Ahmaud Aubery shooting Video. They claimed self defense. The video shows Pre-Meditated Murder; UPDATE ALL 3 CACS GUILTY of Felony and Malice MURDER!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm guessing a lot of people that are commenting on the distance are fat asses that have never exercised. My friend is training for the Broad Street run, and it's nothing for her to be two miles from home, because she is training to run ten miles. I can't run two miles straight, but that's not really far for people that participate in the activity.
2 miles is really not long. Myself and running crew do at least 3.1 miles about 3-4 times a weeks. I’m currently do a day challenge where I run 5K+ and 10K+ every day. Which of this case, now my family is scared every time I go to run. I normally run in the morning and run through neighborhood just like that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hardly anybody is going to jog two miles in 15 minutes unless you’re a professional jogger.
Negative. I know plenty of runners that do 7:30 per mile easily. I just did an average 8:10 minutes for mile on a half marathon. And I’m far from a professional. Started getting into running a year ago. Don’t say it can’t be done because you can’t do it.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Negative. I know plenty of runners that do 7:30 per mile easily. I just did an average 8:10 minutes for mile on a half marathon. And I’m far from a professional. Started getting into running a year ago. Don’t say it can’t be done because you can’t do it.

I said hardly anybody not nobody


Rising Star
Ain’t no coppin pleas now. Someone, or everyone’s, going to jail.

Huge turn of events. Essentially gonna throw mud at each other til someone breaks.
For real.
Now that they got him too, he's either a witness or a co-conspirator.
He in there right now asking for someone to give him a B Flat.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

A lot of hate tossed at Shaun King, but it's refreshing to see him connected with a team of lawyers and getting some results and attention. I can't understand the negativity associated with where does the money go and why are there so many organizations accepting donations that he's tied to or directly promoting. But I'll be damned if his activism is to be downplayed bc he's perceived as a bunch of social media posts.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
:bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

A lot of hate tossed at Shaun King, but it's refreshing to see him connected with a team of lawyers and getting some results and attention. I can't understand the negativity associated with where does the money go and why are there so many organizations accepting donations that he's tied to or directly promoting. But I'll be damned if his activism is to be downplayed bc he's perceived as a bunch of social media posts.
This is the type of thing Shaun King should be doing....when he was running with Bernie Sanders he got on my last nerve but when he goes back into this mode I’m cool with him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hardly anybody is going to jog two miles in 15 minutes unless you’re a professional jogger.
You're so fucking full of it Jesus christ

I hate to side with the Turd, but he's sort of right. "Sort of"

In my senior year in high school it used to take me about 11:10 to run two miles. I used to be able to run a mile under 5:30. So if I would've joined the military right out of high school and still stayed in shape up til Aubreys age, being able to do a 15+ minute two mile run is not out of the possibility. At age 32 and about 40 lbs later I was able to still keep it within the 17:00's.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I hate to side with the Turd, but he's sort of right. "Sort of"

In my senior year in high school it used to take me about 11:10 to run two miles. I used to be able to run a mile under 5:30. So if I would've joined the military right out of high school and still stayed in shape up til Aubreys age, being able to do a 15+ minute two mile run is not out of the possibility. At age 32 and about 40 lbs later I was able to still keep it within the 17:00's.
You know most Americans don’t do any sort of ecxsorscize (fuck spelling that word) right? They ain’t running two miles in 15 minutes or 17 minutes.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I'm lost. WTF did the 3rd suspect do? I thought he assisted by recording it and turning the video over.

He was apart of the chase, the McMichaels even said in their police statement that when Ahmaud turned around the man that recorded everything tried to block him off. Didn't you think it was odd that he just so happened to start recording a man running. I said earlier that this was something the whole community was in on but I think the only ones that planned on killing Ahmaud if it came to that were the McMichaels. They were upset about that Feb 11 confrontation in which Travis ran because he thought Ahmaud had a gun, so when they saw him on Feb 23 they were looking to even the score