American Autocthonous History aka Black/African American History & History of Autocthonous People World Wide

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
MARCH 28, 2013
The German Empire in Africa

While this blog is primarily about the British Empire I have recently come into possession of some amazing pictures of the German Empire in Africa.

For much of the last couple of decades of the 19th Century, the scramble for Africa had occupied the minds of British politicians and intelligence officers.

Britain had two main preoccupations in Northern Africa during the 1890’s. First off was the stability of Egypt, this was essential to the smooth running of the Suez Canal (lifeline of India) and the second was keeping foreign powers away from the headwaters of the Nile, this was to stop anyone from controlling the flood waters of the Nile.

Map of German East Africa 1906

With France pushing towards the Nile from the West and Italy and German pushing from the East, a nervous London authorized the re-Occupation off the Sudan in 1898 to keep these powers away from the Nile.

With Italy humiliated in Abyssinia and the France thwarted by the occupation of the Sudan, Germany suddenly became the main player in the scramble for territory.

In 1894 Uganda became a British protectorate in order to stop the Germans march up the west side of Lake Victoria and to further hem in the Germans, Britain created British East Africa to block an advance up the east side of the Lake.

Border clashes between native levies became the norm for the next 20 years and the region wasn’t settled until the defeat of Germany in ww1.

The following pictures are from the collection of my friend Rob Schafer. A German Historian, Rob specializes in German Military history and I would highly recommend his blog ( He has kindly allowed me to share these pictures and my thanks go to him.

Memorial to Kaiser Wilhelm 1897
German East Africa

Founder of the Nation
Von Bismarek

African porters with the latest haul

German school for native children

Massai auxiliaries German East-Africa

The beauty of German East Africa 1900

Governors Palace 1901

German overseers with African workers 1900

Woman collecting water

A little bit of Germany in Africa 1900

African servants with the Imperial crest 1900

African prisoners 1900

African irregulars 1900

I really hope you have enjoyed these brilliant photos which have shone a light on Imperial Africa at the turn of the century.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
In August of 1936, American athlete Jesse Owens won four gold medals, setting three world records and tying a fourth in the 100 yard dash - all in front of Adolf Hitler, who had planned to use the Games as a tool to promote the physical superiority of the Aryan race.




Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
For you accomodating house nigga coons that can't seem to understand why I'm so mad and hateful towards Caucasians and Arabians.

Cotton screw






Neck collar


Wooden collar







Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
The Women Of The Black Panther Party


While the image of theBlack Panther Partyoften conjures one of a male in the signature beret carrying a gun, women were right there alongside the men of the party, making up an estimated 50 percent of membership. Women played roles at every level of the party, from press secretaries and editors to chairwomen. Check out some of the Party’s most notable female members.


Kathleen Cleaver
Highly educated and well-traveled, Cleaver was the first woman in a major position of power in the BPP. Their National Communications Secretary, she is famous for articulating the Party’s message nationwide. She was married to Eldridge Cleaver, with whom she lived in exile for years after confrontations with police. Upon return, she got her law degree from Yale and became a lawyer, scholar and activist.


Elaine Brown
Elaine Brown is one of the most well-known female members of the party. She joined the party in 1968 and helped establish some of the first Free Breakfast programs. She rose through the ranks to serve as Chairwoman of the BPP from ‘74-‘77. She eventually left the party over sexism and has been an outspoken advocate for women. She is a celebrated author and activist, even mulling a Green Party presidential run.


Fredrika Newton
Fredrika Newton, widow of co-founder Huey Newton, joined the Black Panther Party in 1969. Since her late husband’s death in 1989, she has worked tirelessly to spread the message of his work and the work of the party.


Angela Davis
An activist, scholar, author and musician, Davis was an active member of the Communist Party and worked closely with the BPP in the 1960s and 70s. She was accused of several crimes in a courtroom standoff that left four dead. She spent time in jail, but was later acquitted of all charges. She maintains her innocence and has been an outspoken advocate for prisoners, as well as an author and scholar, ever since.


Barbara Easley-Cox
Easley-Cox was a member of the BPP and wife of Don Cox. Together, they ran the Oakland chapter of the party. In the 1970s, she traveled abroad to North Korea and Algeria to promote the African liberation movement. In 1973, upon her return to the States, she moved back to her hometown of Philadelphia. There, she became a social worker and community activist. She is also a teacher and literacy advocate.


Afeni Shakur
Shakur is best known for her son, Tupac Shakur, but she herself is an incredible artist, poet, actress and activist. At 19, she met Malcolm X, who inspired her life of activism. She joined the BPP in ‘64 and was an active member, writing articles for the Party newsletter. She was later accused of taking part in several bombing plots in NYC. Her case went to trial in ‘71, where she famously defended herself.


Assata Shakur
One of the most controversial Panthers, Assata Shakur (Joanne Chesimard) was accused of killing a NJ State Policeman following a shootout that left her wounded and Black Liberation Army member Zayd Malik Shakur dead. She was incarcerated in the 1970s before escaping and fleeing to Cuba in 1979. While she is decried by government officials, she is a celebrated author, activist and freedom fighter.


Safiya Bukhari
Safiya Bukhari joined the party in 1969, working out of the Harlem office. She was in charge of Information and Communications for the East Coast branch of the Panthers, acting as a sort of publicist for the Party. She was arrested in ‘75 and imprisoned until 1983 for a case related to her connection with the Black Liberation Army. She went on to be an advocate for prisoners and author before her death in 2003.




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Remembering John Hanson, First President of the Original United States Government
This six-part synopsis consists of a compendium of articles by Remembering John Hansonauthor Peter H. Michael which appeared in Frederick, Maryland’s Frederick News-Post. The synopsis comprises about three percent of Michael’s biography, Remembering John Hanson, from which the articles were drawn, and covers the most important junctures of John Hanson’s life and tragic fate. Remembering John Hanson has been nominated or entered for six 2013 national book awards in biography.
John Hanson served as the first president of the original United States government chartered by the Articles of Confederation in 1781, and twice before that played the key role at critical junctures in holding the thirteen states together in a unified nation. His two nation-saving strokes and his adroit marshaling of materiel, troops and financing during the Revolutionary War made him the choice by some of the greatest Americans who ever lived as their nation’s first president.
Peter Michael’s definitive Hanson biography is the first in over seventy years. A relative of John Hanson, he serves as president of the John Hanson Memorial Association and as publisher of Underground Railroad Free Press which published Remembering John Hanson.He is the seventh generation of the Michael family at Cooling Springs Farm, an Underground Railroad historic site, where he lives near Adamstown, Maryland.
Michael served as Lecturer in the CSUS College of Business from 1984 to 1998, as founding Director of External Affairs of the College, and in the CSUS Academic Senate.

John Hanson: Indispensible National Founder
When they laid him to rest in 1783, he was sorely mourned by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Hancock and other American icons of his day, and the entire new breed he had helped bring into being, his countrymen now known the world over as Americans. Only the previous year he had been their president and he was their first former president to die.
Not long before, his fledgling nation had teetered on history's edge, its precariousness no match for its soaring ideals. Its starving army fought the mightiest on Earth. Revolutionary patriots were hunted down and executed. War funding was voluntary, sporadic and sparse. The United States were still plural, remaining independent sovereign states in nearly every respect, united in name and spirit only. The Second Continental Congress was weak, impoverished, poorly attended and no substitute for a government. Ratification of the Articles of Confederation to form the first government was held off in state after state for parochial interests, stalling nationhood in its tracks. No, in the years leading to his presidency, the grand American experiment faced the plausible prospects of a brief sickly life and collapse.
Even today, what followed seems miraculous. Not only were certain states convinced to subordinate their advantages for the sake of nationhood but, following the Declaration of Independence, the nation’s first government was put forth in yet another ringing American document, the Articles of Confederation. But as the era played out, these crucial steps could happen only if fortune produced a transformational figure possessing the personal power to gather up and articulate the aspirations of his countrymen into a vision which would rise above dispute and to which all would subscribe.
Such a man, if he existed, would be the new nation’s best, perhaps only, chance to bring forth its first breath. The esteemed Washington, leader of the heroic rag-tag army, eventually to claim the mantle of father of his country, did not step forward. The brilliant Jefferson, he of the incandescent prose of the nation’s founding declaration, demurred. The polymath Franklin, perhaps brightest of them all, chose sage mentorship. Not Adams, nor Hancock, nor Hamilton, nor any other but one did the Founders summon to take on the challenge.
In 1781, a most timely providence called forth an American who by personal example gave his countrymen a heroic vision of what their nation might become, who gathered the blazing light of their aspirations into his prism and directed it to his and his country’s ends, who imprinted his will and vision on his people and had them cherish it, who possessed the personal power to bring his country to life after its bloody birth, without diluting its visionary ideals.
As would no other American president, the new American leader would have to fashion a government from whole cloth, his country’s first. This man, if he existed, would need such compelling character as could kindle from the embers of his countrymen’s hopes the fire of a people transformed, a beacon of liberty and reason new to the world, charging them Articles/Michael.html

you got that pic confused man

that one is from liberia