Ahmaud Aubery shooting Video. They claimed self defense. The video shows Pre-Meditated Murder; UPDATE ALL 3 CACS GUILTY of Felony and Malice MURDER!


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
You don't understand what happe ed e en after I presented expert opinion. :smh:

Sorry man but even lawyers have said they can put a perfect case out there and they still won't feel good until after the verdict is read because juries are so unpredictable. You're giving the Zimmerman verdict as a incident where you feel the prosecution didn't do a good job and you're probably right but I'm saying lawyers say as a whole jurors will hear all the facts, evidence and watch the videos and still find a guilty person innocent in some cases

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The Law does NOT matter, This will be a Jury Trial and a Jury can do anything they want and White people know that.
Uninformed opinions do matter. Because if these thoughts can pop into the public s mind , then they can pop into the jury's mind just as easy. The Lawyers should be ready to clear these thoughts quick
Exactly. Shit, I admit I'd do what the fuck I wanted, fuck the law. If I feel something was self-defense, I give a fuck about your instructions. For example, if I'm part of a jury where a family's door was kicked in while they were watching tv, someone was assaulted, family was terrorized, and the father followed the perp outside and killed them, I'm not convicting of murder. Even though it would be murder in Ohio for following the perp outside the home. Fuck that.

Why do people think folks worried about jury intimidation if the law beats opinion? A criminal can get to a jury member and swing the vote regardless of the law.

And people won't admit they are bias and some can trick lawyers even with all the questions the lawyers ask potential jurors. And when you throw that shit on top of some of these incompetent prosecutors, shit can go sideways in a hurry. :smh:

If this jury is populated with earls and mary sues, these cacs get off.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
preliminary hearing

Oh shit Filthy murdering cacs gonna fry. I guarantee they were flashing their guns at Ahmaud while they were trying to stop Ahmaud in their truck.
i always thought the hand wound was caused by the first shot but they said the chest wound was caused by the first shot so all that Ahmaud attacked the cac with the gun and it went off when he grabbed the barrel is bullshit. That cac had a pump action shotgun; he shot Ahmaud in the chest before contact was even made, pumped the gun and then shot him 2 more times during the struggle. All the local DAs that reviewed this case and didnt press charges need to be fired
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“I’m tired of all these Libs making this about race it was never about race!!! This is the Libs and liberal media stroking the flames of hate, BLM is a terrorist organization, there was nothing racial about this, Liberals are the real racists , what about Chicago!!!”

Please tell me you're being facetious and no one said this