Andrew Tate arrested for sex trafficking in Romania


Rising Star
but if what he said was true then why hasn't anyone posted some nuggets of truth from say candace owens?? or tucker carlson or larry elder?
Because they have all said things that have offended people in ways that prevent people from aligning with them even if in concurrence.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because they have all said things that have offended people in ways that prevent people from aligning with them even if in concurrence.
ok...but when tate or KS does that the offended are called bitchboys and too weak to hear the truth...notice the difference in reaction?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Kevin samuels literally used "science" to argue black women are less attractive:

He was going to create an Andrew Tate in his old age if death didnt come first....he died in bed with a mexican.

Here is the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Women in the World:

  1. Bella Hadid – 94.35 per cent
  2. Beyoncé – 92.44 per cent
  3. Amber Heard – 91.85 per cent
  4. Ariana Grande – 91.81 per cent
  5. Taylor Swift – 91.64 per cent
  6. Kate Moss – 91.05 per cent
  7. Scarlett Johansson – 90.91 per cent
  8. Natalie Portman – 90.51 per cent
  9. Katy Perry – 90.08 per cent
  10. Cara Delevingne – 89.99 per cent

List came from:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

cold blooded you KNOW he loves the nightlife, and what better nightlife

then the last Day of the accepted New Year..

I say accepted because erebody should know by now,

the REAL new Year

is some time in March..


but chea..

I bet when it hit him he will be in there for new years,

he felt a new level of some type of way...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here is the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Women in the World:

  1. Bella Hadid – 94.35 per cent
  2. Beyoncé – 92.44 per cent
  3. Amber Heard – 91.85 per cent
  4. Ariana Grande – 91.81 per cent
  5. Taylor Swift – 91.64 per cent
  6. Kate Moss – 91.05 per cent
  7. Scarlett Johansson – 90.91 per cent
  8. Natalie Portman – 90.51 per cent
  9. Katy Perry – 90.08 per cent
  10. Cara Delevingne – 89.99 per cent

List came from:

I aint saying he was gay but that sure was some

faggot banter!!

Nothing more beautiful than a Brown Natural Goddess,

that takes pride in her health and knows what foods to

eat to keep her in goddess mode!!!

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Kevin samuels literally used "science" to argue black women are less attractive:

He's wrong about everything in this clip. The golden ratio applies to the length over the width of your face. You'd basically just have to lose weight for your face to get there. And for symmetry, the continent your ancestors came from does not determine how symmetric your face will be. The only correlation that exists is that "mixed" people have more of a tendency than "non-mixed" people to have symmetrical faces.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
it SOUNDS fair but its not reality in how people take in information... everyone likes to THINK theyre all liberal and thoughtful and considerate and discerning but if what he said was true then why hasn't anyone posted some nuggets of truth from say candace owens?? or tucker carlson or larry elder?

you dont have to agree with EVERYTHING they say but are you gonna say they havent said ONE thing that made a good point especially if its about black people and black men??

or do you just ignore anything coming from them and say fuck em all? (be honest)

my point is social media tends to function as an echo chamber and people tend to hear what they WANT to hear. If you're doing that then you're cherry picking things that feel good to you and reinforces how you ALREADY think but doesn't really expand your knowledge or understanding of the world and people around you.
Actually, I ran across something on youtube not too long ago where Candace Owens was making sense. Make no mistake, I think she's batshit crazy, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
And for the record, I have every right to cherry pick whatever I choose - as do you and anyone else in life. In my post, I spoke of cherry picking the message from the messenger. Its called critical thinking.
Maybe its because I don't spend much time on social media, but I don't understand the concept of dismissing messages just because you don't like or approve of the messenger.
As to Tucker and Larry, I'm not nearly into politics enough to entertain their viewpoints.
I'm sure they've probably made a couple of points here and there but I have the same problem with extremists on the right as I do with extremists on the left. I'm with the left on things like raising minimum wage and acknowledgement of climate change - that's scientifically provable. But when they tell me that the 6'7" mutha fucka in a dress and heels with a dick is a woman and that I should "mind my pronouns", that's where they loose me. So, YES I CHERRY PICK. I have to. I'd like to be down with the left but the bar keeps moving. The right used to be the party that believed in lower taxes and sensible spending (also things I like), but these crazy Trumptards have hijacked the party want to burn the Constitution and bring back Jim Crow. So, YES I CHERRY PICK.

Overall, Andrew and his brother seem to spit the truth. I watched a clip of Tristan Tate giving a great example of how to gain respect. Men on here need to learn shit like this. We as black American men have a stigma that we have to shake damn near everywhere we go. It starts with taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.
Tate, Peterson and Samuels all spoke in-depthly of this and I approve that message, which is why they get my attention from time-to-time.


Rising Star
Platinum Member


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I like how he break down broken feminist logic. He leans into his masculinity in ways that would be considered misogynist and chauvinist and it makes sense to do so. He pushes a narrative that makes it ok to just be a man without compromise.

Not doing so is why we have so many weak men, men that complain to women about their problems, men that can't handle stress when put under pressure, men that coddle & cater to women at all costs, men that won't tell women the truth, men that ain't never fucked 4-5 chicks in one day.
Like I said I am not a big fan of his message but what I do like is how he clearly shows how most 1% of men who modern women are lusting for think. In reality, they are assholes, they don't give a fuck about the average modern woman, and in the same manner, modern women like to shit on the working class hard-working man, they get shitted on by the top 1% of men like Tate.
But his message to the working class man is this, hold your ground, these women are delusional with fewer options than the media makes them believe.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Actually, I ran across something on youtube not too long ago where Candace Owens was making sense. Make no mistake, I think she's batshit crazy, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
And for the record, I have every right to cherry pick whatever I choose - as do you and anyone else in life. In my post, I spoke of cherry picking the message from the messenger. Its called critical thinking.
Maybe its because I don't spend much time on social media, but I don't understand the concept of dismissing messages just because you don't like or approve of the messenger.
As to Tucker and Larry, I'm not nearly into politics enough to entertain their viewpoints.
I'm sure they've probably made a couple of points here and there but I have the same problem with extremists on the right as I do with extremists on the left. I'm with the left on things like raising minimum wage and acknowledgement of climate change - that's scientifically provable. But when they tell me that the 6'7" mutha fucka in a dress and heels with a dick is a woman and that I should "mind my pronouns", that's where they loose me. So, YES I CHERRY PICK. I have to. I'd like to be down with the left but the bar keeps moving. The right used to be the party that believed in lower taxes and sensible spending (also things I like), but these crazy Trumptards have hijacked the party want to burn the Constitution and bring back Jim Crow. So, YES I CHERRY PICK.

Overall, Andrew and his brother seem to spit the truth. I watched a clip of Tristan Tate giving a great example of how to gain respect. Men on here need to learn shit like this. We as black American men have a stigma that we have to shake damn near everywhere we go. It starts with taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.
Tate, Peterson and Samuels all spoke in-depthly of this and I approve that message, which is why they get my attention from time-to-time.
Man, shit just too weird. Folks running around like they are in fucking cults. Both on the right and left(yeah bitches, I said boaf sides). To those of us that ain't in the cults, shit is crazy and funny. Because these fools don't think they are in cults. But only a fucking cult will attack people without mercy if they don't cosign 1000% of everything said. :smh:

Look what the left did to JK Rowling. She more liberal than most, but stepped out the cult on one topic. She gets Tate level of hate.

Most people do cherry pick, but they are too cowardly to admit it because they don't want their respective cults to turn on them(like JK). Internet just makes the problem worse because punks who would never say shit in real life will grab pitchforks and act bold. Man, fuck a punk bitch. If someone says something I agree with, I fucking say it. Give a fuck who it is. Don't mean I got to like them. Anyone who can't grasp that concept ain't worth being around or talking to.

We must understand to the loud left(who controls media and entertainment and academia) MASCULINITY is bad. Traditional gender roles are bad. Speaking biological facts is bad. Objectivity is bad. Being in shape bad(body positivity). The list goes on. Run afoul of any of that shit and the weirdos attack without mercy. This the same side screams about tolerance. :lol:

I would hope every black man in this forum is the provider AND protector of their home/family. And if they are, I hope they realize that certain elements on the left hate that in them. To the leftists who created this narrative about tate, men who provide and protect are 'toxic'. :smh:

Hell, to the leftists who made Tate public enemy number 1, BGOL is a hate site and would get every fucking bit of smoke that Tate gets. But these cats still here.

It's the hypocrisy man. Speaks to a cult mind to not even see the shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Actually, I ran across something on youtube not too long ago where Candace Owens was making sense. Make no mistake, I think she's batshit crazy, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
And for the record, I have every right to cherry pick whatever I choose - as do you and anyone else in life. In my post, I spoke of cherry picking the message from the messenger. Its called critical thinking.
Maybe its because I don't spend much time on social media, but I don't understand the concept of dismissing messages just because you don't like or approve of the messenger.
As to Tucker and Larry, I'm not nearly into politics enough to entertain their viewpoints.
I'm sure they've probably made a couple of points here and there but I have the same problem with extremists on the right as I do with extremists on the left. I'm with the left on things like raising minimum wage and acknowledgement of climate change - that's scientifically provable. But when they tell me that the 6'7" mutha fucka in a dress and heels with a dick is a woman and that I should "mind my pronouns", that's where they loose me. So, YES I CHERRY PICK. I have to. I'd like to be down with the left but the bar keeps moving. The right used to be the party that believed in lower taxes and sensible spending (also things I like), but these crazy Trumptards have hijacked the party want to burn the Constitution and bring back Jim Crow. So, YES I CHERRY PICK.

Overall, Andrew and his brother seem to spit the truth. I watched a clip of Tristan Tate giving a great example of how to gain respect. Men on here need to learn shit like this. We as black American men have a stigma that we have to shake damn near everywhere we go. It starts with taking responsibility for yourself and your actions.
Tate, Peterson and Samuels all spoke in-depthly of this and I approve that message, which is why they get my attention from time-to-time.
But the difference here is even when Owens makes an interesting point no one makes a thread about it that goes 20+ pages where many people on the board go "she's speaking truth to power" and that becomes a cornerstone of holding her up as a truth teller whose teachings should be heeded by those looking for the redpill to understand the blah blah blah... This is what KS gets and tate and even Patrice Oneal before he died.

but the things people cherrypick aren't things that challenge their worldview or makes them look at something from a different POV which can expand your general knowledge and empathy. Youre looking for things that reinforce what you ALREADY know and feel. Look at KS...he talks about issues with black women and how black men need to deal with black women and how wrongheaded black women are in their thinking and behavior and black men go...


then he'll do something like make a video using "science" to show that black women are the LEAST physically attractive of all types of women on the planet and black men go...


you can disregard that part of his "teachings" but what if his issues against and about black women were FUELED by his not finding them attractive at all? What if there was nothing black women could do that would ever earn his praise and support. What if any of that wasn't coming from a positive place that could bring black men and women together? What if it wasn't meant to??

We live an ever evolving world and what was done 1000..hell just 100 years ago... much of it is NOT done today. The funny part is everyone wants to GO BACK...cacs wanna go wanna go back... ...BACK TO WHAT?

For cacs its back to the days when they could call you ****** to your face and you couldn't look them in the eyes....
For men its back to the days women couldn't do anything without your permission and couldn't have bank accts or jobs and there was no such thing as rape...

The days of barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen don't work anymore. The days of Ozzie and Harriet are long gone. Everyone keeps saying that feminism was the undoing of the black couple and family but if she jumped on that bandwagon its likely because you weren't listening to her in the first place. That's the part of this whole issue everyone keeps skipping over. You can't keep telling people FUCK WHAT YOU THINK AND FUCK HOW YOU FEEL then wonder why they keep bucking on you. Whether its blacks bucking against whites...women bucking against men....gays bucking against straights etc. It just doesn't work like that anymore.

Tha Baldavenger

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Here is the list of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Women in the World:

  1. Bella Hadid – 94.35 per cent
  2. Beyoncé – 92.44 per cent
  3. Amber Heard – 91.85 per cent
  4. Ariana Grande – 91.81 per cent
  5. Taylor Swift – 91.64 per cent
  6. Kate Moss – 91.05 per cent
  7. Scarlett Johansson – 90.91 per cent
  8. Natalie Portman – 90.51 per cent
  9. Katy Perry – 90.08 per cent
  10. Cara Delevingne – 89.99 per cent

List came from:
Bella Hadid....they kidding right?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

you vid must after the first arrest and search...

On Friday the four suspects were placed in pre-trial detention for 30 days following their arrest late on Thursday, according to a spokesperson for Romania’s anti-organised crime unit.

Authorities said they had searched five homes as part of the investigation, and released footage of one of the raids, showing riot police entering a luxurious residence. Footage of items seized at the location showed stacks of euro notes and a handgun.

In a statement, authorities said two British citizens and two Romanians were accused of forming a gang that recruited victims by “misrepresenting their intention to enter into a marriage/cohabitation relationship and the existence of genuine feelings of love”. Later, the victims were forced to perform pornography “through physical violence and mental coercion”.

Authorities said so far six victims had been identified. The statement also mentioned a separate allegation of rape dating to March this year, although it did not specify against which suspect the allegation was levelled.

The Tate brothers have been under criminal investigation in Romania since April, when police raided their mansion in Bucharest after the US embassy received a tip-off claiming that a 21-year-old American woman was being held there against her will. The Tate brothers were questioned and later released, but the investigation was expanded to cover rape and human trafficking allegations.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But the difference here is even when Owens makes an interesting point no one makes a thread about it that goes 20+ pages where many people on the board go "she's speaking truth to power" and that becomes a cornerstone of holding her up as a truth teller whose teachings should be heeded by those looking for the redpill to understand the blah blah blah... This is what KS gets and tate and even Patrice Oneal before he died.

but the things people cherrypick aren't things that challenge their worldview or makes them look at something from a different POV which can expand your general knowledge and empathy. Youre looking for things that reinforce what you ALREADY know and feel. Look at KS...he talks about issues with black women and how black men need to deal with black women and how wrongheaded black women are in their thinking and behavior and black men go...


then he'll do something like make a video using "science" to show that black women are the LEAST physically attractive of all types of women on the planet and black men go...


you can disregard that part of his "teachings" but what if his issues against and about black women were FUELED by his not finding them attractive at all? What if there was nothing black women could do that would ever earn his praise and support. What if any of that wasn't coming from a positive place that could bring black men and women together? What if it wasn't meant to??

We live an ever evolving world and what was done 1000..hell just 100 years ago... much of it is NOT done today. The funny part is everyone wants to GO BACK...cacs wanna go wanna go back... ...BACK TO WHAT?

For cacs its back to the days when they could call you ****** to your face and you couldn't look them in the eyes....
For men its back to the days women couldn't do anything without your permission and couldn't have bank accts or jobs and there was no such thing as rape...

The days of barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen don't work anymore. The days of Ozzie and Harriet are long gone. Everyone keeps saying that feminism was the undoing of the black couple and family but if she jumped on that bandwagon its likely because you weren't listening to her in the first place. That's the part of this whole issue everyone keeps skipping over. You can't keep telling people FUCK WHAT YOU THINK AND FUCK HOW YOU FEEL then wonder why they keep bucking on you. Whether its blacks bucking against whites...women bucking against men....gays bucking against straights etc. It just doesn't work like that anymore.
That's where you think men want to take it back to? are weird


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You said men want to take it back to when there was no such thing as rape...aint enough time in the world to enlighten that kind of ignorance

A Reflection on the History of Sexual Assault Laws in the United States

Early American colonies defined rape at the common-law as “carnal knowledge of a woman 10 year or older, forcibly and against her will.” In the late 1800s, temperance and suffrage activists successfully advocated to raise the legal age of consent from 10 to between 14 and 18, depending on the state. Not everyone, however, was excited about this progress. In 1895, one Kentucky legislator wrote, “I regard the twelve-year-old girl as being capable of resisting the wiles of the seducer as any older woman.”

Women of color endured even more dire conditions. During the 1800s, most states excluded black women, both free and enslaved, from rape laws. Slave women frequently endured violent sexual abuse which often resulted in pregnancy. If a slave woman attempted to defend herself against such abuse, she would be beaten severely. It was not until 1861 that a black woman could even file rape charges against a white man.

Nearly 100 years later, the Anti-Rape movement emerged as violence against women became a central point in the second-wave feminist movement. The 1960s onward ushered in significant progress in American rape law. It was during this time that rape began to be viewed as a weapon, driven by the desire to exert control over women. Prior to the 1970s, marital rape, or the raping of one spouse by the other, was exempt from many rape laws. In 1976, however, Nebraska became the first state to make marital rape a crime. By 1993, marital rape was a crime in all 50 states.

Perhaps the most significant change came in 1975 when Congress adopted rules 412, 413, 414, and 415 into the Federal Rules of Evidence. These rules, more commonly known as “rape shield” laws, limit the Defendant’s ability to probe into the sexual behavior, history, or reputation of the alleged victim. Prior to 1975, Defendants could attack an alleged victim’s credibility by presenting evidence of the victim’s sexual activity. The public humiliation and embarrassment of having their sexual history dragged out in court became a strong incentive for victims not to report sex crimes. Subject to limited and strict exceptions, rules 412-415 of the Federal Rules of Evidence prevents evidence of a victim’s sexual history from being used to discredit him or her.

Laws treating sexual assault, harassment, and abuse continue to progress. Thirty-eight states, including Arkansas, have enacted revenge porn laws, criminalizing the distribution of sexually explicit images or videos without the individual’s consent. What is clear is that continued progress can only be achieved by keeping sexual assault and harassment relevant in the national dialogue. As stories continue to emerge, and as more and more men join this dialogue, lawmakers may enact legislation addressing these problems head-on.

dude just 30 years ago...within YOUR LIFETIME (assuming your older than 30) did martial rape become illegal NATIONWIDE.... :oops: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
thats just the US when was there a time when rape wasnt on the table in some form or fashion??

sooo again enlighten me...
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
But the difference here is even when Owens makes an interesting point no one makes a thread about it that goes 20+ pages where many people on the board go "she's speaking truth to power" and that becomes a cornerstone of holding her up as a truth teller whose teachings should be heeded by those looking for the redpill to understand the blah blah blah... This is what KS gets and tate and even Patrice Oneal before he died.

but the things people cherrypick aren't things that challenge their worldview or makes them look at something from a different POV which can expand your general knowledge and empathy. Youre looking for things that reinforce what you ALREADY know and feel. Look at KS...he talks about issues with black women and how black men need to deal with black women and how wrongheaded black women are in their thinking and behavior and black men go...


then he'll do something like make a video using "science" to show that black women are the LEAST physically attractive of all types of women on the planet and black men go...


you can disregard that part of his "teachings" but what if his issues against and about black women were FUELED by his not finding them attractive at all? What if there was nothing black women could do that would ever earn his praise and support. What if any of that wasn't coming from a positive place that could bring black men and women together? What if it wasn't meant to??

We live an ever evolving world and what was done 1000..hell just 100 years ago... much of it is NOT done today. The funny part is everyone wants to GO BACK...cacs wanna go wanna go back... ...BACK TO WHAT?

For cacs its back to the days when they could call you ****** to your face and you couldn't look them in the eyes....
For men its back to the days women couldn't do anything without your permission and couldn't have bank accts or jobs and there was no such thing as rape...

The days of barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen don't work anymore. The days of Ozzie and Harriet are long gone. Everyone keeps saying that feminism was the undoing of the black couple and family but if she jumped on that bandwagon its likely because you weren't listening to her in the first place. That's the part of this whole issue everyone keeps skipping over. You can't keep telling people FUCK WHAT YOU THINK AND FUCK HOW YOU FEEL then wonder why they keep bucking on you. Whether its blacks bucking against whites...women bucking against men....gays bucking against straights etc. It just doesn't work like that anymore.
let's not forsake the message at the expense of the messenger.
The west is in a bad state with regards to many social issues. Its broad, so I'm going to "cherry pick" some issues so that I'm not typing a book:

Black women aren't getting married at the rate they used to and a lot of the ones that are, are getting divorced. They are making more money but not building families.
That is a detriment to the black community. KS was adamant about therapy and healing so you could go into a relationship healthy with less baggage. Whether you believe in therapy or not, the idea is relationship prep. Prep for a life partner.
Tate talks about the elites and true division - shit that I've said on here for many years - and how they keep people divided through cultural, economical and any division they can in order to distract from everyone realizing that they are the problem.
It all ties together. To keep it more focused:
Two things are needed. The destruction of social media and a war.
Will it come to that? Who knows? Black men need a way to regain their honor and respect and black women need to be humbled into realizing that they don't have the options that they think they do. They've been lied to and are being used to wipe out black America. Then the whites will come in and offer themselves up as the only option. Ultimately, its divide and conquer.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Nothing funnier than watching the Black incels of BGOL twist themselves in to knots when they find out Tate was racist and said racist shit about Black people.

You clowns keep stanning dudes that do all they can to appeal to white racists and y'all look like fools in the end.

Reminds me when the same dudes on BGOL that said they hate gay people would suddenly say your lifestyle is private and none of their business when you pointed out how much of a fag Kevin Samuels really was.

Shit this thread has two BGOL dudes telling EACH OTHER how manly they are and its HILARIOUS.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only in the internet can this dude be an actual factor/topic. From what I can gather, he sells game to ninjas that need a co-signer that can articulate how they feel or want to feel about women, not working for the man and being an alpha male.

Now, unless he is teaching ninjas how to finess other ninjas, I have no idea the actual product he is selling (except a lifestyle that - only if you pay $49.99 a month, you can have to).

But, cats want to champion his message, believe that he was targeted, cool. Remind me of some Dr. York or Trump shit. Probably the last time I speak on this, it’s just fascinating to see some of the shit he says (look up what he said about Lewis Hamilton) and the fact that ninjas on BGOL are really following this cat.
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