American Autocthonous History aka Black/African American History & History of Autocthonous People World Wide


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Fear. In 1730 false rumors of an impending slave uprising swept through the colony of New York. That colony contained the largest number of slaves north of the Chesapeake colonies; one-sixth of New York City’s residents were slaves. A strict slave code was adopted in the 1730s, but it was only partially successful in controlling the behavior of slaves in the city. Rumors circulated in 1740 of plans to poison the city’s water supply, and the harsh winter of 1740-1741 further heightened anxieties.

Burton. In early 1741 a rash of arsons and thefts resulted in the posting of a reward of £100 for information leading to the arrest of the criminals. Mary Burton, a teenage indentured servant, claimed the reward with information about a theft ring that included her master. Subsequent evidence pointed to the existence of the ring, but Mary’s claims went further: she reported a plot to burn the city, kill the white males, and place her owner in charge as mayor.

Trials and Torture. Many New Yorkers believed Burton, despite inconsistencies in her story. The trials that followed during the next year fully displayed the city’s fear of a general slave uprising, as well as class and religious resentments. One hundred and fifty blacks and twenty-five whites were jailed. Eighteen slaves and four whites were hanged, and thirteen slaves were burned to death. Another seventy slaves were deported to non-English colonies after confessing. The confessions were extracted under threats—at least two while the fire was being lit beneath them—so the best way to save oneself from death was to “confess” and to implicate others. Truth mattered little, and pleas of innocence were ignored, as the law became an instrument of fear rather than of justice.

Aftermath. The trials came to an end when Burton’s accusations became even wilder and were extended to include prominent citizens. She left New York soon afterward. In the years that followed, rumors periodically surfaced of other plots, and New Yorkers increasingly preferred free laborers over slaves, more out of fear than of sympathy for unfree laborers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

1919, The Year of Racial Violence recounts African Americans' brave stand against a cascade of mob attacks in the United States after World War I. The emerging New Negro identity, which prized unflinching resistance to second-class citizenship, further inspired veterans and their fellow black citizens. In city after city – Washington, DC; Chicago; Charleston; and elsewhere – black men and women took up arms to repel mobs that used lynching, assaults, and other forms of violence to protect white supremacy; yet, authorities blamed blacks for the violence, leading to mass arrests and misleading news coverage. Refusing to yield, African Americans sought accuracy and fairness in the courts of public opinion and the law. This is the first account of this three-front fight – in the streets, in the press, and in the courts – against mob violence during one of the worst years of racial conflict in U.S. history.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member


The occult science of Bô is not Vodun, although it often summons spirits issued from the Vodun pantheon in its process.The amalgam probably occurred through foreign observation and explanation of the rituals of Vodun. It is due to the fact that Vodun elements can be seen in the rituals of Bò.

The general perception of west African Vodun today is based on a perception of Bò (Juju in Yoruba), European witchcraft and misunderstanding of the practice.

Yoruba is 3000 years older than Christianity.


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For many years, anyone wishing to mail a letter, would have to go to their local post office. That all changed when Philip B. Downing designed a metal box for storage of mail. He patented this device on October 27, 1891. He called the device a “street letter box”. It is the predecessor of today’s mailbox.

Prior to the “street letter box”, Downing also patented an electrical switch that could be used by railroads. The switch allowed workers to turn power off and on to trains at the appropriate times. Downing’s electrical switch was catalyst for later inventors who would create other types of electrical switches such as light switches.



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Great thread spread knowledge.

ewis Latimer: Carbon filament in a light bulb and the application of public electric lights
Before Lewis Latimer’s carbon filament invention, light bulbs had an extremely short life span of only a few days. He additionally invented the threaded socket for the light bulb and oversaw the installation of lighting in railroad stations, government building and major thoroughfares in Canada, New England and London. He was a draftsman for Alexander Graham Bell before being hired as an assistant and draftsman for Thomas Edison.



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In 1897, Lloyd Ray created a device with a long handle attached to a steel collection box called the dustpan. The dustpan greatly improved the gathering and transportation of dirt, dust and anything else you sweep up.

To learn more about historic Black inventors, there are a number of helpful resources such as and to get you started.


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member





US government sues Ferguson over police reform.

The US Justice Department is suing Ferguson, Missouri to force the city to adopt police reforms negotiated with the federal government.

Unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was shot dead by a police officer in the city in 2014, sparking protests. Ferguson was required to reform its policing after investigators found widespread racial bias in the force.

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said there was no option but to sue after the city voted to revise the agreement.

Source (x)

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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In his famous essay, “The Negro Digs Up His Past,” Schomburg founder Arturo Schomburg wrote:

“History must restore what slavery took away, for it is the social damage of slavery that the present generations must repair and offset.”

Click this image to learn more about the history of the Schomburg and the significance of Arturo Schomburg in our new exhibition, "Digging Up the Past: A History of the Schomburg Center.”

Osca Lee

Lets Get it!!


Remembering John Hanson, First President of the Original United States Government
This six-part synopsis consists of a compendium of articles by Remembering John Hansonauthor Peter H. Michael which appeared in Frederick, Maryland’s Frederick News-Post. The synopsis comprises about three percent of Michael’s biography, Remembering John Hanson, from which the articles were drawn, and covers the most important junctures of John Hanson’s life and tragic fate. Remembering John Hanson has been nominated or entered for six 2013 national book awards in biography.
John Hanson served as the first president of the original United States government chartered by the Articles of Confederation in 1781, and twice before that played the key role at critical junctures in holding the thirteen states together in a unified nation. His two nation-saving strokes and his adroit marshaling of materiel, troops and financing during the Revolutionary War made him the choice by some of the greatest Americans who ever lived as their nation’s first president.
Peter Michael’s definitive Hanson biography is the first in over seventy years. A relative of John Hanson, he serves as president of the John Hanson Memorial Association and as publisher of Underground Railroad Free Press which published Remembering John Hanson.He is the seventh generation of the Michael family at Cooling Springs Farm, an Underground Railroad historic site, where he lives near Adamstown, Maryland.
Michael served as Lecturer in the CSUS College of Business from 1984 to 1998, as founding Director of External Affairs of the College, and in the CSUS Academic Senate.

John Hanson: Indispensible National Founder
When they laid him to rest in 1783, he was sorely mourned by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Hancock and other American icons of his day, and the entire new breed he had helped bring into being, his countrymen now known the world over as Americans. Only the previous year he had been their president and he was their first former president to die.
Not long before, his fledgling nation had teetered on history's edge, its precariousness no match for its soaring ideals. Its starving army fought the mightiest on Earth. Revolutionary patriots were hunted down and executed. War funding was voluntary, sporadic and sparse. The United States were still plural, remaining independent sovereign states in nearly every respect, united in name and spirit only. The Second Continental Congress was weak, impoverished, poorly attended and no substitute for a government. Ratification of the Articles of Confederation to form the first government was held off in state after state for parochial interests, stalling nationhood in its tracks. No, in the years leading to his presidency, the grand American experiment faced the plausible prospects of a brief sickly life and collapse.
Even today, what followed seems miraculous. Not only were certain states convinced to subordinate their advantages for the sake of nationhood but, following the Declaration of Independence, the nation’s first government was put forth in yet another ringing American document, the Articles of Confederation. But as the era played out, these crucial steps could happen only if fortune produced a transformational figure possessing the personal power to gather up and articulate the aspirations of his countrymen into a vision which would rise above dispute and to which all would subscribe.
Such a man, if he existed, would be the new nation’s best, perhaps only, chance to bring forth its first breath. The esteemed Washington, leader of the heroic rag-tag army, eventually to claim the mantle of father of his country, did not step forward. The brilliant Jefferson, he of the incandescent prose of the nation’s founding declaration, demurred. The polymath Franklin, perhaps brightest of them all, chose sage mentorship. Not Adams, nor Hancock, nor Hamilton, nor any other but one did the Founders summon to take on the challenge.
In 1781, a most timely providence called forth an American who by personal example gave his countrymen a heroic vision of what their nation might become, who gathered the blazing light of their aspirations into his prism and directed it to his and his country’s ends, who imprinted his will and vision on his people and had them cherish it, who possessed the personal power to bring his country to life after its bloody birth, without diluting its visionary ideals.
As would no other American president, the new American leader would have to fashion a government from whole cloth, his country’s first. This man, if he existed, would need such compelling character as could kindle from the embers of his countrymen’s hopes the fire of a people transformed, a beacon of liberty and reason new to the world, charging them Articles/Michael.html

Bro the guy in the pic you posted isnt john Hanson..... they didnt even have photography back then....people need to stop showing this pic and saying its him cause it makes us look stupid


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro the guy in the pic you posted isnt john Hanson..... they didnt even have photography back then....people need to stop showing this pic and saying its him cause it makes us look stupid

I thought it was a painting.....

Your assesment may be correct, but I just know crackers covered up

so much of our history its not even funny...

I will look into it further thanks for the heads up...

It will be centuries before we uncover half the lies...

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

The lynching of Jesse Washington.

Washington was beaten with shovels and bricks,was castrated, and his ears were cut off. A tree supported the iron chain that lifted him above the fire. Jesse attempted to climb up the skillet hot chain. For this, the men cut off his fingers.

Jesse was 15.


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Here is some more information about the culling of our women. How long it was allowed to go on. Never forgive or forget.


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Nigeria’s Youngest Monarch
Obi(King)Chukwuka Noah Akaeze I, the newly crowned Obi of Ubulu Uku in Anioma, the Igbo-speaking part of Delta State, Nigeria, is Nigeria’s youngest monarch at age 17 as of February 2016. His ascension to the throne came after his late father, Obi Akaeze Edward Ofulue III, the former Obi, was kidnapped and murdered by suspected herdsmen in January.

Hundreds have died and continue to die in Nigeria from conflicts between some nomadic Fulani herdsmen from northern Nigeria and their host communities, (including kidnapping for ransom) and especially in Benue state whereover 300 people including women and children have recently been killed in the Agatu local government area. Entire villages have been raised down over cattle. More than3000 people have died since 2010through such clashes.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

On August 17, 1968 Judy Ann Ford, an eighteen-year-old gymnast from Illinois, was the first blonde in eleven years to be crowned Miss America.“I’m so glad,”she gushed to the press that evening.“I feel like it’s a breakthrough.”

Meanwhile, just four blocks from Convention Hall, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, another ideal was about to be chosen.


Calling itself a “positive protest,” the Miss Black America Pageant had been scheduled to begin at midnight, in the hopes that newsmen would drop by when they left Convention Hall. It was nearly three in the morning before nineteen-year-old Philadelphian Saundra Williams was crowned.


“Miss America does not represent us,” Saundra Williams told the audience.“With my title, I can show black women they, too, are beautiful.”


J. Morris Anderson was inspired to create the MBA in 1967 after speaking with his two young daughters who desired to become Miss America, although the contest at the time didn’t allow Black women to join the competition.

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