Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Biden said after he won the election to Civil Rights leaders that Hispanics were the future of the country than proceeded to say borders what fucking borders.

The Democratic Debates: Week of September 9, 2019

Linsey Davis: What responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?
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Rising Star
I'm in agreement with 1 - 5 (both 5s). While I understand the legit concerns for 6 - 7, given the circumstances, I understood and accepted. I preached a lot of science on here in 2020. I'm still a man of science but nothing is above examination for flaws and the vaccines weren't perfect. Illegal immigration has and will remain a problem and we need better system management.

Number one is so incredibly radical that I have to question the sanity of anyone who doesn't question it. I know there are a lot of leftists who don't believe that shit but they are as silent on trans-cosplayers as conservatives are on Trump and his klan of nutjobs. A man is not a woman and vice versa. If you can't admit that then you are gaslighted beyond repair or you are insane, too.

Also, let's not forget the feminist-laden directives of liberals. 4th wave feminism is anti-family. Feminism is religion to these new broads and that means forsake family for self. I am not anti-family, so I'm directly opposed to 4th wave feminism.
Equality of outcome should not be a thing. Earn your shit and compete if you're equal.
The left operates under the belief that the world is overpopulated and we need to produce less people, starting at home and the country has waged psychological warfare on men and women. The objective is to produce individualistic consumers who are also depressed so big Pharma can sell them drugs.
Who's not listening? The immigrants (good for them). Who is? American women; especially black women. Again, mascots for white peoples' causes.
I could go on but that's extreme enough to have no love for the left.

The right is pretty much racist xenophobic cultists and the ones who aren't remain silent. Walls are a waste of money and throwing money at it used to be something real conservatives would have complained about. The same people on the right are waiting to see what happens when the smoke clears, which is an asinine thing to do.
Its lose-lose and the U.S. seems too stupid to entertain anything other than the two-party system.
Utter nonsense point blank. Do you know any transgender youth ? Where are all these kids having gender reassignment surgeries? Where are the droves of trans athletes taking over sports. It will never cease to amaze me how many times people fall for the culture war nonsense. This is just another example of republicans getting folks worked up over BS just like CRT. They attack some marginalized group and then when the democrats defend their humanity people pounce on them.
I work with LGBT youth and get to witness the discrimination they face. The suicide rate is high as is the rate of assaults they face but by all means let’s continue to pretend that these kids are what’s wrong with the world


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Utter nonsense point blank. Do you know any transgender youth ? Where are all these kids having gender reassignment surgeries? Where are the droves of trans athletes taking over sports. It will never cease to amaze me how many times people fall for the culture war nonsense. This is just another example of republicans getting folks worked up over BS just like CRT. They attack some marginalized group and then when the democrats defend their humanity people pounce on them.
I work with LGBT youth and get to witness the discrimination they face. The suicide rate is high as is the rate of assaults they face but by all means let’s continue to pretend that these kids are what’s wrong with the world
So, you believe women can be men and men can be women?
If so, see my post above.

Teaching delusion is not "nothing".
You have strawmaned the subject over and made up a bunch of stuff to argue your view.
I'm bringing it back.
I never even brought up youth.
Forcing digital currency so that they can control the money is also a big one.
I could go down the list and make valid points, but I already have.
We'll agree to disagree.
Take comfort in the fact that I'm not voting for Trump's conman ass.
Also, know that radical liberal cosplayers like you are the reason that the dems are losing members.
What you radicals need to understand is that most of us are somewhere in the middle and the shaming tactics for not seeing the world the exact same way you do is why you are failing. Inmates running the asylum on both sides.
Telling people there is nothing wrong with them when there's something wrong with them is one of America's worst traits.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
This is the alternative for voting democrat. Republicans are voting to take away breaks in Florida. You can talk that anti-democrat shit all you want, but the alternative is hella worse


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Utter nonsense point blank. Do you know any transgender youth ? Where are all these kids having gender reassignment surgeries? Where are the droves of trans athletes taking over sports. It will never cease to amaze me how many times people fall for the culture war nonsense. This is just another example of republicans getting folks worked up over BS just like CRT. They attack some marginalized group and then when the democrats defend their humanity people pounce on them.
I work with LGBT youth and get to witness the discrimination they face. The suicide rate is high as is the rate of assaults they face but by all means let’s continue to pretend that these kids are what’s wrong with the world
Listen, if these motherfuckers want to kill themselves, they're going to do it. It doesn't take much to push someone with extra low self-esteem off a bridge before they will jump themselves. If they're feeling that bad, I would say give tomorrow a chance, because it gets better.

This "trans" thing is ridiculous, because 99% of them that's not what they are. A trans woman is Castor Semenya. Everybody else who's claiming that they're trans didn't like that they were born a girl or a boy and they want the real they can't have. Actual Trans is only 1.7% of the population.

If someone wants to cut off their finger and say, but I really want to have nine fingers, they would be committed and called crazy. So how is it wanting to cut off your own dick isn't considered crazy?

I've got no problem with them existing. I'm not advocating that they kill themselves, nor am I happy when they do so. But, I do have a problem with them forcing their way into places they don't belong

If you were born with a penis, the only time you have a right to be in a female locker room is when no one else is in there and you're cleaning it. You don't have the right to be in there when real women and girls are in there because they don't feel comfortable or safe with you there, and to upset the entire apple cart for one fucking Apple is ridiculous

You also don't have the right to play girls or women's sports. I'm not calling you a woman because that's not what the fuck you are. I don't give a fuck about what pronouns you claim. Your self identity is your identity of self. So when you look in the mirror you can say I'm a girl, but when I'm looking at you I'm going to say you're a fucking boy

They didn't like the way God made them, tough titty. If Rachel Dolezal can't be transracial, Lia Thomas, Caitlyn Jenner and the rest of them can't be transgender.

And keep this shit away from kids. Kids should not be allowed to have gender reassignment surgery. 75% of people change their major at some time during undergrad, and some people do it multiple times. These are 18 to 22 year olds that thought they wanted something but turns out they didn't really want that. You don't give permanent life decisions to a 10 year old. If they can't vote, they can't get surgery to change their gender
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Rising Star
Listen, if these motherfuckers want to kill themselves, they're going to do it. It doesn't take much to push someone with extra low self-esteem off a bridge before they will jump themselves. If they're feeling that bad, I would say give tomorrow a chance, because it gets better.

This "trans" thing is ridiculous, because 99% of them that's not what they are. A trans woman is Castor Semenya. Everybody else who's claiming that they're trans didn't like that they were born a girl or a boy and they want the real they can't have. Actual Trans is only 1.7% of the population.

If someone wants to cut off their finger and say, but I really want to have nine fingers, they would be committed and called crazy. So how is it wanting to cut off your own dick isn't considered crazy?

I've got no problem with them existing. I'm not advocating that they kill themselves, nor am I happy when they do so. But, I do have a problem with them forcing their way into places they don't belong

If you were born with a penis, the only time you have a right to be in a female locker room is when no one else is in there and you're cleaning it. You don't have the right to be in there when real women and girls are in there because they don't feel comfortable or safe with you there, and to upset the entire apple cart for one fucking Apple is ridiculous

You also don't have the right to play girls or women's sports. I'm not calling you a woman because that's not what the fuck you are. I don't give a fuck about what pronouns you claim. Your self identity is your identity of self. So when you look in the mirror you can say I'm a girl, but when I'm looking at you I'm going to say you're a fucking boy

They didn't like the way God made them, tough titty. If Rachel Dolezal can't be transracial, Lia Thomas, Caitlyn Jenner and the rest of them can't be transgender.

And keep this shit away from kids. Kids should not be allowed to have gender reassignment surgery. 75% of people change their major at some time during undergrad, and some people do it multiple times. These are 18 to 22 year olds that thought they wanted something but turns out they didn't really want that. You don't give permanent life decisions to a 10 year old. If they can't vote, they can't get surgery to change their gender

Who is turning kids trans can you point them out. Where are all these kids having gender reassignment surgery. It’s a fake issue meant to anger people just like crt that wasn’t ever being taught in the first place. We had a state ban transgender students from sports without any trans students competing in their state. What a waste of time but it's clearly effective


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Democrats always leave "black" voters behind...

After they get in positions of power

Us real gods aka kniggas been tired of that bullshit..

They know it..that's why they letting all the immigrants in..

They will bring the whole country down..just to hold office

Fuck that




" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Y’all just be welcoming when we come back:thumbsup:
No. We gonna treat you the way them freed slaves treated halle berry in Alex Haley's queen when she was homeless and roaming the land as a dusty vagabond.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Democrats always leave "black" voters behind...

After they get in positions of power

Us real gods aka kniggas been tired of that bullshit..

They know it..that's why they letting all the immigrants in..

They will bring the whole country down..just to hold office

Fuck that


Even still, the Republican party is worse. They always have been at least far as I remember. Until there's a third party that's actually moderate, we got absolute evil and not that bad. I'm going to choose not that bad over absolute evil when I only have two choices


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who is turning kids trans can you point them out. Where are all these kids having gender reassignment surgery. It’s a fake issue meant to anger people just like crt that wasn’t ever being taught in the first place. We had a state ban transgender students from sports without any trans students competing in their state. What a waste of time but it's clearly effective

“The short version of my detransition that when I was fifteen, I was introduced to gender ideology on Tumblr and began to call myself nonbinary.” So writes 23-year-old American Helena Kirschner in her heart-wrenching autobiographical piece, “By Any Other Name.” In her testimony, Helena traces her pursuit of gender transition back to her adolescent obsession with Tumblr’s pastel-colored icons of waifish androgyny. The time spent on these blogs began to distort her self-perception. Eventually they led her to virtual haunts where her “friends” blamed her teenage angst on being born in the wrong body.

Helena’s story is not an anomaly. Other detransitioners, such as Keira Bell and Grace Lidinsky-Smith, were also exposed to gender ideology online. Today, research shows that the majority of those who transition were persuaded to do so online through social media, blogs, and YouTube.

The spike in teens using social media and identifying as transgender is no mere coincidence.

Today’s teens have only ever known a digital world. New media—smartphones, social media, and the internet suffuse their waking hours. The ubiquity of such technology means that teens spend more of their lives behind screens than hanging out with friends, going out, or getting their driver’s licenses. On average, teens spend almost nine hours plugged in every single day.

Behind those screens, sexual and transgender content saturates the digital spaces where most teens hang out. A simple hashtag search will instantly load thousands of LGBTQ posts on the social media platform of choice. For example, on WattPad, a new social media platform, one search turns up over 4.5 million original story uploads. Or consider TikTok. A search for “top surgery” loads countless clips of young women flaunting mutilated chests with millions of views.”


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Who is turning kids trans can you point them out. Where are all these kids having gender reassignment surgery. It’s a fake issue meant to anger people just like crt that wasn’t ever being taught in the first place. We had a state ban transgender students from sports without any trans students competing in their state. What a waste of time but it's clearly effective
Isn't that what Dwyane Wade did with his son? Hormones and puberty blockers


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Venezuelan prostitutes have paperwork that let’s them fly for free. Their pimps put them on a plane to go get that cash around the country and they fly back. All courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. The payout to their pimp is $3,000 per week. What is the government doing?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I benefited under him vs Biden, but I'm not voting for him.

Yeah complete opposite for me. I benefited way more under Biden....Myself and my friends from college got our loans either wiped out or significantly reduce payments...Not only that, my fellow BLACK co-workers got their loans wiped out.....

While I am a stronger support of loan forgiveness, I was raised to pay back what you are owed....IF you take it out, pay it back...Which is what I did...No excuses....Worked 12 days on, 2 days off for 12 years to pay what I owed...

But on top of that, under Biden, my alma mater received wayy more money to invest back into our university and give scholarship dollars to our students...this is a HBCU....

And under Biden, I was a member of a mentoring organization that is nationwide and the funding we received in grants dollars increased a lot....Some chapters received millions from the Biden administration where we were able to create curriculums for our kids, increase scholarship dollars for our seniors, and just provide better resources.....People don't understand, mentoring is a great thing to do, but more can be implemented when you have funding and resources.....Membership dues can only go but so far in an all volunteer organization....
Resources including free laptops, gift cards, or whatever it is.....Dedicating 20 hours a week at times for programming, preparing for a STEM event, or taking our kids on EGYPT on Potomac tour in DC (
Funding we were not getting under TRUMP (but we don't complain because what's going to get done is going to get done).

In DC and I am sure in alot of black communities across the country, niggas bitching about fagots and gay this and that, but that shit ain't changing nothing in the hood...Illegals ain't coming in SE DC or the Trinidad area cause they will get their heads blown the FUCK OFF.....I've seen teacher tell me about some of these kids situations and shit is fucked up...Kids sleeping on the floor, taking leftover food from our afternoon mentoring classes home because there is no food in the house, killing, and robbing......Those are the things I am focused on....Helping these kids see a better future.....Nothing better than seeing a kid in middle school who was labled as "troubled" and then as a senior they are going off to the military or college...Something they never knew could be accomplished....

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The illegals are good for democrats politically, hence the mass importation.

So, I guess the plan is to send them to "Sanctuary Cities," and give them the right to vote (I assume the increase in population would allow them to add new districts).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Federal program that permits limited number of asylum-seekers from 4 countries upheld by judge​

Politics Mar 11, 2024 11:49 AM EDT
HOUSTON (AP) — The Biden administration can keep operating a program that allows a limited number of migrants from four countries to enter the U.S. on humanitarian grounds after a federal judge on Friday dismissed a challenge from Republican-led states.
U.S. District Judge Drew B. Tipton said Texas and 20 other states had not shown they had suffered financial harm because of the humanitarian parole program that allows up to 30,000 asylum-seekers into the U.S. each month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela combined. That was something the states needed to prove to have legal standing to bring the lawsuit.
"In reaching this conclusion, the Court does not address the lawfulness of the Program," Tipton wrote.


The Legend
BGOL Investor

“The short version of my detransition that when I was fifteen, I was introduced to gender ideology on Tumblr and began to call myself nonbinary.” So writes 23-year-old American Helena Kirschner in her heart-wrenching autobiographical piece, “By Any Other Name.” In her testimony, Helena traces her pursuit of gender transition back to her adolescent obsession with Tumblr’s pastel-colored icons of waifish androgyny. The time spent on these blogs began to distort her self-perception. Eventually they led her to virtual haunts where her “friends” blamed her teenage angst on being born in the wrong body.

Helena’s story is not an anomaly. Other detransitioners, such as Keira Bell and Grace Lidinsky-Smith, were also exposed to gender ideology online. Today, research shows that the majority of those who transition were persuaded to do so online through social media, blogs, and YouTube.

The spike in teens using social media and identifying as transgender is no mere coincidence.

Today’s teens have only ever known a digital world. New media—smartphones, social media, and the internet suffuse their waking hours. The ubiquity of such technology means that teens spend more of their lives behind screens than hanging out with friends, going out, or getting their driver’s licenses. On average, teens spend almost nine hours plugged in every single day.

Behind those screens, sexual and transgender content saturates the digital spaces where most teens hang out. A simple hashtag search will instantly load thousands of LGBTQ posts on the social media platform of choice. For example, on WattPad, a new social media platform, one search turns up over 4.5 million original story uploads. Or consider TikTok. A search for “top surgery” loads countless clips of young women flaunting mutilated chests with millions of views.”

Bro, you don't know how to make a point in argument. You all over the place. One online sample is not science or even a fact. You being brain washed by the shit you hear and see online. I'm not even about to try and save you from the bullshit you preaching. One.