American Autocthonous History aka Black/African American History & History of Autocthonous People World Wide


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Maholmes is white to me, I don't know why they keep pushing the black narrative.
His daddy bailed out of the black race. I have no problem with him doing so.
He is not trying to be the next MLK, he wasn't trying to leverage being blackness like Byron Allen.
He just wanted some White Pussy. I wish all of them well.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Maholmes is white to me, I don't know why they keep pushing the black narrative.
His daddy bailed out of the black race. I have no problem with him doing so.
He is not trying to be the next MLK, he wasn't trying to leverage being blackness like Byron Allen.
He just wanted some White Pussy. I wish all of them well.

It's not about Maholmes. It's about what happens when Black people mix with Whites, after just three generations. Offering a bit of tangible brevity regarding the creation process of Mulattoes/Hispanics/Arabs, depending on ones discernment. The original Americans & original Europeans are melanin rich people.


Staff member
It's not about Maholmes. It's about what happens when Black people mix with Whites, after just three generations. Offering a bit of tangible brevity regarding the creation process of Mulattoes/Hispanics/Arabs, depending on ones discernment. The original Americans & original Europeans are melanin rich people.
Keep me straight Lexx :)

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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Woman is jailed for filming her housemaid as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony as she tried to flee her apartment in Kuwait​

  • Woman jailed by for filming her Ethiopian maid falling from seventh-floor flat
  • Clip shows domestic helper clinging to a window with one hand before falling
  • Incredibly, the maid survived the fall, suffering a broken arm and minor injuries
  • Defendant claimed she filmed the incident to prove she had not hurt the maid

PUBLISHED: 08:03 EST, 2 October 2018 | UPDATED: 23:17 EST, 2 October 2018

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid falling from a seventh-floor balcony as she tried to flee her apartment in Kuwait.
Shocking footage shows the Ethiopian maid crying for help and hanging by one hand from a window frame before plunging down on to a metal awning below.
Incredibly, she survived the fall, walking away with just a broken arm and other minor injuries.
The woman holding the camera, who was heard saying 'Oh crazy, come back' in the clip, has now been jailed for a year and eight months for filming her domestic helper's escape attempt.
Woman films her Ethiopian maid falling from seventh-floor flat

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid (pictured) as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony while trying to flee her apartment in Kuwait

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid (pictured) as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony while trying to flee her apartment in Kuwait

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid (pictured) as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony while trying to flee her apartment in Kuwait
The criminal investigation police referred the employer to the prosecution over failing to help the victim

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The criminal investigation police referred the employer to the prosecution over failing to help the victim

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The shocking footage shows an Ethiopian maid hanging outside the building (left), with one hand tightly gripping the window frame, before plunging down on to a metal awning below (right)
She was charged in March 2017 with 'filming an individual without consent and publishing a video of an individual without consent.'
According to Stepfeed, the accused told her trial that she had filmed the incident as proof that she did not hurt the Ethiopian.
The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact.
The employer made no reaction as she continued filming.
Later, paramedics rescued the maid and rushed her to hospital where she was found to have a broken arm as well as a bloody nose and ear.
The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact

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The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact

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The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact
The criminal investigation police referred the employer to the prosecution over failing to help the victim, local media reported at the time.
The reasons for the maid's actions were not revealed at the time.
The oil-rich Gulf state is home to more than 600,000 domestic helpers, a majority of them Asians, many of whom complain of abuse, mistreatment and non-payment of wages.


Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
“Esop was so called from his black and swarthy complexion”
(J.Nourse, ”The Primitives of the Greek Tongue, Also a Treatise of Prepositions and Other Undeclinable Particles, and an Alphabetical Collection of English Words Derived from the Greek”; 1773)
Aesop (620 – 564 B.C.) was a Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables...
The Aesop Romance begins with a vivid description of Aesop's appearance, saying he was "of loathsome aspect ... potbellied, misshapen of head, snub-nosed, swarthy, dwarfish, bandy-legged, short-armed, squint-eyed, liver-lipped—a portentous monstrosity,"


Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady

Woman is jailed for filming her housemaid as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony as she tried to flee her apartment in Kuwait​

  • Woman jailed by for filming her Ethiopian maid falling from seventh-floor flat
  • Clip shows domestic helper clinging to a window with one hand before falling
  • Incredibly, the maid survived the fall, suffering a broken arm and minor injuries
  • Defendant claimed she filmed the incident to prove she had not hurt the maid

PUBLISHED: 08:03 EST, 2 October 2018 | UPDATED: 23:17 EST, 2 October 2018

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid falling from a seventh-floor balcony as she tried to flee her apartment in Kuwait.
Shocking footage shows the Ethiopian maid crying for help and hanging by one hand from a window frame before plunging down on to a metal awning below.
Incredibly, she survived the fall, walking away with just a broken arm and other minor injuries.
The woman holding the camera, who was heard saying 'Oh crazy, come back' in the clip, has now been jailed for a year and eight months for filming her domestic helper's escape attempt.
Woman films her Ethiopian maid falling from seventh-floor flat

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid (pictured) as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony while trying to flee her apartment in Kuwait

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid (pictured) as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony while trying to flee her apartment in Kuwait

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A woman has been jailed for filming her housemaid (pictured) as she cried for help before falling from a seventh-floor balcony while trying to flee her apartment in Kuwait
The criminal investigation police referred the employer to the prosecution over failing to help the victim

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The criminal investigation police referred the employer to the prosecution over failing to help the victim

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The shocking footage shows an Ethiopian maid hanging outside the building (left), with one hand tightly gripping the window frame, before plunging down on to a metal awning below (right)
She was charged in March 2017 with 'filming an individual without consent and publishing a video of an individual without consent.'
According to Stepfeed, the accused told her trial that she had filmed the incident as proof that she did not hurt the Ethiopian.
The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact.
The employer made no reaction as she continued filming.
Later, paramedics rescued the maid and rushed her to hospital where she was found to have a broken arm as well as a bloody nose and ear.
The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact

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The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact

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The terrified maid is seen screaming 'hold me, hold me', just before her hand slipped and she fell down to hit the awning, which appears to soften the impact
The criminal investigation police referred the employer to the prosecution over failing to help the victim, local media reported at the time.
The reasons for the maid's actions were not revealed at the time.
The oil-rich Gulf state is home to more than 600,000 domestic helpers, a majority of them Asians, many of whom complain of abuse, mistreatment and non-payment of wages.

I remember this video. I'm glad she survived and I'm glad hearing that bitch got locked up. How much time did she get?

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

These photos (besides Sundance Kid) were taken by John Swartz circa 1900...

John Swartz was a photographer in Fort Worth, Texas, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries...

He is notable for taking portraits of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch gang of outlaws...

Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch was one of the loosely organized outlaw gangs operating out of the Hole-in-the-Wall, near Kaycee in Wyoming, a natural fortress with caves, with a narrow entrance which was constantly guarded...

Sometimes the gang was referred to as the 'Hole in the Wall Gang'.

This was during the Old West era in the United States...

The gang was led by Butch Cassidy, and it included his closest friend Elzy Lay, the Sundance Kid, Tall Texan, News Carver, Camilla "Deaf Charley" Hanks, Laura Bullion, Flat-Nose Curry, Kid Curry and Bob Meeks...

They were the most successful train-robbing gang in history...

Hollywood portrays Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid and the Wild Bunch as Caucasians, however eyewitness reports and first hand accounts tell us a very different story...

“He [Butch Cassidy] was a tall, good - looking cowboy, with a dark complexion, a neatly trimmed moustache and quick, intelligent eyes.”


(David Everitt, “‪Legends: The Story of the Sundance Kid”)‬

“Elzy Lay was a very handsome young man. He was tall and slim and had a dark complexion”


(Ronald W. Lackmann, “Women of the Western Frontier in Fact, Fiction, and Film”)

Dark = partially or wholly black

Complexion = the hue or appearance of the skin and especially of the face

“Besides Butch Cassidy, others played a key role during their robbery spree in the United States. Harvey Logan, known also as the infamous Kid Curry was the Wild Bunch’s number one killer. The girls didn’t seem to mind his tobacco - stained teeth and his swarthy complexion”


(Gail Drago, “‪Etta Place: Her Life and Times with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”)‬

Definition of SWARTHY:

Black, Dark Brown, Tawny (Tan colored)


(Samuel Johnson, “A Dictionary of the English Language; in which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals; and Illustrated in Their Different Significations ... Together with a History of the Language, and an English Grammar.”; Vol 4; 1818)

“Old “Pike” Landusky, who was quite a figure in the country, made the mistake of calling him [Kid Curry] a ****** because of his swarthy complexion, and paid for it with his life”


(Ridgway Company, “Adventure: Volume 40”; 1923)

“The last of the train robbers, Black Jack Ketchum, who terrorized the railroads in the 1880’s killed two men near this spot and hid out in a cave near Saddleback Mesa. The swarthy bandit was wounded in his last robbery and hanged in 1901”

“Father Stanley, in his book on outlaws of New Mexico said that since Tom was of “swarthy complexion, the cowboys had named him Black Jack.”

“His nickname came from the fact that he was swarthy in complexion”

“Tom, who stood about six feet two inches tall , weighed about 180 pounds, and had a swarthy appearance”

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
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COSIMO III de’ MEDICI & his son FERDINANDO de’ MEDICI by Anton Domenico Gabbiani c. 1685.
Anton Domenico Gabbiani (1652–1726) was an Italian painter and architect known for his association with the Medici family…
He served as the court painter for Cosimo III de' Medici, the Grand Duke of Tuscany…
In 1680, he was often patronized by Grand Prince Ferdinando, the son of the Grand Duke Cosimo III…
Ferdinando de’ Medici was the first born son of Cosimo de’ Medici…
Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici was an Italian banker and founder of the Medici Bank...
He was the father of Cosimo de' Medici...
“When Giovanni died he was in the prime of life; and though his complexion was swarthy, he had an agreeable person”
(‪Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig‬ A. Bell and C. Macfarquhar, “Encyclopædia Britannica: Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, Volume 2, Part 1”; 1801)‬
Lorenzo De Medici was the grandson of Cosimo De Medici...
“His [Lorenzo’s] complexion was swarthy and although his face was not handsome it was so full of dignity as to command respect”
(Janet Ross, “Florentine Palaces & Their Stories”; 1905)
“Alessandro [Medici] had thick lips, short curly hair, and almost an African complexion”
(James Whiteside, “Italy in the Nineteenth Century: Contrasted with Its Past Condition, Volume 1”; 1848)
“Alessandro de’ Medici, the first Duke of Florence, equally full of recondite allusions. The swarthy complexion, thick lips, and black hair, indicate the Moorish blood of Alessandro's mother”
(Handbook for Travellers in Central Italy Including Florence, Lucca, Tuscany, Elba, Etc., Umbria, the Marches, and Part of the Late Patrimony of St. Peter; 1889)
“His dark hair and swarthy complexion showed traces of the Medici blood”
(George Frederick Young, The Medici Volume 2; 1912)
“Alessandro, “The Moor,” first reigning Duke of Florence, actually had a Negro mother”
“‘The Moor' - as Alessandro was called on account of his swarthy complexion, his black curly hair and his thick negroid lips”
(Hugh Ross Williamson, ‘Catherine De' Medici’; 1973)
His sister, Catharine Medici is described in historical documents as having a dark skin complexion like her brother Alessandro, with protruding lips...
“She was at this time forty one years old, with a dark complexion, great round eyes and protruding lips”
(John Henry Wright, "A history of all nations from the earliest times: being a universal historical library"; 1905)
GIOVANNI DI BICCI DE’ MEDICI — “Swarthy complexion”
LORENZO DE’ MEDICI — “Swarthy complexion”
ALESSANDRO DE’ MEDICI — “The Moor”; “African complexion”; “Swarthy complexion”; “negroid lips”
CATHERINE DE’ MEDICI — “Dark complexion”; “protruding lips”
Cosimo I de' Medici, the grandfather of Cosimo III de' Medici, did play a role in the expulsion of Jews from the Grand Duchy of Tuscany…
In 1571, Cosimo I issued a decree ordering the expulsion of Jews from his territories, which included Tuscany.

The real is on the left and the white washed fake is on the right.​

Lorenzo De Medici was the grandson of Cosimo De Medici...
“His [Lorenzo’s] complexion was swarthy and although his face was not handsome it was so full of dignity as to command respect”
(Janet Ross, “Florentine Palaces & Their Stories”; 1905)
“Alessandro [Medici] had thick lips, short curly hair, and almost an African complexion”
(James Whiteside, “Italy in the Nineteenth Century: Contrasted with Its Past Condition, Volume 1”; 1848)
“Alessandro de’ Medici, the first Duke of Florence, equally full of recondite allusions. The swarthy complexion, thick lips, and black hair, indicate the Moorish blood of Alessandro's mother”
(Handbook for Travellers in Central Italy Including Florence, Lucca, Tuscany, Elba, Etc., Umbria, the Marches, and Part of the Late Patrimony of St. Peter; 1889)
“His dark hair and swarthy complexion showed traces of the Medici blood”
(George Frederick Young, The Medici Volume 2; 1912)
“Alessandro, “The Moor,” first reigning Duke of Florence, actually had a Negro mother”
“‘The Moor' - as Alessandro was called on account of his swarthy complexion, his black curly hair and his thick negroid lips”
(Hugh Ross Williamson, ‘Catherine De' Medici’; 1973)
His sister, Catharine Medici is described in historical documents as having a dark skin complexion like her brother Alessandro, with protruding lips...
“She was at this time forty one years old, with a dark complexion, great round eyes and protruding lips”
(John Henry Wright, "A history of all nations from the earliest times: being a universal historical library"; 1905)
GIOVANNI DI BICCI DE’ MEDICI — “Swarthy complexion”
LORENZO DE’ MEDICI — “Swarthy complexion”
ALESSANDRO DE’ MEDICI — “The Moor”; “African complexion”; “Swarthy complexion”; “negroid lips”
CATHERINE DE’ MEDICI — “Dark complexion”; “protruding lips”

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

Dr. Betty Shabazz, wife of Malcolm X and their daughters. 1960s.....

Attallah, born in 1958, Qubilah, born in 1960, Ilyasah, born in 1962 & Gamilah Lumumba, born in 1964

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member

Maroon settlements often possessed a clannish, outsider identity. They sometimes developed Creole languages by mixing European tongues with their original African languages. One such maroon creole language, in Suriname, is Saramaccan. At other times, the maroons would adopt variations of a local European language (creolization) as a common tongue, for members of the community frequently spoke a variety of mother tongues.​

The maroons created their own independent communities, which in some cases have survived for centuries, and until recently remained separate from mainstream society. In the 19th and 20th centuries, maroon communities began to disappear as forests were razed, although some countries, such as Guyana and Suriname, still have large maroon populations living in the forests. Recently, many of them moved to cities and towns as the process of urbanization accelerates.​
