called scared off by the neighbor calling 911 why didn't he run back in the direction he came? They all jumped on this "see I told you he wasn't jogging and this vid proves it" but maybe he was

2 miles ain't shit! I used to jog 7 miles daily. When you're in shape 4-5 miles ain't shit.

He could have been walking. Taking a walk. What's wrong with that? Is that a crime? The cameras already proved he didn't steal anything. So why would he run from a house that he didn't steal anything from? He might have run from the house if he saw someone reporting him. Is that a crime? No matter how you look at it, Arbery was not doing anything unlawful or illegal.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I'm guessing a lot of people that are commenting on the distance are fat asses that have never exercised. My friend is training for the Broad Street run, and it's nothing for her to be two miles from home, because she is training to run ten miles. I can't run two miles straight, but that's not really far for people that participate in the activity.
2 miles ain't shit! I used to jog 7 miles daily. When you're in shape 4-5 miles ain't shit.

He could have been walking. Taking a walk. What's wrong with that? Is that a crime? The cameras already proved he didn't steal anything. So why would he run from a house that he didn't steal anything from? He might have run from the house if he saw someone reporting him. Is that a crime? No matter how you look at it, Arbery was not doing anything unlawful or illegal.

Yeah I used to run all the time and still occasionally do so I know 2-3 miles is nothing for a 25 yr old that's in shape, but like I said they're trying to throw out the jogging part just because of that video but they can't because of the questions I asked. Hopefully Roddy will crumble soon and don't like a canary so their lil community police murder squad can be exposed


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
2 miles ain't shit! I used to jog 7 miles daily. When you're in shape 4-5 miles ain't shit.

He could have been walking. Taking a walk. What's wrong with that? Is that a crime? The cameras already proved he didn't steal anything. So why would he run from a house that he didn't steal anything from? He might have run from the house if he saw someone reporting him. Is that a crime? No matter how you look at it, Arbery was not doing anything unlawful or illegal.

This is what I'm saying. Most of these people offering there "jogging" opinions don't exercise. I'm not a runner but I like to ride my bicycle. I was eight miles away from my house before I started to make my way back. Two miles isn't an insane distance to jog.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If he jogged 2 miles, that's like 15 min or less from his starting point. If he is in any kind of shape it would definitely be less. That is not that far at all.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
If he jogged 2 miles, that's like 15 min or less from his starting point. If he is in any kind of shape it would definitely be less. That is not that far at all.
Hardly anybody is going to jog two miles in 15 minutes unless you’re a professional jogger.


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Yeah you fat. A 7 min mile is nothing
Are YOU still able to run a 7-minute mile? Asking for a guy who took the Army's APFT for over 20 years. Two miles in under 20 minutes was the Standard for the two-mile run by age groups.


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
You're so fucking full of it Jesus christ
That stupid Cac is not to be taken seriously. In fact I call her Karen now. Bitch was talking about “I will not let the police talk to me any kind of way I stand up for myself and tell them to leave me alone.”

LOL only Non Black people can deal with pigs like that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That stupid Cac is not to be taken seriously. In fact I call her Karen now. Bitch was talking about “I will not let the police talk to me any kind of way I stand up for myself and tell them to leave me alone.”

LOL only Non Black people can deal with pigs like that.
Damn you soft as fuck. Moist ass shit.