Ahmaud Aubery shooting Video. They claimed self defense. The video shows Pre-Meditated Murder; UPDATE ALL 3 CACS GUILTY of Felony and Malice MURDER!


Rising Star

Good ole Sesame Street.
They were a Black show from the start and never forgot that racist cacs tried to shut them down for being so diverse.

And they been going at Trump since the early 2000's. :lol: :lol: :lol:



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
This coon made FIVE VIDEOS about the Ahmaud Arbery case, claiming everything from self defense, to Ahmaud having on work boots and a hammer, they have the first hearing that shows everything he said was bullshit and in this video he spends about THREE MINUTES on it. He didn’t address any of the stuff he talked about in those FIVE VIDEOS he made:lol::roflmao:



International Member
This coon made FIVE VIDEOS about the Ahmaud Arbery case, claiming everything from self defense, to Ahmaud having on work boots and a hammer, they have the first hearing that shows everything he said was bullshit and in this video he spends about THREE MINUTES on it. He didn’t address any of the stuff he talked about in those FIVE VIDEOS he made:lol::roflmao:

this guy said the n word isnt racist lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This coon made FIVE VIDEOS about the Ahmaud Arbery case, claiming everything from self defense, to Ahmaud having on work boots and a hammer, they have the first hearing that shows everything he said was bullshit and in this video he spends about THREE MINUTES on it. He didn’t address any of the stuff he talked about in those FIVE VIDEOS he made:lol::roflmao:

Over an hr long....

Can't do it fam.... hell, I'm pissed he got a click from me to be honest..... this dude seems like he can not and will not ever admit when he is wrong... thats from the college incident vid that was posted, that zoom meeting where he went off and his subsequent actions after both....

He is a coward and a verbal bully...i can see why he was a cop


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Over an hr long....

Can't do it fam.... hell, I'm pissed he got a click from me to be honest..... this dude seems like he can not and will not ever admit when he is wrong... thats from the college incident vid that was posted, that zoom meeting where he went off and his subsequent actions after both....

He is a coward and a verbal bully...i can see why he was a cop

he only talked about the Ahmaud Arbery case from like the 1:00 to 4:00 mark, I just watched to see if he would try to spin what he had been saying earlier but he didn’t/couldn’t even do that. I know his followers were waiting on him to give them something to repeat but he left them hanging..lol


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I’m an hour into the video and sick to my stomach. They talk about that cracker calling Ahmaud a “fucking n*gger” around the 65 minutes mark.

Yeah almost everything that Tatum told all his followers was proven wrong

Ahmaud was a jogger and had been seen jogging in that neighborhood by multiple witnesses before
He said as long as Travis hadn’t pointed the gun he did nothing wrong, but there’s video of Travis pointing the gun as Ahmaud is running up towards the truck
He said Ahmaud was first shot in the hand during the struggle for the gun but Travis own words said he shot Ahmaud in the chest when he cut him off at the front of the truck
He repeated the lie that Ahmaud had on workboots and that Ahmaud dropped a hammer when he was running, both of those were lies
He started some bullshit “felony trespass“ line when he found you could only chase someone when a felony had been committed and that was determined to be a lie
The eyewitness is the one that said Travis called Ahmaud a fucking nig*** but he’s now saying that isn‘t good enough...lmaooo

Everything he told his followers that they repeated over and over and over again was proven to be wrong, that’s why when he did his video about the Ahmaud murder after watching the hearing he only spent 3 minutes on it and only talked about the racial slur. He didn’t mention anything about the jogging, the weapon being pointed, when Ahmaud was shot, how he was shot, none of the things he’s talked about in his FIVE other videos about the murder, just the racial slur and the hitting of Ahmaud by a truck and then he moved on..lmaoooo


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
How Was My Son Ahmaud Arbery’s Murder Not a Hate Crime?
Georgia is one of only four states without a bias crime law. This must change.
By Wanda Cooper-Jones
June 9, 2020

From your baby boy. I love you, Mama. I know sometimes we don’t see eye to eye, but that still don’t change the love I have for you. On Feb. 23, my son Ahmaud Arbery went out for a jog. Ahmaud would go jogging every day. I said, “Do you think that staying fit is going to make you look as young as me?” And he would just laugh. He stopped at a construction site to take a break and to look around for a few minutes. But when he left, he was followed by three white men who chased him down and killed him in the street. He was unarmed, but he was black. To me, this was clearly a hate crime. But Georgia is one of four states in the country without a hate crime law. If Georgia had a hate crime law, Ahmaud’s killers could face additional sentencing for murdering my son because of the color of his skin. As we’ve seen in the protests about George Floyd, Ahmaud is just one of the many black lives that has been lost due to hatred. Georgia lawmakers pass a hate crime bill. Ahmaud was the baby. And when Ahmaud knew that I was angry, and I was upset with him, he would look at me with this really, really funny eye and he would do that just to make me laugh, just to make me smile. He was not only my baby. He was actually my friend. Yes, Ahmaud’s murderers were arrested and hopefully they’ll be thrown behind bars. So why do we even need a hate crime law? Because it would show that targeting someone because of their race is unacceptable. My son’s murder was not the only crime committed in Georgia that was motivated by prejudice. Ronald Trey Peters was murdered because he was gay. “Witnesses say his attacker used an anti-gay slur Before shooting Peters multiple times.” White supremacists spray-painted swastikas on a high school in Roswell. “But parents say the bigger question is, why is there no hate crime statute here in Georgia?” In November, a 16-year-old white girl planned a knife attack on a black church. “The white suspect had researched black churches online and written down how she planned to carry out the attack.” And it’s not just recent history. “Georgia legislative council has called on the F.B.I. to investigate the reorganized Klan.” I know that prejudice and racism did exist in the place that I chose home. I had to explain to Ahmaud that he would be sometimes disliked because the color of his skin. But when he left our home for a jog, I never thought that I needed to be worried. Ahmaud wasn’t killed because he was doing a crime. So why would he have been targeted if it wasn’t just for hate? Last year, Georgia Statehouse moved in the right direction, passing House Bill 426, which would impose harsher sentencing for hate crimes. But the bill has been stalled for a year and State Senate leadership refuses to vote on it. Chairman Jesse Stone and Lieutenant Governor Duncan, please do the right thing. State senators are going back into session. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle support this. Pass a hate crime law. And to have this law passed in memory of Ahmaud wouldn’t bring him back, but it would mean so much to me that him leaving me did change something.



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Tatum is running a hustle profiting off of white racist resentment. Too many of his vids are posted here.

The more vids I watch of his since the Ahmaud Arbery murder, the more sickened I become. I think I’d really punch this dude in the face if I was having a discussion with him face to face and he was saying spewing the bullshit he does in those vids. Saying stuff for profit is one thing but dude has been straight up disrespectful to the men that have been murdered in the last few months


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The more vids I watch of his since the Ahmaud Arbery murder, the more sickened I become. I think I’d really punch this dude in the face if I was having a discussion with him face to face and he was saying spewing the bullshit he does in those vids. Saying stuff for profit is one thing but dude has been straight up disrespectful to the men that have been murdered in the last few months

And keep in mind he's also a failed bad cop. So, that mentality would have no moral dilemma with making bank off of white racist angst in disparaging the victim of a modern day lynching.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
And keep in mind he's also a failed bad cop. So, that mentality would have no moral dilemma with making bank off of white racist angst in disparaging the victim of a modern day lynching.

Let him tell it he was ROBOCOP, talking about everybody on the force loved him and he was apart of this unit and that unit, dude said he was a pig for 6 years but talks like he did 30 years on the force, come on man. He Acts like he experienced every situation that could happen and his subscribers just gobble everything he says up and the repeat it in the comments


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Jay Pharoah Shares Security Video of LAPD Officers Drawing Guns On Him, Kneeling On His Neck
By Halle Kiefer@hallekiefer
Photo: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images

Adding his story to the litany of black voices describing frightening encounters with law enforcement, comedian and former SNL cast member Jay Pharoah posted a video to Instagram Friday, tagged #BlackFilter and made by Careyon Productions, describing a recent incident in which LAPD officers drew guns on him before handcuffing him on the ground, one kneeling on his neck. In addition to his own personal account of the experience, Pharoah shares nearby security footage of the moment itself.

As the White Famous actor explains, he was jogging in Los Angeles earlier this year when suddenly four police officers approached him. “As I’m walking across the street, Corbin and Ventura, I see an officer to the left of me. I’m not thinking anything of it, because I’m a law-abiding citizen,” Pharoah says. “I see him coming with guns blazing, I see him say, ‘Get on the ground. Put your hands up like you’re an airplane.’ As he’s looking at me, I’m thinking that he’s making a mistake. So, I’m looking past where he’s looking. I’m looking at him, and I’m looking past me, ‘cause I’m like, ‘Whoever they’re about to get… it’s about to be terrible.’” Says the comedian, it’s only then that he realized: “No, he was coming to get me.”
According to Pharoah, the police alleged he fit the description of a suspect they were looking for in the area, a black man with grey sweatpants and a grey shirt. In the security footage, which you can see in the Instagram video below, four police officers can be seen approaching the actor, guns drawn, and handcuffing him on the ground. While he’s being handcuffed, one officer is kneeling on the back of Pharoah’s neck. After asking the police to Google his name, Pharoah says the officers got a call and let him go. “Black lives always matter. My life matters,” says the actor. “I’m still here to tell my story, but I could have easily been an Ahmaud Arbery or a George Floyd.” Pharoah will be discussing the incident further on Monday’s episode of CBS’s The Talk.
