American Autocthonous History aka Black/African American History & History of Autocthonous People World Wide

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Thanks for the info Lexx. I wonder where they got that camera to take that picture. :rolleyes: JK

Bro I love Archeology & Anthropology. We have been traveling the planet for tens of thousands of years.

Ancient humans may have deliberately voyaged to Japan’s Ryukyu Islands
Satellite-tracked buoys suggest there’s little chance the remote isles were reached by accident

dugout canoe crafted using axes modeled off of Japanese artifacts

A dugout canoe (shown) crafted using stone axes modeled off of ancient Japanese artifacts successfully traveled more than 200 kilometers from Taiwan to Japan’s Ryukyu archipelago in 2019.

Y. Kaifu

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By Charles Q. Choi

December 3, 2020 at 11:00 am

Long ago, ancient mariners successfully navigated a perilous ocean journey to arrive at Japan’s Ryukyu Islands, a new study suggests.
Archaeological sites on six of these isles — part of a 1,200-kilometer-long chain — indicate that migrations to the islands occurred 35,000 to 30,000 years ago, both from the south via Taiwan and from the north via the Japanese island of Kyushu.
But whether ancient humans navigated there on purpose or drifted there by accident on the Kuroshio ocean current, one of the world’s largest and strongest currents, is unclear. The answer to that question could shed light on the proficiency of these Stone Age humans as mariners and their mental capabilities overall.
Now, satellite-tracked buoys that simulated wayward rafts suggest that there’s little chance that the seafarers reached the isles by accident.

Researchers analyzed 138 buoys that were released near or passed by Taiwan and the Philippine island Luzon from 1989 to 2017, deployed as part of the Global Drifter Program to map surface ocean currents worldwide. In findings published online December 3 in Scientific Reports, the team found that only four of the buoys came within 20 kilometers of any of the Ryukyu Islands, and these did so only as a result of typhoons and other adverse weather.

It is unlikely that ancient mariners would have set out on an ocean voyage with a major storm on the horizon, say paleoanthropologist Yousuke Kaifu of the University of Tokyo and colleagues. As a result, the new findings indicate that the Kuroshio current would have forced drifters away from rather than toward the Ryukyu Islands, suggesting that anyone who made the crossing did so intentionally instead of accidentally, Kaifu says.

Geologic records suggest that currents in the region have remained stable for at least the past 100,000 years. So it’s reasonable to conclude that these buoys mimic how well ancient watercraft set adrift in the same area might have fared, the researchers say.

“From a navigation perspective, crossing to the Ryukyus was so challenging that accidental-drift models are unlikely to provide an effective explanation,” agrees archaeologist Thomas Leppard of Florida State University in Tallahassee, who was not involved in the research. This new work “is, of course, not conclusive, but it is suggestive.”

Stone tools and butchered remains of a rhinoceros suggest archaic human lineages such as Homo erectus may have similarly crossed seas at least 709,000 years ago. And artifacts found in Australia suggest modern humans may have begun voyaging across the ocean at least 65,000 years ago (SN: 7/19/17). But it remains hotly debated whether humans’ ocean journeys during the Paleolithic, which lasted from roughly 2.6 million years ago to about 11,700 years ago, were generally made accidentally or intentionally.

Other data do suggest that ancient humans could have deliberately made the voyage to the Ryukyu Islands. In 2019, a team of adventurers succeeded in paddling more than 200 kilometers from Taiwan to Yonaguni in the archipelago using a dugout canoe that Kaifu and his colleagues made using stone axes modeled off Japanese Paleolithic artifacts.

Although the people of the Paleolithic are often perceived as primitive and conservative in their goals, “I feel something very different from the evidence of human presence on these remote islands,” Kaifu says.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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The writings of Sahagun say the Olmecs and the Mayan did not come from the North or Northwest into Mexico...
Sahagun wrote that they arrived by ships coming from the direction of the rising sun (East) and that they landed on the Gulf Coast of Mexico at Panutla (Panuco)
All the "Nahua" people arrived in ships at Panutla, on the Eastern shore of Mexico, and they had come from the direction of the rising sun...
It may be true that some group, or groups, of people immigrated into the North American continent using some lost Bering Strait land bridge, but the Olmecs and the Mayan were not those people...



Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Portrait of an Arab, by Horace Vernet, c. 1830
This is what used to be an Arab…


…and this (The Turk) is what an Arab is today…


These Quadroons and Octoroons are of course NOT Arabs, they are Turk invaders…
Before going on, lets get this Turk thing straight:—these so called yt, Mulatto, Quadroon and Octoroon people in Libya and Egypt, and Turkey, and Arabia, and the Middle East, and Iran etc. are NOT Arabs - THEY ARE TURKS!
Note: Turki is a common "nickname" or even a Proper name of the Turks in Saudi Arabia…
These Turk Quadroons and Octoroons is what the Eurocentrick world has conditioned the world, through propagandizing use of media, to accept as Arabs…
Even with all of the proofs and logic, we know that there are those delusional “many” who will still insist that those Turks and Turk Mulattoes, Quadroons and Octoroons are really Arabs…
In answer to those delusional people, we offer these comments:—
“The inhabitants of this part of Arabia nearly all belong to the race of Himyar. Their complexion is almost as black as the Abyssinians”
(Baron von Maltzan, 'Geography of Southern Arabia'; 1872)
“The people of Dhufar are of the Qahtan tribe, the sons of Joktan mentioned in Genesis: they are of Hamitic or African rather than Arab types”
(Arnold Wilson, ‘The Geographical Journal’; 1927)
“In Arabia the first inhabitants were probably a dark-skinned, shortish population intermediate, between the African Hamites and the Dravidians of India and forming a single African Asiatic belt with these.”
(Handbook of the Territories which form the Theater of Operations of the Iraq Petroleum Company Limited and its Associated Companies; 1948)

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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DID YOU KNOW... Charlotte’s own Hattie "Chatty Hatty" Leeper, the first Black female DJ in the city, started as a young radio intern in 1951.

After graduating high school, she officially became a DJ with WGIV, the number-one radio station at the time. She had an exceptional carreer where she not only produced for some of the biggest names in music, such as Aretha Franklin and Patti Labelle but also operated her own record label, AwarE, helping to excel the careers of many local acts and most notably, Hattie was inducted to the Black Radio Hall of Fame.

In an interview with WCCB Charlotte, Chatty Hatty expressed, "you got to be sincere about this business of being a trailblazer. You got to be humble, you got to be thankful. You got to help somebody."

Just by pursuing her passion, Chatty Hatty has helped create a new lane for women of color in media, beyond Charlotte and into the national pathway.


Staff member

DID YOU KNOW... Charlotte’s own Hattie "Chatty Hatty" Leeper, the first Black female DJ in the city, started as a young radio intern in 1951.

After graduating high school, she officially became a DJ with WGIV, the number-one radio station at the time. She had an exceptional carreer where she not only produced for some of the biggest names in music, such as Aretha Franklin and Patti Labelle but also operated her own record label, AwarE, helping to excel the careers of many local acts and most notably, Hattie was inducted to the Black Radio Hall of Fame.

In an interview with WCCB Charlotte, Chatty Hatty expressed, "you got to be sincere about this business of being a trailblazer. You got to be humble, you got to be thankful. You got to help somebody."

Just by pursuing her passion, Chatty Hatty has helped create a new lane for women of color in media, beyond Charlotte and into the national pathway.
Thanks Lexx :yes:

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Olivia Hooker (1921): last surviving witness to the Tulsa Race Massacre—where white mobs torched 1,000 Black businesses, homes, and babies. Tulsa’s Black community had created a thriving business ecosystem and a safe neighborhood. Ms. Hooker was 6 when the mob came to her family’s yard with torches.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Nigerian musician and composer Fela Sowande (1905 – 1987) with his fiance, American soprano Mildred Marshall, in Regent’s Park, London, on September 13, 1936.


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Daniel Hale Williams and the First Successful Heart Surgery

“A people who don’t make provision for their own sick and suffering are not worthy of civilization.”
–Daniel Hale Williams
The son of a barber, Daniel Hale Williams founded the first black-owned hospital in America, and performed the world's first successful heart surgery, in 1893. Williams was born in 1858 in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, the fifth of seven children. After his father died, his mother, Sara Price Williams, moved the family several times. Young Daniel started as a shoemaker, but quickly knew he wanted more education. He completed secondary school in Wisconsin. At age 20, Williams became an apprentice to a former surgeon general for Wisconsin. Williams studied medicine at Chicago Medical College.
After his internship, he went into private practice in an integrated neighborhood on Chicago's south side. He soon began teaching anatomy at Chicago Medical College and served as surgeon to the City Railway Company. In 1889, the governor of Illinois appointed him to the state's board of health.
Determined that Chicago should have a hospital where both black and white doctors could study and where black nurses could receive training, Williams rallied for a hospital open to all races. After months of hard work, he opened Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses on May 4, 1891, the country's first interracial hospital and nursing school.
One hot summer night in 1893, a young Chicagoan named James Cornish was stabbed in the chest and rushed to Provident. When Cornish started to go into shock, Williams suspected a deeper wound near the heart. He asked six doctors (four white, two black) to observe while he operated. In a cramped operating room with crude anesthesia, Williams inspected the wound between two ribs, exposing the breastbone. He cut the rib cartilage and created a small trapdoor to the heart.
Underneath, he found a damaged left internal mammary artery and sutured it. Then, inspecting the pericardium (the sac around the heart) he saw that the knife had left a gash near the right coronary artery. With the heart beating and transfusion impossible, Williams rinsed the wound with salt solution, held the edges of the palpitating wound with forceps, and sewed them together. Just 51 days after his apparently lethal wound, James Cornish walked out of the hospital. He lived for over 20 years after the surgery. The landmark operation was hailed in the press.
In 1894, Dr. Williams became chief surgeon of Freedmen's Hospital in Washington, D.C., the most prestigious medical post available to African Americans then. There, he made improvements that reduced the hospital's mortality rate. In 1895, he helped to organize the National Medical Association for black professionals, who were barred from the American Medical Association. Williams returned to Chicago, and continued as a surgeon. In 1913, he became the first African American to be inducted into the American College of Surgeons.
As a sign of the esteem of the black medical community, until this day, a "code blue" at the Howard University Hospital emergency room is called a "Dr. Dan." In words that could later be said of Vivien Thomas, a colleague wrote, "His greatest pride was that directly or indirectly, he had a hand in the making of most of the outstanding Negro surgeons of the current generation."
Dr. Williams died in 1931. The Daniel Hale Williams Medical Reading Club in Washington, D.C., commemorates his achievements.
Excerpt from PBS American Experience “Partners of the Heart.”


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Nellie Brown, an African-American cowgirl, c.1880s. More at "The cowgirls of the West in rare photographs, 1860-1930"

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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“The white man was the devil yesterday, he is the devil today, and he will be the devil tomorrow.”
-Dr. Khalid Muhammad -

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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MaShona early recorded cultural dressing. The Shona people are a Bantu ethnic group native to Southern Africa, primarily Zimbabwe. They have five major clans

The identified five groups and subdivisions:

—The Korekore (or Northern Shona), including Taυara, Shangwe, Korekore, Goυa, Budya, the Korekore of Urungwe, the Korekore of Sipolilo, Tande, Nyongwe of "Darwin", and Pfungwe of Mrewa

—The Zezuru group, including Shawasha, Haraυa, another Goυa, Nohwe, Hera, Njanja, Mbire, Nobvu, Vakwachikwakwa, Vakwazvimba, Tsunga

—The Karanga group, including Duma, Jena, Mari, Goυera, Nogoυa, and Nyubi

—The Manyika group, including Hungwe, Manyika themselves, Teυe, Unyama, Karombe, Nyamuka, Bunji, Domba, Nyatwe, Guta, Bvumba, Here, Jindwi, and Boca

—The Ndau group (mostly in Mozambique), including Ndau, Garwe, Danda, and Shanga
The Ndau dialect, which is somewhat mutually intelligible with the main Shona dialects, has click sounds which do not occur in standard Shona. Ndau has a wealth of Nguni words as a result of the Gaza Nguni occupation of their ancestral land in the 19th century.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dr. King was quoted as saying that he is truly afraid that he is integrating his people into hell itself. We truly have been in the school of satan and learnt well for many of us have become successful devils. The only thing we can become unless our goal is to take the earth back from these white devils.
Why do we live by everything that comes from a white english male? Their language, their education, etc.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Ras Mekonnen Welde Michael possibly in the mid 1890s

ራስ መኮንን ወ/ሚካዔል - በ1880ዎቹ መጨረሻ እንደተነሳ የሚገመት ፎቶግራፍ

Ras Mekonnen አባ ቃኘው was the governor of Hararghe, and among the brave military leaders in late 19th century Ethiopia. He was also the father of Emperor Haile Selassie I

National Museum of Arts of Africa & Oceania Via the Quai Branly Museum - France/Photographer - Unknown:


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Fortune, his wife Dinah and their 3 children were slaves of Preserved Porter, a Connecticut bone doctor. In 1798, Fortune slipped from a rock on the west bank of the Naugatuck river, broke his neck and drowned. At the time, dissecting cadavers was illegal; but not applying to slaves, Dr. Porter cut him into pieces at the riverbank. At his office, he boiled the bones so that all flesh fell off, etched labels into them and used them as a medical training tool. Dr. Porter died 6 years later, listing the bones as worth $15 ($330 today).

Prior to his death, Dr. Porter used the bones to teach anatomy to his son; who used them to teach anatomy to his grandson; who used them to teach his daughter…135 years of generational doctors and wealth. In 1933, his name long forgotten, the family donated the bones to the Mattatuck Museum where they were displayed next to slave tools as “Larry the Slave”; a popular exhibit shown on their postcard; not taken down until 1970 when the Museum realized this was demeaning. They stored them in the basement.

In 1999, made aware of these bones in the basement, the NAACP and museum staff enlisted anthropologists and archeologists to examine them, ultimately determining this was Fortune. Based on bone density, he was a strong man who lived and worked with a broken back, hand and died of a broken neck.

On Sept. 13th, 2013, after being a slave, medical specimen, museum exhibit and archeological artifact spanning 275 years, Fortune was finally freed…laid to rest next to White society of his time…something that wouldn’t have been allowed when he died.

This is not an isolated story. Medical usage of Black and Indigenous people in ways prohibited of Whites was not uncommon. Since I still can't find my GG Grandfather (Ned Mills), Erica and I decided to make a donation to the Assoc for the Study of African American Life & History, as well as to make a regular pilgrimage here to leave flowers for Fortune.

Black History is American History and Black Lives Matter. If not to you, I got this. My actions will show they always have and still do…no statute of limitations. Now rest, Fortune.

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