*** aLL THiNGs BaTTLe RaP *** Official Thread (everything battle rap related)


Rising Star
OG Investor

Lol Lux mad. He feels that stock dropping.

He's the one who painted himself in a box with that vicious attack on calicoes daddy, giving us the knowledge style.

He should've picked his next opponents a little wiser when he had carte blanche.

Even I'm just seeing this in retrospect now. If he just wanted a platform to spit a certain way, he could've picked opponents who aren't a competition in breaking each other down. You can't necessarily portray this righteous image when you also love competitions in who's superior to who. In THAT style of battle, carnage is what the audience wants to see, and you cant talk to the same audience about Black history and uniting lol.

Since he had established the intelligence factor, maybe he should've created a forum and chosen opponents that would attract an audience who at best wants to beat each other in knowledge or something. Still being clever, but going after an audience who wants to hear that.

His whole style is predicated on breaking down extremely personal and painful things about his opponent. He also gives you lyrics but the sword is what keeps people interested. Eventually his higher ideal had to suffer. Those two things can't really coexist for more than one or two classic rounds. All his next battles should be non competitive in that sense. Come back to just rapping better than the guy you're up against.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
His whole style is predicated on breaking down extremely personal and painful things about his opponent. He also gives you lyrics but the sword is what keeps people interested. Eventually his higher ideal had to suffer. Those two things can't really coexist for more than one or two classic rounds. All his next battles should be non competitive in that sense. Come back to just rapping better than the guy you're up against.

His third against Calicoe might be the greatest round in battle rap history. His third against Clips I don't really care for. Just like Clips second round against Hollow. Battle rap is about bars, not personals. Just out rap your opponent Lux and you'll be good.


Rising Star
OG Investor
His third against Calicoe might be the greatest round in battle rap history. His third against Clips I don't really care for. Just like Clips second round against Hollow. Battle rap is about bars, not personals. Just out rap your opponent Lux and you'll be good.

Yeah but you have to be in the right forum to be able to pull it off. Having to dazzle the smack audience is not the place


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Lol Lux mad. He feels that stock dropping. lol.

His whole style is predicated on breaking down extremely personal and painful things about his opponent. He also gives you lyrics but the sword is what keeps people interested. Eventually his higher ideal had to suffer. Those two things can't really coexist for more than one or two classic rounds. All his next battles should be non competitive in that sense. Come back to just rapping better than the guy you're up against.

His third against Calicoe might be the greatest round in battle rap history. His third against Clips I don't really care for. Just like Clips second round against Hollow. Battle rap is about bars, not personals. Just out rap your opponent Lux and you'll be good.

I agree when y'all say Lux needs to 'get back to basics'.

And I agree with what Lux said about URL/Smack in the video.

Cuz Smack was ‘dead wrong’ for stopping his scheme right in the middle. :smh: Regardless of time limit.

If I could break it down into laymens terms...

Here’s how Lux’s rounds sound to the average URL fan:

- Schoolin’ / Schoolin’ / and more Schoolin’

But if he wants to DOMINATE this new audience.. he should mix it up when he crafts his rounds, into anything that sounds more like one of these….

- Schoolin’ / Bars / Bars
- Bars / Schoolin’ / Bars
- Bars / Bars/ Schoolin’
- Schoolin’ / Bars / Schoolin’
- Bars / Schoolin’/ ’Schoolin’

In other words…. against Midwest Miles, round after round the ‘Old Lux’ gave us…

- Bars / Bars / Bars :yes:

He didn’t try to expose ANYONE. :smh:

And that’s ALL that some of the URL fans want…. is BARS. AND MO’ BARS.

Because, we all know Lux can ‘school’ his opponents. That’s a given.

But cats also respect him because he’s one of the few emcees who CAN school someone… PLUS…. lyrically ‘jump off that top rope’ with his punchlines & suplex opponents with his metaphors - when they LEAST expect it.

He doesn’t need a 4-bar setup, to throw a haymaker. :smh:
With him… Heavy punches can land at ANY given time.

Just watch the Midwest Miles battle again to see what I’m talking about.

- While watching it, just keep asking yourself is Lux trying to EXPOSE Miles?
- Or is he just trying to BURY HIM with quotables?
- Is he using too many ‘big words’ to say something simple?
- Or do his punchlines have that ’SNAP’ to ‘em? (Because his zingers & jabs are crispy.)

Personally, if he battles again….

I think instead of trying to ’expose’ someone’s past background with personals…
Lux just needs to drop 2 or 3 rounds of that old Midwest Miles-type whupass delivery. :yes:

It’s the charisma. The wordplay. The flow. The showmanship.

That’s what got Lux his rank in these streets. :yes:

He didn’t get there by exposing anyone’s background. :smh:

Or by talking about their ‘rap sheet’. :smh:

Nor by using any gimmicks. or bringing any Props. Or wearing catchy outfits.

Because he didn’t need that stuff. :smh:
His ‘spit game’ ALONE was too much.

If he gives the fans JUST ONE BATTLE (or 2 or 3 straight rounds) of well-paced, PURE METAPHOR BOMBS… (spit slowly & concisely)… all their ‘slick talk’ about him might cease.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I agree when y'all say Lux needs to 'get back to basics'.

And I agree with what Lux said about URL/Smack in the video.

Cuz Smack was ‘dead wrong’ for stopping his scheme right in the middle. :smh: Regardless of time limit.

If I could break it down into laymens terms...

Here’s how Lux’s rounds sound to the average URL fan:

- Schoolin’ / Schoolin’ / and more Schoolin’

But if he wants to DOMINATE this new audience.. he should mix it up when he crafts his rounds, into anything that sounds more like one of these….

- Schoolin’ / Bars / Bars
- Bars / Schoolin’ / Bars
- Bars / Bars/ Schoolin’
- Schoolin’ / Bars / Schoolin’
- Bars / Schoolin’/ ’Schoolin’

In other words…. against Midwest Miles, round after round the ‘Old Lux’ gave us…

- Bars / Bars / Bars :yes:

He didn’t try to expose ANYONE. :smh:

And that’s ALL that some of the URL fans want…. is BARS. AND MO’ BARS.

Because, we all know Lux can ‘school’ his opponents. That’s a given.

But cats also respect him because he’s one of the few emcees who CAN school someone… PLUS…. lyrically ‘jump off that top rope’ with his punchlines & suplex opponents with his metaphors - when they LEAST expect it.

He doesn’t need a 4-bar setup, to throw a haymaker. :smh:
With him… Heavy punches can land at ANY given time.

Just watch the Midwest Miles battle again to see what I’m talking about.

- While watching it, just keep asking yourself is Lux trying to EXPOSE Miles?
- Or is he just trying to BURY HIM with quotables?
- Is he using too many ‘big words’ to say something simple?
- Or do his punchlines have that ’SNAP’ to ‘em? (Because his zingers & jabs are crispy.)

Personally, if he battles again….

I think instead of trying to ’expose’ someone’s past background with personals…
Lux just needs to drop 2 or 3 rounds of that old Midwest Miles-type whupass delivery. :yes:

It’s the charisma. The wordplay. The flow. The showmanship.

That’s what got Lux his rank in these streets. :yes:

He didn’t get there by exposing anyone’s background. :smh:

Or by talking about their ‘rap sheet’. :smh:

Nor by using any gimmicks. or bringing any Props. Or wearing catchy outfits.

Because he didn’t need that stuff. :smh:
His ‘spit game’ ALONE was too much.

If he gives the fans JUST ONE BATTLE (or 2 or 3 straight rounds) of well-paced, PURE METAPHOR BOMBS… (spit slowly & concisely)… all their ‘slick talk’ about him might cease.

Yup. But he gotta pick the right opponent so they don't try to do that to him and
force his hand. He needs a
Chilla Jones or someone like that. A decent person who's known for the same shit.

And don't do it on URL. Fuck that crowd

Skinnie Talls

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bonnie Godiva




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
URL Night of Rematches. Who would you like to see. I want to see Math vs Calicoe and Chilla vs JC.

<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="5" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:50.0% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://instagram.com/p/8rQqcGy62N/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">Url presents Night of the rematches ima really kill @tsu_surf this time watch and see</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A photo posted by Zipemup_kshine (@zipemup_kshine) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2015-10-10T23:43:37+00:00">Oct 10, 2015 at 4:43pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
<script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>


Rising Star
OG Investor
Danny Myers exposed surf for having a ghost writer in a few battles. Audi Boom wrote a few bars for dude here and there lol


Rising Star
OG Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member
URL/Smack Presents: Ave vs. Nunn Nunn (PG Battle)

It's been a long while since we seen a PG battle THIS GOOD!!


This is one of the VERY BEST ‘small room’ battles I’ve ever seen…. since JC vs Chilla Jones. :yes:

This battle had everything………. And. I. Mean. EVERYTHING. :yes:

Crazy Punchlines, Freestyles, Bars, Flips, Rebuttals, Assists, Performance, Showmanship, Crowd Reaction, Sheeiiittt… Even a Quick Fight BROKE OUT :eek:…. then we get right back to these BARS. :yes:

Everything that could happen in a battle... Seemed to happened in this one battle. :yes::rolleyes:

Because neither one of these emcees wanted to lose this battle. And it REALLY showed. :yes:

But imo Ave's solid punchlines just overpowered Nunnz, at the end of the day.

But Nunnz puts up one hell of a fight til the very end.

Wait For It. :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn yeah that was pretty much a 3-0

Gjonaj seemed like more of a fan than opposition.

You would think going against Diz he'd be ready to give it like he got. He let Diz punk him and outbar him. And to choke on the biggest battle you've ever had? Cmon.
I have been hearing about Gjonaj but never heard him.
I guess he had been better in the past.

From My Galaxy Note 4


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
URL/Smack Presents: Ave vs. Nunn Nunn (PG Battle)

It's been a long while since we seen a PG battle THIS GOOD!!


This is one of the VERY BEST ‘small room’ battles I’ve ever seen…. since JC vs Chilla Jones. :yes:

This battle had everything………. And. I. Mean. EVERYTHING. :yes:

Crazy Punchlines, Freestyles, Bars, Flips, Rebuttals, Assists, Performance, Showmanship, Crowd Reaction, Sheeiiittt… Even a Quick Fight BROKE OUT :eek:…. then we get right back to these BARS. :yes:

Everything that could happen in a battle... Seemed to happened in this one battle. :yes::rolleyes:

Because neither one of these emcees wanted to lose this battle. And it REALLY showed. :yes:

But imo Ave's solid punchlines just overpowered Nunnz, at the end of the day.

But Nunnz puts up one hell of a fight til the very end.

Wait For It. :cool:

Damn you sold the hell out of this shit. lol. Will check it out.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Rare Breed Presents: Big Kannon vs JC



On a SIDENOTE: Wait. Whut?

Whoa :eek: RBE got a helluva card on Sat. November 21… taking place in CHICAGO. :yes:

SHhheeeiitttt….. On paper, this shit looks like a Smack Event. :yes::rolleyes:

If they smart, they will post some of these battles during the long Thanksgiving Weekend. :dunno:


- Lady Luck vs Official :yes:
- Aye Verb vs Tsu Surf
- Charlie Clips vs Big Kannon :yes:
- Math Hoffa vs Bigg K :yes:
- Daylyt vs O-Red
- Ill Will vs K-Shine
- Xcel vs Heavy Half
- John John Da Don vs Young Kannon :yes:
- JC vs Born :yes:
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