Andrew Tate arrested for sex trafficking in Romania


Tensei - Admin
Staff member
What makes him black? Growing up with a white woman in fucking luton?

Calling white celebs who marry black footballers "Wog sockets"(UK form of ****** lover)?

Check his own words. As recently as a few weeks ago:

Mixed people arent black in his eyes. Why are black folks so happy to pick up the trash from other communities as ours?

Is he black when he said he would threaten black people with jobs?

Hes the spawn of a low IQ titan bedbuck, who walked around aimlessly with white women the same way titans in the anime aimlessly walked around eating humans.

He's NOT black.

Black men on here caping for a Trump supporting dude that says racist shit about Black people.

Man some of y'all in here are down bad and it's pathetic.
All this


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That's going to have a totally different meaning when they get his ass in the jails over there.....

He will be alright. He might not like his conditions or the amount of time he is going to get, but he is a 4 time world kick boxing champion. And he is still young, I don't think he has to worry about folk trying to bully him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Seems like dad was a bum. Kids in a homeless shelter while he lived in a car playing a game? No wonder he hates black people so much.

He was a loser. No wonder his seed were slumming it up in low class eastern European brothels. Romania will give them both 3 hots and a cot for the next 20 years though:yes::yes::yes:
so these guys father was probably mentally ill and obsessed over chess rather than take care of his family and they still give him props...wonder what their views on their mother is?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LOL man this clown had a shitty week...
started a beef with teenage girl and got humiliated
Then gets arrested by the Feds in a foreign country.
Good riddance...I'm sick of seeing this twerp popping up in my timeline.
I've seen a couple long form interviews with him and he said a COUPLE of insightful things that I agree with.
but for the most part, his whole schtick is lame, angry incel with no real game... He's in the same boat with those Fresh and fit nerds...just has a vibe of bitter dudes angry at women because they got rejected a lot. It's a shame that niggas out there need a father figure THIS badly to prop up this lame ass self hating half CAC.

Truthfully they help most American men by hurting women financially and restricting their options.

It's basically anti feminist talk to limit what women can do, if this mindset got big amoung rich men women getting fired overnight and onlyfans or a broke nigga they go it really helps alot of average men that's why so many dudes gravitate towards it

However it kills competition


Rising Star
His is a demagogue and his diatribes are incorrigible. Frankly, he is a piece of shit, but he does tell the truth. I didn't know he said that about black men. Little fucker.
Huh? I don't understand your first two sentences.

What he say about black men?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga he is black. Calm the fuck down.
He black just like Obama is black.

What makes him black? Growing up with a white woman in fucking luton?

Calling white celebs who marry black footballers "Wog sockets"(UK form of ****** lover)?

Check his own words. As recently as a few weeks ago:

Mixed people arent black in his eyes. Why are black folks so happy to pick up the trash from other communities as ours?

Is he black when he said he would threaten black people with jobs?

Hes the spawn of a low IQ titan bedbuck, who walked around aimlessly with white women the same way titans in the anime aimlessly walked around eating humans.

He's NOT black.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He didn't say anything false in this video.

So I see now, he is the new Kevin Samuels.

Reminds me of Umar too in that people take everything out of context and do not listen.

Btw this video has nothing to with BLM or George Floyd. Dumb clickbait BS.

Well he did say black people commit more crimes than white people:

He was talking about himself....and his brother. Probably his bedbuck dad too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He didn't say anything false in this video.

So I see now, he is the new Kevin Samuels.

Reminds me of Umar too in that people take everything out of context and do not listen.

Btw this video has nothing to with BLM or George Floyd. Dumb clickbait BS.

He said a LOT of things wrong in that video, "blacks" commit more crime then wight people,

if you over police wight communities like you over police "black" communiities, then

then make custom made laws like make smoking an herb illegal as fuck for damn near

a century of course you are going to get a higher crime rate.

they was locking "black" folks up and wight folks were doing way more drugs in college

universities for example that dont have to deal with a police state,

When crack was a "black" problem, it was lock em up and throw away the key..

Now wights got a meth and opioid problem..


THE MINDFUCKERY RUNS DEEP WITH THE retarded racist logic!!!


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Not a big fan of Andrew's alpha male perception of reality, but he does make good points and like everybody, I am able to separate the message from the messenger. That said, I know that logic and critical thinking are under attack, basically, you cannot have blind sheep followers if they are able to critically think for themselves, and if you are a guy who is an Andrew Tate follower, please stop following people and learn to discern information base off its logic and reasoning, instead of blindly following a leader. So to me, at the end of the day, what he did or did not do does not take away from his message, some I agree with some I don't, the only way you can take away any of what he or anyone else says is by addressing his argument, not by attacking the man.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Huh? I don't understand your first two sentences.

What he say about black men?
He ruffle the feathers of his followers with his speech. He tells the truth about the powers that be when he ain't on the bullshit. He said it is black folk fault that we are getting shot at by the police. He also said hate black people. But he also said he didn't like white people. That's no consolation. He is a piece of shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Like with Kevin Samuels, they have no argument against the message, so they attack the messenger.
Dude started out just sounding like a loudmouth but as of late, had been refining his message.
He has been saying things like "don't just have a blue passport, have many passports so that you can experience true freedom."

1. Men don't want to marry sluts.
2. The higher a woman's body count is, the fewer men want to marry her, no matter what other qualities she may have.
3. Women hit the wall and there's a new group of women turning 19-23 every day.
4. Their (womens') narcissism is rooted in fear because the men they want aren't marrying them.
5. 80% of women only want the top 20% of men and those men have better options than most of them and won't tolerate feminism and bitterness in a long term scenario.
6. Women want to be loved; men want to be respected.
7. Get out into the world and make connections and free yourself from the chains of any one country.
8. Men of high caliber have less tolerance for women who aren't young, beautiful, and agreeable.
9. Women and men aren't equal; they are the complement of each other.
People don't like his delivery because its harsh. The messages themselves tend to be rooted in truth. While I disagree with him on the vaccine shit, he tends to nail the relationship and money shit on the head.

To enslave a nation, you must first destroy its warriors, leaving only women, children and soft, passive men left. Some of you are afraid to face the fact that you don't have a warrior's spirit.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He ruffle the feathers of his followers with his speech. He tells the truth about the powers that be when he ain't on the bullshit. He said it is black folk fault that we are getting shot at by the police. He also said hate black people. But he also said he didn't like white people. That's no consolation. He is a piece of shit.

when he said he hates wight people he was telling half a truth, he hates wight women, not

wight males... he wants to be their spokesperson...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fuck old boy...glad a woman was instrumental in taking his ass down..thats called poetic justice
Although it sounds like it has already occured from your upbringing, poetic justice will be the day a woman ruins your life.

While you are obviously entitled, your incessant downing and in most cases unfounded negative perspective of men is disgusting. Your perspective is never balanced and in most cases comes across as feminine.

You and the rest of the male feminists on here is a sign of the times. I've been on here damn near since the beginning and have never seen the level of bitchassness when it comes to this wanton hatred of your own gender.
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Walter Panov

Rising Star
He didn't say anything false in this video.

So I see now, he is the new Kevin Samuels.

Reminds me of Umar too in that people take everything out of context and do not listen.

Btw this video has nothing to with BLM or George Floyd. Dumb clickbait BS.
So police murdering unarmed black men is justified because he says that black men commit more crime? That's what he was implying. The whole purpose of the video was to imply that. If you don't understand that then either you're lying or you're dumb as fuck.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Not a big fan of Andrew's alpha male perception of reality, but he does make good points and like everybody, I am able to separate the message from the messenger. That said, I know that logic and critical thinking are under attack, basically, you cannot have blind sheep followers if they are able to critically think for themselves, and if you are a guy who is an Andrew Tate follower, please stop following people and learn to discern information base off its logic and reasoning, instead of blindly following a leader. So to me, at the end of the day, what he did or did not do does not take away from his message, some I agree with some I don't, the only way you can take away any of what he or anyone else says is by addressing his argument, not by attacking the man.
What's his message? Get rich quick by following me?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Go watch the video AGAIN.
Cause no where did he say that police murdering unarmed black men is justified.
You must be an idiot cause those words were not said or implied.

He talked about why the police are prejudiced towards black people and why black people are prejudiced towards police and how it is a never ending cycle.

You are an idiot.

So police murdering unarmed black men is justified because he says that black men commit more crime? That's what he was implying. The whole purpose of the video was to imply that. If you don't understand that then either you're lying or you're dumb as fuck.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Go watch the video AGAIN.
Cause no where did he say that police murdering unarmed black men is justified.
You must be an idiot cause those words were not said or implied.

He talked about why the police are prejudiced towards black people and why black people are prejudiced towards police and how it is a never ending cycle.

You are an idiot.
Ok you're dumb as fuck.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Although it sounds like it has already occured from your upbringing, poetic justice will be the day a woman ruins your life.

While you are obviously entitled, your incessant downing and in most cases unfounded negative perspective of men is disgusting. Your perspective is never balanced and is in most cases comes across as feminine.

You and the rest of the male feminists on here is a sign of the times. I've been on here damn near since the beginning and have never seen the level of bitchassness when it comes to this wanton hatred of your own gender.
Sooo your angry and triggered that I have difference of opinion and haven't joined the fuck bitches crew that's swirling around here.

We as men are supposed to be leaders and protectors of our women and families. We as men are supposed to make the decisions for the families we create. So we as men should be held to a higher standard. Therefore a higher level of criticism. The fact that you guys circlejerk that dude for talking shit that he doesn't live up to is pure beta male fanboy shit to me.

This dude admits he was raised by single mother and his father prioritized chess over taking care of his family and yet women are the problem?? AND this dude calls black men WOGS and said derisively that white women who fuck black men are wog sockets(mind you that includes his own white mother fucking his ados daddy)..and you give him a pass on that shit???

This motherfucker is half black himself and freely uses slurs British SKINHEADS use to dehumanize YOU and you cry tears because they put that asshole in handcuffs for sex trafficking??

You cherrypick the dumbshit he says about women to fuel your animosity towards black women and call that a balanced perspective???

Seriously nigga??

You guys crack me up :lol:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For some reason this dude is showing up on my YouTube feeds. I’m just trying to watch Warriors highlights and vintage boxing.

Why is he important again? I saw a short video of him smoking a cigar next to a Bugatti, talking about his lifestyle. I don’t care about his point of view. Dude needs to worry about his case.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Honestly can't give an opinion on the guy because I have avoided his clips, and the legal shit....we'll see what they got and what happens. ....but is he anything more than another person who watched KS and said "hey, I can say that same shit!"?

I never watched any of his shit because there are so many imitators and I have assumed that he's another one. Didn't agree with some if KS' opinions, but he at least wasn't derivative.


Like with Kevin Samuels, they have no argument against the message, so they attack the messenger.
Dude started out just sounding like a loudmouth but as of late, had been refining his message.
He has been saying things like "don't just have a blue passport, have many passports so that you can experience true freedom."

1. Men don't want to marry sluts.
2. The higher a woman's body count is, the fewer men want to marry her, no matter what other qualities she may have.
3. Women hit the wall and there's a new group of women turning 19-23 every day.
4. Their (womens') narcissism is rooted in fear because the men they want aren't marrying them.
5. 80% of women only want the top 20% of men and those men have better options than most of them and won't tolerate feminism and bitterness in a long term scenario.
6. Women want to be loved; men want to be respected.
7. Get out into the world and make connections and free yourself from the chains of any one country.
8. Men of high caliber have less tolerance for women who aren't young, beautiful, and agreeable.
9. Women and men aren't equal; they are the complement of each other.
People don't like his delivery because its harsh. The messages themselves tend to be rooted in truth. While I disagree with him on the vaccine shit, he tends to nail the relationship and money shit on the head.

To enslave a nation, you must first destroy its warriors, leaving only women, children and soft, passive men left. Some of you are afraid to face the fact that you don't have a warrior's spirit.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Honestly can't give an opinion on the guy because I have avoided his clips, and the legal shit....we'll see what they got and what happens. ....but is he anything more than another person who watched KS and said "hey, I can say that same shit!"?

I never watched any of his shit because there are so many imitators and I have assumed that he's another one. Didn't agree with some if KS' opinions, but he at least wasn't derivative.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
How dare you be happy, bite yo tongue heathen!!

Top G in in the Bing, Top fuckin G....

Now he gonna run into Romanian Bubba in Jail

and be

Romanian bubbas Bottom bitch G....

now go repent and write to top g for forgiveness...

and hope he dont come out limpin...

Dude is a 4 time world kick boxing champion. More than likely, he will be okay in the bing. Having the skills to kill a motherfucker with your hands will come in handy in a situation as such. Remember, as fighter you are trained to go 30 or 40 mins. Most fights don't last but a couple of mins. Also, if you hit motherfuckers in the right spot, then lights out. Shitttt, skills pay the bills.