Man my goal for last quarter is to understand what the fuck you just said regarding options.
Haha! Yo 2 months ago I wouldn’t know what the fuck I was talking about either.
Here’s my attempt. Options spreads allow you to buy and sell options at the same time to reduce how much cash you gotta put up. Its built in risk management but limits how much you can win. I’ll break down how I use them.
I have a small trading account so I can’t be putting up mad dough on every trade. One bad trade and I’ll blow up my account. So when I am buying options the max I am willing to put up on any one trade is around $35. Options for stocks like AAPL is way more than that if you buy them straight up but spreads allow you to play those without putting up so much money.
I won’t go into the mechanics but basically when I buy an option spread the pot is $100 and I put up $35 (preferably less) to get in the game. The best I can do is win $65 ($100 minus my $35) and the worst I can do is lose the $35 I put up. By doing that no one trade will take more than 3%-4% of my account if things go bad. That’s still high but better than what I was doing before.