Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah bro we have enough degenerates of all races already here, no need to import millions more. that’s the fucking point. It’s a safety issue. I know illegal immigration is a bad look for your democrats, but this shouldn’t be a partisan issue at all. These are people who just got here committing serious crimes and being dumped into Black communities.

Until you realize the mainstream media is liberal government propaganda, you’re going to continue to have these kinds of goofy ass takes. You have to bypass the mainstream media if you want all of the information. I know the tv news talking heads just told you the republicans rejected the bipartisan border security bill and are playing election year politics, Trump, etc. A friend of mine said the same shit. He’s another mainstream media guy. Sounds exactly like some shit you heard on the cable news and you just repeat. You both only have a surface level understanding of the issues.

Now we both know you don’t have the foggiest idea what the bill actually says or does. You know you can actually read the bill, don’t you? It’s pretty easy with the internet these days. Always go to the source material, stop letting the news tell you what the story is. You’re being programmed by democrat tv. You might feel differently if you read it. Make up your own mind, don’t automatically adopt what your echo chamber is repeating. The media knows the low information voter won’t be reading any damn bills. He’ll just let them tell him about it.

Among other provisions, it would only close the border if the number of “immigrants” claiming asylum exceeded a seven-day average of 5,000 or more. Minors and “families” are exempt. EVEN IF THE BORDER IS SHUT DOWN 1,400 WILL STILL BE ADMITTED PER DAY. And they get work permits. So it would authorize 150,000 new “immigrants” per month. Did the CNN/MSNBC commentator mention that part? Does that sound like border security to you? Is the bill stopping the flood into the country? Is that a border security deal the house republicans should’ve jumped on? Did they just tell you the republicans are playing election year politics?
I don’t accept bullshit because they call it bipartisan. The senate is full of republicans who want to keep the border open just like the democrats. Thank goodness for the house republicans.
It’s a safety issue.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah bro we have enough degenerates of all races already here, no need to import millions more. that’s the fucking point. It’s a safety issue. I know illegal immigration is a bad look for your democrats, but this shouldn’t be a partisan issue at all. These are people who just got here committing serious crimes and being dumped into Black communities.

Until you realize the mainstream media is liberal government propaganda, you’re going to continue to have these kinds of goofy ass takes. You have to bypass the mainstream media if you want all of the information. I know the tv news talking heads just told you the republicans rejected the bipartisan border security bill and are playing election year politics, Trump, etc. A friend of mine said the same shit. He’s another mainstream media guy. Sounds exactly like some shit you heard on the cable news and you just repeat. You both only have a surface level understanding of the issues.

Now we both know you don’t have the foggiest idea what the bill actually says or does. You know you can actually read the bill, don’t you? It’s pretty easy with the internet these days. Always go to the source material, stop letting the news tell you what the story is. You’re being programmed by democrat tv. You might feel differently if you read it. Make up your own mind, don’t automatically adopt what your echo chamber is repeating. The media knows the low information voter won’t be reading any damn bills. He’ll just let them tell him about it.

Among other provisions, it would only close the border if the number of “immigrants” claiming asylum exceeded a seven-day average of 5,000 or more. Minors and “families” are exempt. EVEN IF THE BORDER IS SHUT DOWN 1,400 WILL STILL BE ADMITTED PER DAY. And they get work permits. So it would authorize 150,000 new “immigrants” per month. Did the CNN/MSNBC commentator mention that part? Does that sound like border security to you? Is the bill stopping the flood into the country? Is that a border security deal the house republicans should’ve jumped on? Did they just tell you the republicans are playing election year politics?
I don’t accept bullshit because they call it bipartisan. The senate is full of republicans who want to keep the border open just like the democrats. Thank goodness for the house republicans.
This is slightly off topic and one of the few things I actually agree with Bernie Sanders on (by the way he voted against H.R. 815)



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Past vs present vs future

Don Coreleone

Rising Star



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Couch.
Then you get what you get. Instead of looking into what Biden has done since becoming president & comparing to the alternative & his zero specific campaign, you choose the couch. That's the most productive way to go about things.

I hope you decide to abstain from bitching & complaining if things go in a negative direction & liberties you currently enjoy are removed from you.

What has you on the couch? Reparations, gays, migrants, Ukraine, or Israel?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Since 1993, the U.S. government has provided more than $7.6 billion in bilateral assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. This assistance, primarily through the Economic Support Fund, supports projects in areas including economic growth and recovery
That's laughable...ask Palestinians how much of that aid gets to them under Biden or any US president


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The mythical tie between immigration and crime​

Research by Stanford’s Ran Abramitzky and co-authors uncovers the most extensive evidence to date that immigrants are less likely to be imprisoned than U.S.-born individuals.​

Opponents of immigration often argue that immigrants drive up crime rates. But newly released research from Stanford economist Ran Abramitzky and his co-authors finds that hasn’t been the case in America for the last 140 years.

The study reveals that first-generation immigrants have not been more likely to be imprisoned than people born in the United States since 1880.

Today, immigrants are 30 percent less likely to be incarcerated than are U.S.-born individuals who are white, the study finds. And when the analysis is expanded to include Black Americans — whose prison rates are higher than the general population — the likelihood of an immigrant being incarcerated is 60 percent lower than of people born in the United States.

While other research has also debunked claims that immigration leads to more crime, this study of incarceration rates provides the broadest historical look at the relationship between immigration and crime across the country and over time, says author Abramitzky. Abramitzky is the Stanford Federal Credit Union Professor of Economics and senior associate dean of social sciences in the School of Humanities and Sciences, as well as a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR).

The study is detailed in a working paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Using U.S. Census Bureau data, it focuses on immigrants present in the Census regardless of their legal status and on men between the ages of 18 and 40.

“From Henry Cabot Lodge in the late 19th century to Donald Trump, anti-immigration politicians have repeatedly tried to link immigrants to crime, but our research confirms that this is a myth and not based on fact,” says Abramitzky, whose 2022 book, Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success,examines the many misconceptions around immigration.

An analysis of U.S. Census data by SIEPR Senior Fellow Ran Abramitzky and his collaborators shows immigrants have had similar or lower incarceration rates than white U.S.-born men for the last 140 years of American history.
In their analysis of Census data from 1850 to 2020, Abramitzky and his co-authors find that, compared to U.S.-born individuals, immigrants as a group had higher incarceration rates before 1870 and similar rates between 1880 and 1950. Since 1960, however, immigrants have been less likely to be incarcerated than have the U.S.-born.

According to the study, this is the case for almost every region in the world that is a major source of immigrants to the United States. As of 2019, immigrants from China and eastern and southern Europe were committing the fewest number of crimes — as measured by incarceration rates — relative to U.S.-born individuals.

The exception is Mexican and Central American immigrants, but the higher incarceration rates for this group since 2005 is largely attributed to the fact that the Census data combines incarceration for criminal acts with detentions for immigration-related offenses, the researchers say in the paper. Incarceration rates among Mexican and Central American immigrants were similar to those of U.S.-born individuals between 1980 and 2005.

What’s more, comparing the imprisonment of Mexican and Central American immigrants to that of white males born in the United States based on education tells a different story, according to Abramitzky. Men without a high school degree are the group most likely to be incarcerated for criminal activity. “But Mexican and Central American immigrants with low levels of education, which comprise a large share of immigrants from this region, are significantly less likely to be incarcerated than U.S.-born men with similarly low levels of education,” he says.

Abramitzky’s co-authors include Leah Platt Boustan, an economics professor at Princeton and co-author of Streets of Gold; Elisa Jácome, an assistant professor of economics at Northwestern and a former SIEPR postdoctoral fellow; Santiago Pérez, an associate professor of economics at the University of California, Davis; and Juan David Torres, a Stanford PhD student in economics and former predoctoral fellow at SIEPR.

Immigrants vs. U.S.-born: Different economic forces

In setting out to compare criminality over time, the researchers took on a big challenge: Finding credible evidence of a connection between immigration and crime — and over a long time period — is extremely difficult. Other studies have relied on arrests records, but those do not include immigration status or birthplace. They also include arrests for minor infractions, which can reflect police bias more than actual crimes.

Instead, Abramitzky and his collaborators chose to analyze incarceration rates, which they say are better indicators of serious crime because they often require a conviction. As their primary data source, they turned to decennial censuses and surveys from the U.S. Census Bureau, which include information on individuals in correctional facilities and their birthplace — thereby allowing the researchers to build what they say is the first nationally representative dataset of incarceration rates for immigrants and the U.S.-born going back 170 years.

The researchers say it’s not entirely clear why the data show that immigrants have been imprisoned at increasingly lower rates than U.S.-born males since 1960.

“Many of the explanations we had in mind turned out to NOT be right when we looked at the data,” Abramitzky says. For example, examining differences in age, marital status, or education levels among immigrants didn’t provide a clue. Nor did changes in immigration policy or the states in which immigrants settled.

It is also unlikely, he says, that deportations contributed to the relatively lower rates of immigrant incarcerations.

The researchers conclude the likely explanation is that first-generation immigrants are faring better overall (and not just with respect to incarceration rates) than are U.S.-born men — especially compared to those without a high school diploma.

Globalization and advances in technology have hit white males hard, especially those who were born in the United States and who didn’t finish high school. Compared to immigrants, they are much more likely to be unemployed, unmarried, and in poor health — and perhaps more prone to commit crimes as a result, Abramitzky says.

The manual jobs that immigrants typically take on have been stable by comparison. Other studies have shown that immigrants also are, among other characteristics, highly adaptable and resilient.

“Recent waves of immigrants are more likely to be employed, married with children, and in good health,” Abramitzky says. “Far from the rapists and drug dealers that anti-immigrant politicians claim them to be, immigrants today are doing relatively well and have largely been shielded from the social and economic forces that have negatively affected low-educated U.S.-born men.”

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor

The mythical tie between immigration and crime​

Research by Stanford’s Ran Abramitzky and co-authors uncovers the most extensive evidence to date that immigrants are less likely to be imprisoned than U.S.-born individuals.​

Opponents of immigration often argue that immigrants drive up crime rates. But newly released research from Stanford economist Ran Abramitzky and his co-authors finds that hasn’t been the case in America for the last 140 years.

The study reveals that first-generation immigrants have not been more likely to be imprisoned than people born in the United States since 1880.

Today, immigrants are 30 percent less likely to be incarcerated than are U.S.-born individuals who are white, the study finds. And when the analysis is expanded to include Black Americans — whose prison rates are higher than the general population — the likelihood of an immigrant being incarcerated is 60 percent lower than of people born in the United States.

While other research has also debunked claims that immigration leads to more crime, this study of incarceration rates provides the broadest historical look at the relationship between immigration and crime across the country and over time, says author Abramitzky. Abramitzky is the Stanford Federal Credit Union Professor of Economics and senior associate dean of social sciences in the School of Humanities and Sciences, as well as a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR).

The study is detailed in a working paper released by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Using U.S. Census Bureau data, it focuses on immigrants present in the Census regardless of their legal status and on men between the ages of 18 and 40.

“From Henry Cabot Lodge in the late 19th century to Donald Trump, anti-immigration politicians have repeatedly tried to link immigrants to crime, but our research confirms that this is a myth and not based on fact,” says Abramitzky, whose 2022 book, Streets of Gold: America’s Untold Story of Immigrant Success,examines the many misconceptions around immigration.

An analysis of U.S. Census data by SIEPR Senior Fellow Ran Abramitzky and his collaborators shows immigrants have had similar or lower incarceration rates than white U.S.-born men for the last 140 years of American history.
In their analysis of Census data from 1850 to 2020, Abramitzky and his co-authors find that, compared to U.S.-born individuals, immigrants as a group had higher incarceration rates before 1870 and similar rates between 1880 and 1950. Since 1960, however, immigrants have been less likely to be incarcerated than have the U.S.-born.

According to the study, this is the case for almost every region in the world that is a major source of immigrants to the United States. As of 2019, immigrants from China and eastern and southern Europe were committing the fewest number of crimes — as measured by incarceration rates — relative to U.S.-born individuals.

The exception is Mexican and Central American immigrants, but the higher incarceration rates for this group since 2005 is largely attributed to the fact that the Census data combines incarceration for criminal acts with detentions for immigration-related offenses, the researchers say in the paper. Incarceration rates among Mexican and Central American immigrants were similar to those of U.S.-born individuals between 1980 and 2005.

What’s more, comparing the imprisonment of Mexican and Central American immigrants to that of white males born in the United States based on education tells a different story, according to Abramitzky. Men without a high school degree are the group most likely to be incarcerated for criminal activity. “But Mexican and Central American immigrants with low levels of education, which comprise a large share of immigrants from this region, are significantly less likely to be incarcerated than U.S.-born men with similarly low levels of education,” he says.

Abramitzky’s co-authors include Leah Platt Boustan, an economics professor at Princeton and co-author of Streets of Gold; Elisa Jácome, an assistant professor of economics at Northwestern and a former SIEPR postdoctoral fellow; Santiago Pérez, an associate professor of economics at the University of California, Davis; and Juan David Torres, a Stanford PhD student in economics and former predoctoral fellow at SIEPR.

Immigrants vs. U.S.-born: Different economic forces

In setting out to compare criminality over time, the researchers took on a big challenge: Finding credible evidence of a connection between immigration and crime — and over a long time period — is extremely difficult. Other studies have relied on arrests records, but those do not include immigration status or birthplace. They also include arrests for minor infractions, which can reflect police bias more than actual crimes.

Instead, Abramitzky and his collaborators chose to analyze incarceration rates, which they say are better indicators of serious crime because they often require a conviction. As their primary data source, they turned to decennial censuses and surveys from the U.S. Census Bureau, which include information on individuals in correctional facilities and their birthplace — thereby allowing the researchers to build what they say is the first nationally representative dataset of incarceration rates for immigrants and the U.S.-born going back 170 years.

The researchers say it’s not entirely clear why the data show that immigrants have been imprisoned at increasingly lower rates than U.S.-born males since 1960.

“Many of the explanations we had in mind turned out to NOT be right when we looked at the data,” Abramitzky says. For example, examining differences in age, marital status, or education levels among immigrants didn’t provide a clue. Nor did changes in immigration policy or the states in which immigrants settled.

It is also unlikely, he says, that deportations contributed to the relatively lower rates of immigrant incarcerations.

The researchers conclude the likely explanation is that first-generation immigrants are faring better overall (and not just with respect to incarceration rates) than are U.S.-born men — especially compared to those without a high school diploma.

Globalization and advances in technology have hit white males hard, especially those who were born in the United States and who didn’t finish high school. Compared to immigrants, they are much more likely to be unemployed, unmarried, and in poor health — and perhaps more prone to commit crimes as a result, Abramitzky says.

The manual jobs that immigrants typically take on have been stable by comparison. Other studies have shown that immigrants also are, among other characteristics, highly adaptable and resilient.

“Recent waves of immigrants are more likely to be employed, married with children, and in good health,” Abramitzky says. “Far from the rapists and drug dealers that anti-immigrant politicians claim them to be, immigrants today are doing relatively well and have largely been shielded from the social and economic forces that have negatively affected low-educated U.S.-born men.”
They ain’t doing themselves any favors by killing white women


International Member
Then you get what you get. Instead of looking into what Biden has done since becoming president & comparing to the alternative & his zero specific campaign, you choose the couch. That's the most productive way to go about things.

I hope you decide to abstain from bitching & complaining if things go in a negative direction & liberties you currently enjoy are removed from you.

What has you on the couch? Reparations, gays, migrants, Ukraine, or Israel?
That's an interesting comment. Can you tell me what Joe Biden has done for Black people specifically.

I'll wait.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's an interesting comment. Can you tell me what Joe Biden has done for Black people specifically.

I'll wait.
They've invested over $7 billion dollars in HBCUs.

What specifically do you want the Biden administration to do for Black americans? Aside from the obvious which is reparations. Then frame it in a way that it doesn't get obliterated in the House or is considered "unconstitutional" by the Supreme Court.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah bro we have enough degenerates of all races already here, no need to import millions more. that’s the fucking point. It’s a safety issue. I know illegal immigration is a bad look for your democrats, but this shouldn’t be a partisan issue at all. These are people who just got here committing serious crimes and being dumped into Black communities.

Until you realize the mainstream media is liberal government propaganda, you’re going to continue to have these kinds of goofy ass takes. You have to bypass the mainstream media if you want all of the information. I know the tv news talking heads just told you the republicans rejected the bipartisan border security bill and are playing election year politics, Trump, etc. A friend of mine said the same shit. He’s another mainstream media guy. Sounds exactly like some shit you heard on the cable news and you just repeat. You both only have a surface level understanding of the issues.

Now we both know you don’t have the foggiest idea what the bill actually says or does. You know you can actually read the bill, don’t you? It’s pretty easy with the internet these days. Always go to the source material, stop letting the news tell you what the story is. You’re being programmed by democrat tv. You might feel differently if you read it. Make up your own mind, don’t automatically adopt what your echo chamber is repeating. The media knows the low information voter won’t be reading any damn bills. He’ll just let them tell him about it.

Among other provisions, it would only close the border if the number of “immigrants” claiming asylum exceeded a seven-day average of 5,000 or more. Minors and “families” are exempt. EVEN IF THE BORDER IS SHUT DOWN 1,400 WILL STILL BE ADMITTED PER DAY. And they get work permits. So it would authorize 150,000 new “immigrants” per month. Did the CNN/MSNBC commentator mention that part? Does that sound like border security to you? Is the bill stopping the flood into the country? Is that a border security deal the house republicans should’ve jumped on? Did they just tell you the republicans are playing election year politics?
I don’t accept bullshit because they call it bipartisan. The senate is full of republicans who want to keep the border open just like the democrats. Thank goodness for the house republicans.

H.R. 2

Passed in the House of Representatives, but was voted on along party lines, and obviously would not be voted on by the Senate. The bill was dealing directly with the Southern border, but I believe the reason these provision were not included:

  • About $60bn in additional aid has been earmarked for Ukraine. A large part of this would come in the form of weapons and military equipment. Around $20bn of this is to replenish US stockpiles of equipment transferred to Ukraine and another $13.8bn is to allow Kyiv to buy more munitions from US suppliers.
  • The Senate plan directs $14.1bn to Israel. Around $5.2bn of this funding is allocated to missile defence systems.
  • It also strips US funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) after Israel accused 12 of its Palestinian employees of being involved in Hamas’s October 7 attack. The UNRWA chief has told the Financial Times newspaper that Israel has yet to present evidence in support of its accusations.
  • The bill allocates $2.4bn for operations around the Red Sea, where US forces have sought to combat attacks on shipping by Houthi rebels in Yemen.
  • The bill would spend almost $2.6bn on efforts to deter China. Most of the money, about $1.9bn, would be to replace US munitions provided to Taiwan.
Apparently, Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan are more important than America?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Couch.
I mean as an international member you can say that. You can pretty much live on the couch because of American labor.

We dont have that option. If we dont be productive, if we dont make the right choice the entire world suffers.


International Member
Phillip scott is a bedbuck

Isn't it ironic that you decide to shame and insult the messenger and not the message.

Coming back to what he said, tell me what he said, that was incorrect?

I'll wait.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let's get back to the question in mind.

What has Biden done for the Black community. Telling me that he hired some judges, for me, is just not cutting it.
Please explain how having judges that look like you can't be seen as benefit, especially when we have seen white judges go out of their way to look out for their own?

Why did you ignore the historic amount of money the administration has given to HBCU's?

Are YOU even allowed to vote in the states if you truly are from another country?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let's get back to the question in mind.

What has Biden done for the Black community. Telling me that he hired some judges, for me, is just not cutting it.
Why isnt it cutting it? These are lifetime positions where they are able to set policies to make life better for people.

I'm sorry how many black people in London have lifetime positions? Where they can be heard and do anything?


International Member
Why isnt it cutting it? These are lifetime positions where they are able to set policies to make life better for people.

I'm sorry how many black people in London have lifetime positions? Where they can be heard and do anything?
Based on this answer, maybe you can tell me where any of these Black lifetime Judges previously appointed has made any policies that has benefited people of color.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Based on this answer, maybe you can tell me where any of these Black lifetime Judges previously appointed has made any policies that has benefited people of color.
Roe V wade for one. Thurgood helped make abortion rights the law of the land. Stopped plenty of Gen X criminals at the source, and slowly brought our crime rate down.


International Member
Please explain how having judges that look like you can't be seen as benefit, especially when we have seen white judges go out of their way to look out for their own?

Why did you ignore the historic amount of money the administration has given to HBCU's?

Are YOU even allowed to vote in the states if you truly are from another country?
Thank you for the update on this fact that I wasn't aware of.

It's still my opinion that not enough is being done for Black people in the US


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Then you get what you get. Instead of looking into what Biden has done since becoming president & comparing to the alternative & his zero specific campaign, you choose the couch. That's the most productive way to go about things.

I hope you decide to abstain from bitching & complaining if things go in a negative direction & liberties you currently enjoy are removed from you.

What has you on the couch? Reparations, gays, migrants, Ukraine, or Israel?

I don't think he lives in the US.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thank you for the update on this fact that I wasn't aware of.

It's still my opinion that not enough is being done for Black people in the US
Whats being done for black people in the UK?

This is like a Russian saying Americans dont have freedom.

I've been to London. Black people have next to no opportunity there if they cant kick a ball are you serious right now about appointing black judges isnt enough? How? Dude you know right now there has NEVER been a black supreme court judge in the UK and Biden in 3 years has given us 1.....A LIFETIME position.

This is absurd. You can go to Islington right now and see black people living in squalor. Like Straight up squalor and you are on here talking about us not having enough done for us?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I believe that Black americans are never going to be happy with anything except reparations. Unless it's cold hard cash, most Black americans don't give care. You can point out everything the Obama administration & now the Biden administration has done that benefits Black americans, but unless it's not a cut check, there's not a lot of interest. Not enough of us do our due diligence to find what's available that can enrich our lives or ease some burdens.

It annoys me when people ask the same question ad nauseum. "What has Biden/Obama done for Black people?" Then you ask what they want specifically that is possible within our governing system & you get a bunch of fairytale BS that's not rooted in reality. As if the individual has never taken a civics class in their lives. You have to start at the local level. You focus all of your "give a shit" on the president & ignore everything else is dangerous. Instant gratification harms not only Black americans but all americans.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The internet is a magnificent invention. It allows people, from ANYWHERE to say ANYTHING.

In 2020, the Social Metrics Commission found that nearly half (46%, 900,000 people) of all people living in families where the household head was Black/African/Caribbean/Black British were in poverty, compared to just under one in five (19%) of those living in families where the head of household was White.

The fact somebody, with a straight face, can come on this site and claim the richest black people on earth have not gotten anything for their votes when in their own nation nearly 1 and 2 black families live in outright poverty, with NO opportunity to speak of is insanity. A group of people with no political representation, whose grandparents with the windrush scandal are not even being given citizenship, and who's representation is abysmal needs to be pointed out.

You all have not gotten a fraction from your own leadership that we have got out of democrats, but you can say we arent getting enough? You must be taking the piss, or getting some money from a Russian. If its the former then do better, if its the latter then I understand since you have no opportunity at home.

This is NUTS:smh::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I believe that Black americans are never going to be happy with anything except reparations. Unless it's cold hard cash, most Black americans don't give care. You can point out everything the Obama administration & now the Biden administration has done that benefits Black americans, but unless it's not a cut check, there's not a lot of interest. Not enough of us do our due diligence to find what's available that can enrich our lives or ease some burdens.

It annoys me when people ask the same question ad nauseum. "What has Biden/Obama done for Black people?" Then you ask what they want specifically that is possible within our governing system & you get a bunch of fairytale BS that's not rooted in reality. As if the individual has never taken a civics class in their lives. You have to start at the local level. You focus all of your "give a shit" on the president & ignore everything else is dangerous. Instant gratification harms not only Black americans but all americans.
And if they did get reparations NIGGAS would say that’s not enough.

Niggas who don’t live in the US should not be worried about what the fuck is going on over here.

And you are 100% correct about people doing their due diligence. I’m tired of post stats and peer reviewed journal articles that outlines everything one president has done vs the other.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Couch.
And this is the crux of the matter.

Those in America you can follow this advice IF you want to have the same results as MCP and black brits. If you want to be political nonfactors, if you want to have little representation in local courts, no representation in high courts, your areas dominated by Asian politicos who hate you just as much as the whites do, 1/2 families living in poverty, a white guy who gets on tv every morning and tell you that racism doesnt exist...ect then for sure vote for the couch and get nothing.

They have nothing to lose by you losing status, losing wealth, losing opportunity. When you have nothing the couch looks a beautiful, safe haven. From my couch I dont have to see YOU seeing me having hard times:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And if they did get reparations NIGGAS would say that’s not enough.

Niggas who don’t live in the US should not be worried about what the fuck is going on over here.
I think people overseas should be able to speak their mind online @TEN is from the same city as MCP and he has never came on here and tried to tell black folks, in an election year, not to vote.

Our brother MCP is probably taking a payment from a Russian though. He has to be. He cant walk around London, see America, and really say our leadership isnt doing enough for us. He cant. It breaks my heart that brothers have to do this for a few extra pounds in their pocket, and I dont begrudge any man putting food on his table when 1/4 black britons in London are food insecure, but we have to speak in reality here.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And when people bitch and complain about what this president has done or not done, maybe the question should be WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

Niggas will get quite as hell when you ask are you donating to your local HBCU, have you given money to the local Urban League, maybe given a few dollars to the 100 Black Men of America, or are you donating to the organizations like the IKG Cultural Resource Center (

Oh and if you want to see their impact with data to show how they are making a difference, gladly go here -



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think people overseas should be able to speak their mind online @TEN is from the same city as MCP and he has never came on here and tried to tell black folks, in an election year, not to vote.

Our brother MCP is probably taking a payment from a Russian though. He has to be. He cant walk around London, see America, and really say our leadership isnt doing enough for us. He cant. It breaks my heart that brothers have to do this for a few extra pounds in their pocket, and I dont begrudge any man putting food on his table when 1/4 black britons in London are food insecure, but we have to speak in reality here.

100% but as someone who has been in these streets giving my time and energy to our community, to our youth, and donating my money for my people, I hate when grown ass men bitch and complain.....

When I've seen how funding for programs increase under one president vs. another president.....Man I can go on and on, but at some point bitching and complaining is not enough....That's female energy...