America= Shithole country :(

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
He shouldve filed chapter seven... move his money to a trust before..
Shit is a problem. I also don't get how squares keep all their assets in shit that is easy to track(after they already paid taxes on the money) or not shielded. Then when shit gets real, they are expected to bleed themselves dry. Game is crooked, get fucking crooked with it.
A lot of people aren't hip to the game.
They're taught to keep their heads down, don't shake the tree, make waves, and it'll all work our for ya. Accept the status quo.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot of people aren't hip to the game.
They're taught to keep their heads down, don't shake the tree, make waves, and it'll all work our for ya. Accept the status quo.

Hey the majority of us has been mindfucked to THINK we got an education, folks still walkin around

indoctrinated thinking they educated... and I was one of them all the way till my mid to late thirties...

this biden administration really had me digging to see what the fuck is going on... and bruh, I was like,

No wonder they dont teach us the REAL MONETARY system and how we are supposed to work it,

folks were shocked to find out trump paid less than a thousand dollars in taxes... the masses were like

thats ALL he had to pay........

His billionaire ilk was like... you PAID THAT MUCH??? Get better advisors!!!!

as important as Taxes and Law is in this nation, youd think theyd teach it to us in their "education"

HA.... they not only failed to teach us, they fuckin CODED the muthafuckas to make it even harder to figure out..

it should be required for every high school student to know their way around a law library... but thats

only if we were truly being educated...

Animal Husbandry is what we get... herded into class, bells ringing to tell us when to move,

just like fuckin cattle

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Hey the majority of us has been mindfucked to THINK we got an education, folks still walkin around

indoctrinated thinking they educated... and I was one of them all the way till my mid to late thirties...

this biden administration really had me digging to see what the fuck is going on... and bruh, I was like,

No wonder they dont teach us the REAL MONETARY system and how we are supposed to work it,

folks were shocked to find out trump paid less than a thousand dollars in taxes... the masses were like

thats ALL he had to pay........

His billionaire ilk was like... you PAID THAT MUCH??? Get better advisors!!!!

as important as Taxes and Law is in this nation, youd think theyd teach it to us in their "education"

HA.... they not only failed to teach us, they fuckin CODED the muthafuckas to make it even harder to figure out..

it should be required for every high school student to know their way around a law library... but thats

only if we were truly being educated...

Animal Husbandry is what we get... herded into class, bells ringing to tell us when to move,

just like fuckin cattle
I get it
You get it
There's only a handful of BGOL members who get it

Just very head scratching that there is a very vocal loud majority on here who goes along with whatever the government serves them (as long as their favorite political party says so that is). Lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I get it
You get it
There's only a handful of BGOL members who get it

Just very head scratching that there is a very vocal loud majority on here who goes along with whatever the government serves them (as long as their favorite political party says so that is). Lol
this scum biden administration, gave us a big fuck you by not even considering reparations,

but put all their energy into the fag agenda... this scum bucket biden wanted to lock up all drug users

in the hoods of america, but cant keep a crackpipe away from his sons lips, or cocaine baggies

from the white house,

and then has the nerve to run, and the bigger nerve to want our votes, but chea, like you stated,

there are those that just do no research, go with official narratives and do what they are trained to do,

like good lil cattle... satanist use the democratic party to push their

do as you whilst agenda.. !! straight from the satanic bible..

all this trying to make men women and women masculine and then going after the children..

nothing short of demonic...

A vote for this administration is a vote for child grooming, bruh you see how insane Pedo Joe biden

gets around children???

hey they got that 72 million to try and rig the election again... yea biden rigged it,

and it was rigged for Trump prior to that...

since 2000 with the butterfly vote fuckery, it just became too obvious,

the whole voting game in this country is rigged as fuck.... especially since its

become digitized... any programmer could fix and election...

if we dont get rid of the electoral college and go back to one man one vote,

then the voting fuckery will get worse every year..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The thing about having an economy, land, and wealth, is that if you cannot defend it, (i.e. preventing other countries from invading, destroying your currency with counterfeit bills, and/or protecting the health of your people from biological warfare) your money will always be the target of other nations. So yes there are nations who use the protection of NATO (the U.S.) allowing them to concentrate on building their infrastructure, without the protection of the U.S. they are no safer than Ukraine right now.
So yeah, it's a tricky game and not as simple as you think.
I am not saying don’t defend.

In fact, I feel most people don’t mean don’t defend.

However, Stevie Wonder can see that it don’t cost what they putting out. And America (the government) is okay getting hosed because they not the America (citizens) funding it.

All this tech and you need to physically occupy 80 countries?

It’s greed, and fear, pure & simple.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sorry buddy in any type of system they are going to be poor people, Even in Socialist/Communist Countries that you guys preach. They still have poor people.

Capitalism is not perfect, but its still the best system to climb the ladder if your will to put the work in From Jay-z to Steve Jobs, You can be poor as shit and become rich if your willingness to work hard.
Or, more commonly, you can be any other person wanting to start a tech company or become a rapper, have a willingness to work hard, and stay poor.

Hard work is a piece AND it’s not even the most important.

If it were, enslaved ancestors would control all the wealth. They worked hard….really, really…hard.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I am not saying don’t defend.

In fact, I feel most people don’t mean don’t defend.

However, Stevie Wonder can see that it don’t cost what they putting out. And America (the government) is okay getting hosed because they not the America (citizens) funding it.

All this tech and you need to physically occupy 80 countries?

It’s greed, and fear, pure & simple.
In the real world its like either you get one superpower to protect you from the other or risk either not having any support and risk a worse superpower to take over your shit. Let's take the African Nations who decided to kick out the West, yet lack the money and ability to get to their natural resources burring miles underground. So what do they do, they turn to China, who turns around and fucks them just as bad if not worse than the West.
If you look at the African nations that are doing the best, those are the ones who are politically stable, and instead of taking shortcuts, they manage to pay off their debt, building up their credit, allowing them to get higher credit ratings and becoming more advanced. And before you vilify the system of borrowing, even the American economy is dependent on foreign investment, political stability, and credit rating. Even China and Russia's economy depends on their credit score and government stability.
I know a lot of people complain about this system, but unless you have a better system that keeps in mind the gravity of money needed for megaproject loans and keeps countries accountable towards paying it back, the only choices small poor unstable countries have been trying to build their credit, jumping in bed with the superpower to superpower trying to scam them out of paying them back or remaining poor, unprotected with billions of dollars worth or wealth that you cannot reach because you lack the funds and technology. Out of the three, the only one that seems to actually work is paying back the credit, while being stable. But as soon as some young hot shot stands up and says fuck paying back the people who gave you the mining equipment, and pipes to filter the water, off with their heads while exiting they will scorch the earth while destroying or taking back all of their tools, leaving them back a square one. You don't know how many times I've heard 3rd world nations complain about this very same thing happening over and over again.
So just like you, I thought the situation was simple and easily fixed but the more I learned about the situation the more I realize how fucked up it really is.


Rising Star
OG Investor
A lot of people aren't hip to the game.
They're taught to keep their heads down, don't shake the tree, make waves, and it'll all work our for ya. Accept the status quo.

My belief is that this is the reason other minority groups (dot) Indians, Asians and other excel in their communities. Koreatown, Chinatown, and the Chaldean community in Detroit don't try to assimilate and try to beg for acceptance from those in position of power. They make power by working together for a common goal.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
A lot of people aren't hip to the game.
They're taught to keep their heads down, don't shake the tree, make waves, and it'll all work our for ya. Accept the status quo.

Squares think they doing everything right. And they are. Problem is life isn't fair. System is rigged, but they show you how to do all the tricks. Can't tell a game goofy square shit though. They will have 1000 fucking reasons of why shit will go wrong or talk to another square who don't know shit. :smh:

Funny, folks will keep money in the bank for interest that don't keep up with inflation. Meanwhile, they don't realize that money that isn't in the bank doesn't exist. That's why money has to be 'seasoned' before real estate financing.
Hey the majority of us has been mindfucked to THINK we got an education, folks still walkin around

indoctrinated thinking they educated... and I was one of them all the way till my mid to late thirties...

this biden administration really had me digging to see what the fuck is going on... and bruh, I was like,

No wonder they dont teach us the REAL MONETARY system and how we are supposed to work it,

folks were shocked to find out trump paid less than a thousand dollars in taxes... the masses were like

thats ALL he had to pay........

His billionaire ilk was like... you PAID THAT MUCH??? Get better advisors!!!!

as important as Taxes and Law is in this nation, youd think theyd teach it to us in their "education"

HA.... they not only failed to teach us, they fuckin CODED the muthafuckas to make it even harder to figure out..

it should be required for every high school student to know their way around a law library... but thats

only if we were truly being educated...

Animal Husbandry is what we get... herded into class, bells ringing to tell us when to move,

just like fuckin cattle
The masses don't know shit. I hate to say it, but I understand why the elite act the way they do it. I'm technically part of the masses and I have contempt for these fools. I don't feel any connection to these people.

And I know you mentioned bankruptcy. But that square would have been fucked trying to make moves AFTER learning it has to make moves. Moves have to be made well in advance of a situation or they will get you. For example, if they are suing him, he can't start moving shit around after it seems like he might be sued. Goofy square shit.

It's not a matter of being smart either. Most humans are fucking cowards. Going to school, doing the right thing, working for 40 years, and then fucking off and dying is easy. Doing what some deem unethical(even if the game is setup for it) seems like a homicide for a cowardly square. Especially if their friends/family are against it.

I get it
You get it
There's only a handful of BGOL members who get it

Just very head scratching that there is a very vocal loud majority on here who goes along with whatever the government serves them (as long as their favorite political party says so that is). Lol
Funny how that works. Cats will be against the government when it is politcally correct. Folks so blinded by politics it is a shame. Especially when we seen all the 'misinformation'(left loves that word) that came from the left the last few years. It goes without saying the right engages in fuckery, but these fools act like little kids who still believe in santa. Then got the nerve to laugh at 'free thinkers'.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Or, more commonly, you can be any other person wanting to start a tech company or become a rapper, have a willingness to work hard, and stay poor.

Hard work is a piece AND it’s not even the most important.

If it were, enslaved ancestors would control all the wealth. They worked hard….really, really…hard.
If it were just about hard work, all these blue collar guys(yes GUYS because very few women fight for 'equity' in physical demanding jobs) would be rich as fuck. I have no shame in admitting a good number of these blue collar guys work harder than I ever did. Work harder than many millionaires I know who got 8 figures. And they would tell you the same.

Folks need to be willing to take the right risks. Have to put yourself out there. They have to network, network, and then network some more.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Squares think they doing everything right. And they are. Problem is life isn't fair. System is rigged, but they show you how to do all the tricks. Can't tell a game goofy square shit though. They will have 1000 fucking reasons of why shit will go wrong or talk to another square who don't know shit. :smh:

Funny, folks will keep money in the bank for interest that don't keep up with inflation. Meanwhile, they don't realize that money that isn't in the bank doesn't exist. That's why money has to be 'seasoned' before real estate financing.

The masses don't know shit. I hate to say it, but I understand why the elite act the way they do it. I'm technically part of the masses and I have contempt for these fools. I don't feel any connection to these people.

And I know you mentioned bankruptcy. But that square would have been fucked trying to make moves AFTER learning it has to make moves. Moves have to be made well in advance of a situation or they will get you. For example, if they are suing him, he can't start moving shit around after it seems like he might be sued. Goofy square shit.

It's not a matter of being smart either. Most humans are fucking cowards. Going to school, doing the right thing, working for 40 years, and then fucking off and dying is easy. Doing what some deem unethical(even if the game is setup for it) seems like a homicide for a cowardly square. Especially if their friends/family are against it.

Funny how that works. Cats will be against the government when it is politcally correct. Folks so blinded by politics it is a shame. Especially when we seen all the 'misinformation'(left loves that word) that came from the left the last few years. It goes without saying the right engages in fuckery, but these fools act like little kids who still believe in santa. Then got the nerve to laugh at 'free thinkers'.

Organized religions aint shit either, all it does is teach that you need them

to get to God, while keeping the masses divided and conquered...

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Capitalism, Socialism..... all religious beliefs all keeping us divided

and conquered for now....


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Gotta be careful here. Many states ask if the divorce is for the purpose of avoiding debts. Of course everyone says 'no', but they don't then turn around and admit that shit on social media.
He shouldve filed chapter seven... move his money to a trust before..

Maybe Chapter 13 which is a reorganization. Chapter 7 is complete liquidation...not sure that helps when they sell all out your shit to pay your creditors.

My belief is that this is the reason other minority groups (dot) Indians, Asians and other excel in their communities. Koreatown, Chinatown, and the Chaldean community in Detroit don't try to assimilate and try to beg for acceptance from those in position of power. They make power by working together for a common goal.

Just look at any major city. They have a China town with Chinese writing on the street signs and all that sheet. And most importantly, they have Chinese banks or (name the ethnicity) and so on.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Hope this isn't true...

Man, I hate how much of my own fact checking I got to do with modern media. So much 'misinformation' comes from the side who uses the term the most. But if this shit is true, just fucking terrible.

But how do we balance health care in a country where 70 percent of the country are fat asses who don't seem to take their health seriously? The fat asses had BILLIONS to health care costs and strain the system.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Man, I hate how much of my own fact checking I got to do with modern media. So much 'misinformation' comes from the side who uses the term the most. But if this shit is true, just fucking terrible.

But how do we balance health care in a country where 70 percent of the country are fat asses who don't seem to take their health seriously? The fat asses had BILLIONS to health care costs and strain the system.


Rising Star
OG Investor
When the gas station, and Dollar Store becomes your main source of a heavily processed diet, you're bound to fail. Coupled with the fact that one of the most destructive forms of entertainment making millions endorsing this crap is just as bad. Kidney dialysis clinic on dam near every corner here in this city.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aye, What's wrong with Rap Snacks?
It's for the culture!!!​
When the gas station, and Dollar Store becomes your main source of a heavily processed diet, you're bound to fail. Coupled with the fact that one of the most destructive forms of entertainment making millions endorsing this crap is just as bad. Kidney dialysis clinic on dam near every corner here in this city.


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
When the gas station, and Dollar Store becomes your main source of a heavily processed diet, you're bound to fail. Coupled with the fact that one of the most destructive forms of entertainment making millions endorsing this crap is just as bad. Kidney dialysis clinic on dam near every corner here in this city.

Man, people just not disciplined. Also, if we are being honest, all the bad shit just tastes good. I ain't one of these cats who eats healthy that talks fantasy land shit about how great the food is compared to the bad shit. Sure, the recipes taste good, don't get me wrong,. But damn some loaded cheesecake with a new york strip is the shit. Fuck if that ben and jerrys ain't the shit. I can smash a bag of fritos and want more.

Trust, I get why people are fat asses. Every fucking day is a fight not to fold and eat like a pig like the average American.

It takes fucking discipline most people don't have to stay in shape in the age where we can just get fast food or whatever. I'm in the suburbs and all my neighbors look like shit(skinny fat is common), so it ain't the gas station/dollar store/food desert excuse. It's just most Americans don't give a fuck and ain't got the discipline in them. All they got is fucking excuses. :( " I work too much" "I don't have time" "eating healthy(most of which is portion control)cost too much" Blah blah blah.

And all these excuses have crashed our health care system. And to top it off, we got a body positive movement that denies these fat asses cost us billions of dollars.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Man, people just not disciplined. Also, if we are being honest, all the bad shit just tastes good. I ain't one of these cats who eats healthy that talks fantasy land shit about how great the food is compared to the bad shit. Sure, the recipes taste good, don't get me wrong,. But damn some loaded cheesecake with a new york strip is the shit. Fuck if that ben and jerrys ain't the shit. I can smash a bag of fritos and want more.

Trust, I get why people are fat asses. Every fucking day is a fight not to fold and eat like a pig like the average American.

It takes fucking discipline most people don't have to stay in shape in the age where we can just get fast food or whatever. I'm in the suburbs and all my neighbors look like shit(skinny fat is common), so it ain't the gas station/dollar store/food desert excuse. It's just most Americans don't give a fuck and ain't got the discipline in them. All they got is fucking excuses. :( " I work too much" "I don't have time" "eating healthy(most of which is portion control)cost too much" Blah blah blah.

And all these excuses have crashed our health care system. And to top it off, we got a body positive movement that denies these fat asses cost us billions of dollars.
I went to Santa Barbara last weekend (popular beach town in Southern Cal) and the foreigners on the beach were all in shape (you can tell by when they spoke fyi) and fat people were the Americans In general lol.

Definitely was a hmm moment for me.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I went to Santa Barbara last weekend (popular beach town in Southern Cal) and the foreigners on the beach were all in shape (you can tell by when they spoke fyi) and fat people were the Americans In general lol.

Definitely was a hmm moment for me.
When you go to Eastern Europe (Latvia, Estonia Poland) you rarely see sloppy fat people. There are a lot food products that are flat-out outlawed in the EU.
