Akron, OH police officers shoot at 25yo unarmed black man 90 times.....60 hit him....

power lord

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Has anyone heard anything from Akron's most famous son?
When has LeBron kept quiet about things like this?
So a Black man is shot at 90 times and his body is riddled with bullets and after he's dead, they handcuff him and your first thought is LeBron: you sir have another agenda.
I quoted the wrong quote I was asking the same thing you were why talk about LeBron when he is never Quiet about things like this


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
So a Black man is shot at 90 times and his body is riddled with bullets and after he's dead, they handcuff him and your first thought is LeBron: you sir have another agenda.
Here y'all go. When I posted that comment I was literally on Twitter l looking for general information, comments, posts. I didn't see anything from him, so I asked. BTW How many black men do you know personally that have been murdered by the police. Family members? My count is 3, one I brought to this very board. No agendas. Just looking for solidarity amongst Black Men and Women.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here y'all go. When I posted that comment I was literally on Twitter l looking for general information, comments, posts. I didn't see anything from him, so I asked. BTW How many black men do you know personally that have been murdered by the police. Family members? My count is 3, one I brought to this very board. No agendas. Just looking for solidarity amongst Black Men and Women.
The most important reaction to police murder is your personal reaction not an NBA player, though.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
So the cops pulled him over and a chase ensued. While the cops were in pursuit they heard him fire several shots at them. He jumped out of the car while it was still moving and instead of laying on the ground continued to run. The cops assumed that he was going to keep shooting at them so they sent him to the crossroads. It turns out that he left his gun in the car. Sounds like a stupid games stupid prizes scenario.
The only thing that would make me feel bad about this situation is if the cops planted the gun or he never actually fired the weapon that was in the car.
that's a serious door dash driver


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Could it be possible that Jayland was trying to unload the weapon and accidentally discharged the one in the head. With the new carry laws you still can't have one in the head I believe. No justification for murdering that man, fuck the police, but that may be why they heard a shot from his car.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Man, this is why we need accountability with pigs. This cat took pigs on a high-speed the day before. Then then next day does the same shit. Accountable cops wouldn't even press this dumb situation over a fucking plate light and taillight like they are chasing a suspect in an armed robbery.

The reason for the stop for the equipment issue is allegedly safety, correct? So how the fuck is a high-speed chase helping safety. Dumbest shit ever. That policy needs to end.

And fuck it. I'm going to say it, the victim was on some dumb shit. Period., The flash is there. A fucking ski mask. Just had to bail from these bitches the night before so he knew he was hot as shit. :smh: This is what happens when lack of accountability by professionals interacts with folks on dumb shit. Tragic outcomes that are completely avoidable.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Y'all gonna be mad at me but who rides around with a loaded gun and a ski mask?

That ninja was out to rob someone who looks like me.

If it was planted my apologies to the deceased and may those cops fry.

But all of us who raised around that shit know better

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
They were either coming to arrest him to serve a warrant or to serve an order of protection against him for an assault he commited earlier....

Either way he had barricaded himself inside the home and opened fire as soon as they approached the home. This mfkr shot 6 officers, killing 2 AND he killed a police dog!! (We know how much they live their dogs!)

He was not running away, he was in a relatively fixed location and only surrendered after he ran out of ammo.....

Cops are starting to look more an more "funny in the light.".... mfkrs let off 90 rounds on 1 unarmed black dude running away from a traffic stop.....

This dude locked inside a house with 1 rifle was too much for the 8+ officers on the scene.

Especially after killing 2 of them....they waited out the barrage and hoped he'd "do the right thing" and surrender eventually......

See the fucking problem here?

Sadly we can just be sleeping in our car and die in a hail of bullets from police. Playing video games and get shot through our own window.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It will end when cops start getting murdered... I can't say it enough that it's fucked up black men will turn guns on each other for dumb shit and retaliation but the CAC ass cops that murder us are still alive & well... Our families mourn while their families collect pension... It's so easy to hop online & find the personal info for all these Karens - why not find the personal info for these CAC ass cops and pull a drive by on their homes? Keep marching & singing "let freedom ring"... Revolution is being televised and niggas still ain't doing shit...
Been saying hit squads for their ass' . Something to make them think twice.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y'all gonna be mad at me but who rides around with a loaded gun and a ski mask?

That ninja was out to rob someone who looks like me.

If it was planted my apologies to the deceased and may those cops fry.

But all of us who raised around that shit know better

They didn’t know about the skimask when they were shooting him unarmed while he was on the ground.