I tell you what, it feels so good to be back riding again. I came up with a chilling and to the second novel, though I am nowhere near 50% done with it.
This ending here would scare the shit out of anyone. I paid homage to Pulp Fiction, "You lost your LA privileges" But I tell you if someone said to you what my character said to the antagonist you would definitely be terrified.
I think I'm going to approach my novel and other works differently from now on. Instead of trying to write it all from start to finish, I'm going to break it up into sections, right the sections and put them together like a puzzle later on. That way it doesn't seem so daunting
The naughty nurse Chronicles is going to be the shit
I think that's a good way to go, because somethings will just seem to want to go together.
When I wrote my screenplay, I actually had the end before I had the beginning. Yes, the end was written first.
It was like I was already at the destination, now it's a matter of which way (of many) do I take to get back home. I know it sounds crazy, but that's how it was for me.
Those are actually very common text book ways to approach your work
if it keeps you inspired engaged and interested? It's perfect.
I've seen idex cards, legal pads, time lines, bulletin boards and even someone record the whole book with a tape recorder. In fact there is a VERY famous and successful romance novelist that did this in the 60s and 70s and some others.
Really at this point as much as I hate AI? If you use chatgpt just to get your thoughts together to firm an outline?
That's fine too.