“Arab traditions record that the Adites, sprung from the blood of Ham, were the first inhabitants of Yemen, Hadramaut, and the countries of Mahrah and Oman”
“This statement fully agrees with the 10th chapter of Genesis, in which we find a considerable portion of the descendants of Cush inhabiting this region, where also modern science has discovered unmistakable traces of the Cushites”
The sons of Cush are Nimrod, Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteca…
“There can be no doubt as to the name Seba; all classical writers give it to the inhabitants of Yemen”
(The student's manual of oriental history. A manual of the ancient history of the East to the commencement of the Median wars Volume 2; 1870)
“Now it is supposed by many people that Ethiopia was only the country of that name in Africa. But in Gen. ii. Ethiopia, or Cush, is said to be encompassed by one of the four rivers which branched off from each other at the site of the Garden of Eden, one of which was the Euphrates and another the Tigris”
“The Ethiopia there referred to must, therefore, have been in Asia, and as shown by the author of the article "Eden” in Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, included Arabia and also Susiana, or Chusistan, to the east of the Euphrates, which, as its name implies, was also the land of Cush”
“The names, "Havilah” and "Seba" two of the sons of Cush, and "Dedan," his grandson, were the names respectively of portions of Northern, Southern and Eastern Arabia implying therefore that Arabia was the first home of the Cushite race.”
“These ancient Cushites of the Arabian peninsula originally consisted of twelve tribes—Ad, Thamoud (probably so named after Thamus or Tammuz), Tasm, Djadis, Amlik (Amalek), Oumayim, Abil, Djourhoum, Wabar, Jasm, Antem and Hashem.”
“From this it would appear that the Amalekites who occupied the country to the extreme north of Arabia and the south of Palestine were of this race.”
“It would therefore appear that the Aribah or Adites, the ancient inhabitants of the Arabian peninsula, previous to the arrival of the Semitic Arabs, were the Cushite founders of the first Babylonian Empire; and that Arabia, lying midway between African and Asiatic -Ethiopia, was the first home of the Cushite race.”
(John Garnier, “The Worship of the Dead, Or, The Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry and Its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia”; 1904)
“For some reason, the Cushites in Babylon, all at once swarmed out all over the earth”
“The historian Ridpath says, “We don’t know what caused the Hamites to leave Chaldea”
“The Bible account of the confusion of tongues gives a definite reason for the dispersion”
“Going east, these Cushite tribes overran the Semites in Elam, then continued on their eastern trek”
“Under the name of Dravidian they settled all along the coast of India and Ceylon”
“When pushed on by the later Aryans, they peopled the islands of the Pacific”
“A branch of these Cushites from Chaldea became the Mongols who peopled China and Japan and later crossed over into America and became American Indians”
(Early Creationist Journals; 2021)
Haplogroup Q is the predominant Y-DNA haplogroup among modern Native Americans…
Haplogroup P is the direct paternal ancestor of haplogroup Q…
Haplogroup P is primarily found in indigenous populations of Melanesia, Southeast Asia, and parts of Oceania…
“The earliest South Americans tend to be more similar to present Australians, Melanesians, and Sub-Saharan Africans
“The northeast Asian affinities of present-day Native Americans CONTRAST with a DISTINTIVE morphology seen in some of the EARLIEST American skeletons, which share traits with present-day Australasians (indigenous groups in Australia, Melanesia, and island Southeast Asia)
Brother Lexx I wish was smart enough to understand this information you are dropping.![]()
According to Eurocentricks, the origin or “homeland” of the Bantu expansion is generally believed to be near the border of Nigeria and Cameroon…
But how did the Bantu people end up in Nigeria and Cameroon???
Did they fall out the sky???
Did they spring up from the ground???
“It is allowed that groups of Israelitish peoples have, from time to time, journeyed into the upper Nile country…
…But this does not seem to sufficiently account for the large access of influence of which the Bantu are the concrete result…
…In the absence of direct proof of an etxensive migration, this hypothesis brings us two considerations, viz., those of customs-religious and otherwise, and also those of language relations…
…The contention has been made that the extraneous element of the Bantu was derived from tribes of Israel which were first carried away to Babylon, as related in the Scriptures, and who afterward in whole or in part migrated through Egypt into equatorial Africa, and, through mingling with native tribes, upon whom they imposed much of their own religion and customs, gave rise to the peoples now known as Bantu…
…Various considerations are supposed to have bearing on the probability of this being the origin of the Bantu…
…It is not an unknown thing that the Hebrew type should be scattered to regions far remote, and become commingled with native stock…
…Captain Webster finds today in the Papuans of the Admiralty Islands "strong Hebraic features, very prominent."
…Time coincidence-the approximate date
of the Bantu immigration has been placed as far back as 2000 years ago, with a likelihood of some centuries earlier…
…This authority bases his conclusions on linguistic data…
…The Israelitish exodus from Mesopotamian regions must have occurred about the time suggested, as far as we have any means of judging…
…The Zulu-***** language, to which we may refer as a representative Bantu tongue, is in both form and content just such a type of speech as we would expect to be developed from the ancient Hebrew…
(N. B. Ghormley, ‘The Land of the Heart of Livingstone Or, The Genius of the Bantu’; 1920)