Anyone investing heavily this year??

How much money did you lose/gain this past week?

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Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
It would...But you have to have some hint that it's coming. As you know earnings estimates and actual reports don't mean much. There are too many examples of positive earning and the stocks still crashes and vice versa.

This is one of those times when it's too late to play the short position.

But, Perhaps the long position can be played?

Need to do some research and find out what happened and what's the future outlook.

It's starting to be part of my normal process to jolt down the day's top gainers/losers AH and see if there's a way to position myself short/long in the next couple of days.

Typically strong companies will bounce back in a short time frame. Weak companies may not as quickly if at all.

^^^^OUCH!!!!! :smh:
I bought into FSLY and NET. NET went down on a sympathy play from FSLY. All I want is $5 from FSLY. NET, I'll be happy with $3.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I FOMO’d a couple NIO options for end of week. It’s close but another gap up tomorrow and I’m straight. I’m getting more disciplined on my spread price targets now so I don’t pay too much and keep a higher upside.
Man my goal for last quarter is to understand what the fuck you just said regarding options.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
aaaaah c'mon man. this thing is like 119 pages. nothing that i can say hasn't already been said
I thought you might have some unique angle or were just WOOFIN... its cool, I check for all angles. Peace B onto U.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man my goal for last quarter is to understand what the fuck you just said regarding options.

Haha! Yo 2 months ago I wouldn’t know what the fuck I was talking about either.

Here’s my attempt. Options spreads allow you to buy and sell options at the same time to reduce how much cash you gotta put up. Its built in risk management but limits how much you can win. I’ll break down how I use them.

I have a small trading account so I can’t be putting up mad dough on every trade. One bad trade and I’ll blow up my account. So when I am buying options the max I am willing to put up on any one trade is around $35. Options for stocks like AAPL is way more than that if you buy them straight up but spreads allow you to play those without putting up so much money.

I won’t go into the mechanics but basically when I buy an option spread the pot is $100 and I put up $35 (preferably less) to get in the game. The best I can do is win $65 ($100 minus my $35) and the worst I can do is lose the $35 I put up. By doing that no one trade will take more than 3%-4% of my account if things go bad. That’s still high but better than what I was doing before.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Is it too late to jump in in nio?

everyone is saying the chinese govt wont let it fail
but the problem with china is that any and everyone can fall out of favour
their data is not to be trusted

that being said, the company is smashing sales
the battery exchange they are doing is doing incredibly well.

Analysts are predicting it will reach around 50$
jpm says 40

so l personally am extremly bullish om nio
and going to keep buying


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thanks bruh. when i started it, i didn't know it would still be alive this long. glad to see that it's helping people
I restarted it for you. I also said that people would make as much money as they did in the crypto thread in a fraction of the time and they did.

but what do I know. I’m just a troll :rolleyes:

props for starting the original. I’m just sitting back watching and hope the brothas in here make as much as I did from late February to August.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not telling anyone how to use their finances but i will say this...LEARN OPTIONS TRADING!

On days like yesterday and today, so far, on hot momenteum stocks like $NIO...The gains you can make compared to standard buy/sell is insane..

Between yesterday and today..I've already made 30% of my portfolio...

If $NIO jumps to $30 which seems all but gauranteed then i'll be around 60% of my portfolio..

The best part is i get to play the eventual downside when it cools off(That will be worth probably 105-20% gain)..

Options are risky and you can lose alot if you're not careful....But if you're day trading you owe it to yourself to learn how it works and try it out.

Insane stuff!


Black Cam Girls -> BlackCamZ.Com
Platinum Member
CRSR has a pretty solid floor of $18. I've been day trading it from $18-$19 daily. Take a look at the charts and see if this works for you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not telling anyone how to use their finances but i will say this...LEARN OPTIONS TRADING!

On days like yesterday and today, so far, on hot momenteum stocks like $NIO...The gains you can make compared to standard buy/sell is insane..

Between yesterday and today..I've already made 30% of my portfolio...

If $NIO jumps to $30 which seems all but gauranteed then i'll be around 60% of my portfolio..

The best part is i get to play the eventual downside when it cools off(That will be worth probably 105-20% gain)..

Options are risky and you can lose alot if you're not careful....But if you're day trading you owe it to yourself to learn how it works and try it out.

Insane stuff!
Are you doing this in WeBull?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are you doing this in WeBull?

Hell no! Webull is too erractic(crashes, freezes) and limited buying/selling interface to attempt this imo.
I currently use TDameritrade Think or Swim platform.
The platform is a lot more stable and the gui makes it easier to see your profits/losses realtime and easier to submit your orders.

I only use Webull for the real time charts(candle sticks and price quote).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not telling anyone how to use their finances but i will say this...LEARN OPTIONS TRADING!

On days like yesterday and today, so far, on hot momenteum stocks like $NIO...The gains you can make compared to standard buy/sell is insane..

Between yesterday and today..I've already made 30% of my portfolio...

If $NIO jumps to $30 which seems all but gauranteed then i'll be around 60% of my portfolio..

The best part is i get to play the eventual downside when it cools off(That will be worth probably 105-20% gain)..

Options are risky and you can lose alot if you're not careful....But if you're day trading you owe it to yourself to learn how it works and try it out.

Insane stuff!
Sold my NIO Call spreads for 70% profit :cool: