Anyone investing heavily this year??

How much money did you lose/gain this past week?

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My Ultimate investment goal for me is divide my account into 1/5ths and have money available for 2 long plays (2-3 week swings) or option plays. In addition to that, bread for 2 day trade plays, and one allotment of bread for an “emergency” free play.

I’d like that to be 10k for each investment allotment.

The mission is to net a minimum average of $400/day, pay taxes monthly, and untether from this “day gig” thing....

After I cop my 2021 Corvette Stingray with “QUAID” on the license plates.

Whats your goal?


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
My Ultimate investment goal for me is divide my account into 1/5ths and have money available for 2 long plays (2-3 week swings) or option plays. In addition to that, bread for 2 day trade plays, and one allotment of bread for an “emergency” free play.

I’d like that to be 10k for each investment allotment.

The mission is to net a minimum average of $400/day, pay taxes monthly, and untether from this “day gig” thing....

After I cop my 2021 Corvette Stingray with “QUAID” on the license plates.

Whats your goal?

Im way behind, still tryna grow my "fun" money so I can reap some bigger rewards. And trying to learn the options game in order to take some calculated risks with that. Short term goal: proficiency. Long term: I just want my money to make money..

(This is separate from my DCA account and retirement accounts though)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mainly use Schwab for trading although I opened up Webull just for early Morning pre-market trading. My IRAs and regular brokerage are at Vanguard but that’s mainly dollar cost averaging stuff for retirement. The rest is in a 401k at the J-O. I only got into swing trading by buying a stock or two with the change leftover from my bi-weekly ETF purchases.

So the trading is really more for education to me. I put aside a small bit like $600 (Most of which was sitting in a lifeless crypto account) and just want to improve and get better at trading and evaluate where I am at the end of each month. I want to gain enough to start really growing the account and see how far I go. I’m settling into a trading style but need to figure out better ways to scan to find the right stocks for the setups I like. In due time.
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A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Saw a post this morning that Buffet fucked up selling off all his Airline stock but made it up by picking up Sirius radio. Also there is a thread on here where someone said the company that pushes Tesla’s batteries just announced they have a battery that can get 1 million miles! CATL. Have to pick up a decent option on Tesla on Monday and that company.

I think I read the same article. Weren't they saying he went with Sirius due to the new man in charge there? Maybe this is a long term play. As far as the battery company, I didnt see them listed on TD, what ticker symbol you looking at?

Been telling yall bout sirius since it was under $1 in 2010
I have made damn good money off it. Started buying at .50
Sold 20k worth right before this collapse. Keeping the rest long term
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Opened a small position with TORC and trying to catch ZVO or ODP on the slide down. Looks to be a red day at the market with corona news. I have a couple rona stocks so hopefully they perk up.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
I’m out on IPDN with a quick gain. May re-enter if Robinhood pumps it in an hour.
Waiting to catch something with good momentum going into the opening bell.

What did you use to get in on the pre market trades?

Was gonna ask the same but I think it may have been discussed previously.

I've been with eTrade for a while but think I may have to switch to TDA/TOS or Webull. I'm seeing that TDA/TOS extended hours are 7a - 8p v. Webull's being 4a-8p. is 7a early enough to take advantage?

Any fees associated with AH trading that might make a difference?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Was gonna ask the same but I think it may have been discussed previously.

I've been with eTrade for a while but think I may have to switch to TDA/TOS or Webull. I'm seeing that TDA/TOS extended hours are 7a - 8p v. Webull's being 4a-8p. is 7a early enough to take advantage?

Any fees associated with AH trading that might make a difference?

Schwab has PM 7am-9:30am as well. 7AM seems to be early enough to me unless something is really bubbling and you just want to get in at the market rate before heavy volume then Webull is best. Both Schwab and Webull have AH until 8pm. Seems like alot of traders don’t have access to Pre-market or AH so just having it seems to be a big advantage. No additional fees for either of those sites.

Webull doesn’t have trailing stops so a bit annoying if you jumped on some huge move have to do profit taking limit or stop loss.


BGOL Investor
Well this sucks. Thanks to this thread I finally started to understand stocks, options, etc and now that I have the expendable income decided to hop in the game. Super excited. Made a play on IDEX last week that should have paid off, only to realize that due to the nature of the company that I work for we have to keep all stock purchases for a minimum of 5 days by policy. Today was the first day that I could sell. I've watched my nice profit turn to "at least you didn't lose money". I'm sick lol.

Guess I'll have learn more about long term investment strategies.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
..yo man, I think I've had it with eTrade. I just realized they aint sending me notifications for the alerts that I set up. I set an alert for CARV last week before it popped off and was never notified. Just checking through my old alerts now and the shit said "CARV has reached your high of @2.50 and is currently trading at $16.00" :eek:

..not that I would've done all that much with is, but it would have been nice to make some move. Anyone else on eTrade and experience such fukkry?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m out on IPDN with a quick gain. May re-enter if Robinhood pumps it in an hour.
Waiting to catch something with good momentum going into the opening bell.
What did you use to get in on the pre market trades?

I used Think of Swim/TD Ameritrade. Pre Market trading starts at 6 CST.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dip was good for buying today. I bought a few things a little too early and mistakenly put a limit sell instead of a stop loss :hithead: but got some decent deals. Will chill and see how these play out the rest of the week


Rising Star
OG Investor
Today was a good day for buying.
I got alot of stuff, some for long term holds others to sell when the market bounces back.
My plan is to eventually be able to make my salary just trading.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
250%+ gainer on this one. Ponzi scheme though.
:smh: :lol:

Hope you brothas continue to make bank and shout out to the brothas hitting me offline with the thank you messages

Thank you, i wish the same thing happening here would have happened with NGBL. Bought 60000 shares. If that sucka only hit .50 :money:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

My analogy: You in a room full of dimes that are all interested in you. All you have to do is pick one.

Would you choose the one who said she is taking medication to get rid of Chlymidia?:dunno:

Every week, there's at least 2 companies that make 100%+ runs and at least 10 that make 20%+ runs. I'd rather trade one of those than a bankrupt company.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Premarket watch: CMLS, COCP, PHCF. SFET and KTOV popped up too. I'm in COCP.

Be careful w/ KTOV and SFET. SFET doesn't hold gains for long and KTOV recently filed for a shelf offering. They are known to create bagholders.