The TV ONE SCREENPLAY COMPETITION 2017 promotes the production of creative, contemporary, engaging and relatable screenplays that can be turned into original movies for television. Genres include, but are not limited to comedies, romantic comedies, dramas, and family adventures (submissions should be non-period stories). One (1) Grand Prize Winner will be selected from three (3) Finalists and announced at the closing night event of ABFF.
The potential Finalists will be notified by e-mail, telephone and/or mail by April 10, 2017. The potential Winner will be notified in person during the “ABFF Filmmaker Ceremony” taking place on June 18, 2017 in Miami, Florida.
TV One will award 3 Finalist prizes and 1 grand prize. Each Finalist will receive a trip to the 21st Annual American Black Film Festival in Miami, Florida, taking place June 14, 2017 through June 18, 2017 and the opportunity to have a scene from their screenplay read by actors at a Table Read. The Grand Prize winner will receive Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) and the opportunity to have their screenplay developed and produced to premier at the 2018 American Black Film Festival.
All online submissions must be completed by 11:59 pm EST on Thursday, February 16, 2017.
I've been an amature writer for years. Did well in the bgol contests, but my dream is to write and publish a full length screenplay. So far the furthest I've gotten is 20 pages unedited.
Plots are easy. I have dozens of those. What's hard is tying together characters with a central theme.
For instance, I watched a YouTube video about American Beauty. The author explained how the central theme was finding your true self and how every character represented that theme in a different way. It explained how dialog was used to determine relationships and power dynamics, sometimes with only a few words.
I have never been able to pull this stuff off. Not on the context of a feature length movie.
Has anyone else had trouble with this hurdle? How did you overcome it?
I've been an amature writer for years. Did well in the bgol contests, but my dream is to write and publish a full length screenplay. So far the furthest I've gotten is 20 pages unedited.
Plots are easy. I have dozens of those. What's hard is tying together characters with a central theme.
For instance, I watched a YouTube video about American Beauty. The author explained how the central theme was finding your true self and how every character represented that theme in a different way. It explained how dialog was used to determine relationships and power dynamics, sometimes with only a few words.
I have never been able to pull this stuff off. Not on the context of a feature length movie.
Has anyone else had trouble with this hurdle? How did you overcome it?
I read as many screenplays that I could until something clicked. I would even say just write, don't edit at all, just write until you get enough pages - up to lets say 90. If you have a deep story, you can go beyond that but going past 120 is too far. Edit the first thirty pages. Then the next. Then the next. Make sure your 1st act meets the 2nd act and then the 3rd.
Make up back stories for your characters and learn them and their decisions to make sure it rings true to the story. Know your ending. Again, I just read script after script until it just all made sense and I'm still learning. 500 days of Summer is quick and witty, Social Network is wordy, There Will Be Blood is a masterpiece but its dense and Wild Things is sexy as hell. Feel 'em out and see what works for you and your style.
There are some greats that you have to check out but off the top of my head
I've been an amature writer for years. Did well in the bgol contests, but my dream is to write and publish a full length screenplay. So far the furthest I've gotten is 20 pages unedited.
Plots are easy. I have dozens of those. What's hard is tying together characters with a central theme.
For instance, I watched a YouTube video about American Beauty. The author explained how the central theme was finding your true self and how every character represented that theme in a different way. It explained how dialog was used to determine relationships and power dynamics, sometimes with only a few words.
I have never been able to pull this stuff off. Not on the context of a feature length movie.
Has anyone else had trouble with this hurdle? How did you overcome it?
Wow, I have two days to complete this? Wow I wish I would have known with more time. I just won my first writing contest on the writers forum, and I've participated and a couple of the contests here on this board. One of these days I'm going to finish my novels
Dude, time, or rather finding it, or rather better utilizing it instead of watching TV shows, playing video games or just sit on my ass. It dealing with the fact that I probably have ADD and I have insomnia and sleep apnea - so I can't sleep and when I do sleep I don't sleep and you've got a clusterfuckWow. Congrats man, I didn't know that. You been talking about it for awhile. Gotta just devote the time to it and push it out. Then get your edit in there, proofread it and go from there.
My problem is letting real life distract me from personal goal. Sometimes I'm in the office like 12 hours a day for weeks and that shit drains on my processing skills. I forget entire ideas during my stretch. Matter fact, I gotta friend of mine that writes multiple books in a year, the same span of time I was working my ass off to get over 100k. On one end, I got a lot of shit done for the house and the fam and splurged a bit but she finished TWO BOOKS and is making money off self publishing. I gotta ask her more because she's trying to steer me to writing a book with her instead of script doctoring and screenplays.
I just gotta do better. We all do.
Dude, time, or rather finding it, or rather better utilizing it instead of watching TV shows, playing video games or just sit on my ass. It dealing with the fact that I probably have ADD and I have insomnia and sleep apnea - so I can't sleep and when I do sleep I don't sleep and you've got a clusterfuck
I got up to 32,000 words and then started over. I wanted to get to the kill as quickly as possible. I know that being a first-time author, I only have a short period of time in which to grab ahold of a reader, which means getting to the conflict/kill faster. Anything drawn-out will lose them.
I'm up to 12500 now on the reboot and I can always use the 32000 I've already written to add on when I get there. I've got a female protagonist doing it illegal shit, a couple of cops trying to kill her and a White guy playing the part of the Magic Negro to a Black heroine. It's pretty intense.
Good luck finishing yours. I know from experience it's not easy
Maybe i need to contact him about my "reverse sundown town"ideaGet Out director Jordan Peele wants young black filmmakers to get in touch
Jordan Peele's directorial debut Get Out is absolutely killing it at the box office in the US, already taking
$113m (on a budget of $5m). It's a brilliant, frightening and funny horror about modern liberal racism (check out our review), which has gone down a storm with critics and audiences alike.
One of the things that stands out about the film though, is that it's a story that's rarely told. In fact black protagonists in horror films, and black directors of horror films, are a rarity.
Peele wants to do something about that.
Talking exclusively to Digital Spy, he offered this to would-be black movie-makers...
"For young black horror filmmakers, if you have a script, reach out and I'll try to help it get made. Monkeypaw Productions is my production company and we're really trying to promote untapped voices in genre."
Peele blames the lack of diversity in Hollywood on a couple of things.
"One is there's this misconception in Hollywood - that is hopefully nearing its end - that black leads in films don't do well, particularly overseas," he explained.
"But I think even more, the reason we don't see more films about the African American experience is because we haven't nurtured black talent, we haven't encouraged young black filmmakers to dream big.
"When you have that, that's when you have this systemic problem where artists aren't getting their platforms, aren't given their platforms.
"Some stories it's impossible for a white person to tell."
Peele says he has plans for four more horror movies "with each one to take on a different demon embedded in society".
In the meantime, he offers this advice for up and coming filmmakers: "I would say, write your favourite movie that hasn't been made."
Get Out is out now in UK cinemas.
I'm up to 12500 now on the reboot and I can always use the 32000 I've already written to add on when I get there. I've got a female protagonist doing it illegal shit, a couple of cops trying to kill her and a White guy playing the part of the Magic Negro to a Black heroine. It's pretty intense.
Good luck finishing yours. I know from experience it's not easy
One movie idea which i may get back to writing,i had envisioned the soundtrack to feature this kind of music
Cold ass music, but dated as hell.
Lol, I know. It's funny, we see a lot of throwback 50s movies.. even Back to the Future went back to the fifties. I don't know many movies that have gone back to the 80s. Best of luck, famPresumbly because what im writing is 80s-set![]()
Lol, I know. It's funny, we see a lot of throwback 50s movies.. even Back to the Future went back to the fifties. I don't know many movies that have gone back to the 80s. Best of luck, fam
Lol, I know. It's funny, we see a lot of throwback 50s movies.. even Back to the Future went back to the fifties. I don't know many movies that have gone back to the 80s. Best of luck, fam