Ahmaud Aubery shooting Video. They claimed self defense. The video shows Pre-Meditated Murder; UPDATE ALL 3 CACS GUILTY of Felony and Malice MURDER!


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
They were arrested
They have been arrested

the GBI got involved yesterday


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Update. They have been charged.
They have been arrested

the GBI got involved yesterday

They probably won't see a day in jail..may be getting bailed out as we speak :smh:


Rising Star
Being arrested means nothing unless their convicted.

How do we change the stand your grounds law?by voting even though we aren't the majority but they have to know we have a voice and that our votes aren't free and we demand something for it.But thats going to be a battle within itself.


Rising Star
Black people are so tired.

We can’t go jogging (#AmaudArbery).

We can’t relax in the comfort of our own homes (#BothemSean and #AtatianaJefferson).

We can't ask for help after being in a car crash (#JonathanFerrell and #RenishaMcBride).

We can't have a cellphone (#StephonClark).

We can't leave a party to get to safety (#JordanEdwards).

We can't play loud music (#JordanDavis).

We can’t sell CD's (#AltonSterling).

We can’t sleep (#AiyanaJones)

We can’t walk from the corner store (#MikeBrown).

We can’t play cops and robbers (#TamirRice).

We can’t go to church (#Charleston9).

We can’t walk home with Skittles (#TrayvonMartin).

We can’t hold a hair brush while leaving our own bachelor party (#SeanBell).

We can’t party on New Years (#OscarGrant).

We can’t get a normal traffic ticket (#SandraBland).

We can’t lawfully carry a weapon (#PhilandoCastile).

We can't break down on a public road with car problems (#CoreyJones).

We can’t shop at Walmart (#JohnCrawford) .

We can’t have a disabled vehicle (#TerrenceCrutcher).

We can’t read a book in our own car (#KeithScott).

We can’t be a 10yr old walking with our grandfather (#CliffordGlover).

We can’t decorate for a party (#ClaudeReese).

We can’t ask a cop a question (#RandyEvans).

We can’t cash our check in peace (#YvonneSmallwood).

We can’t take out our wallet (#AmadouDiallo).

We can’t run (#WalterScott).

We can’t breathe (#EricGarner).

We can’t live (#FreddieGray).

We can't even peacefully protest

We’re tired.

Tired of making hashtags.

Tired of trying to convince you that our #BlackLivesMatter too.

Tired of dying.




So very tired.
That was powerful right there. Sadly true.


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just be prepared. They’ll probably be out tonight in bail. Just being processed

Those crackas will remain in custody. Murder and aggravated assault? that bond would be in the multiple millions.......cash surety. Haven't even had a hearing or seen a judge.

They better get used to bologna sammiches if those inbred bitches aren't already


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those crackas will remain in custody. Murder and aggravated assault? that bond would be in the multiple millions.......cash surety. No 10%. Haven't even had a hearing or seen a judge.

They better get used to bologna sammiches if those inbred bitches aren't already
Ain’t he a retired sheriff. I wouldn’t be surprised if he get out on bond. Especially with the covid


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ain’t he a retired sheriff. I wouldn’t be surprised if he get out on bond. Especially with the covid

Former investigator for the DA's office. Those people getting out related to covid are non-violent. They'll MAKE room for them if need be. Those small town politics aren't working anymore once the feds and GBI get involved.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Is it safe to say that they were finally arrested because the brotha worked for law enforcement some time back??.