Their amongst us,in our family,work at places with visit everyday.I've come across these types of people in my younger days and at my jobs where someone comes off ok but after going pass the surface you know something isn't right but they usually have more sense than some of the people who don't have a problem cause their straight on bullshit and they can't help themselves but be in the middle of happenings.
I have a few in my family,cousins of cousins that I don't even know cause their so far down that line but one is a female with five kids and is a total mess,another is a cousin of mines who is slow and if he says two words to you that's a good day but he can function but as kids we ignored him and he was spoiled rotten as far as what his parents did for him.
That's life....don't laugh to hard one is coming to your family,somewhere,some how.