Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

YEEEEUP ......thas why we tired of the mindfuckery... We were loyal to the democratic

party all these decades, only for them to hit us with a closet kkk president, and

a fag agenda... while our families are being destroyed right before our eyes...

Yea you want our votes reparations or kick rocks...

Why money talks, bullshit walks, all of a sudden is NOT a thing

when it comes to US???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Two Venezuelan "migrants" rape and kill a 12 year old in Houston. Biden has let in 10 million people from all over the world since he's been in office. Let's say 90% are good people. That would mean 1 million are not. Biden is literally importing killers and rapists and we're paying for them.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He attacked a woman and her 9 year old daughter in Los Angeles and killed a woman in Oklahoma. Another "undocumented migrant." He got here in February 2023 running from a murder charge in El Salvador.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Two Venezuelan "migrants" rape and kill a 12 year old in Houston. Biden has let in 10 million people from all over the world since he's been in office. Let's say 90% are good people. That would mean 1 million are not. Biden is literally importing killers and rapists and we're paying for them.


Don Coreleone

Rising Star
Two Venezuelan "migrants" rape and kill a 12 year old in Houston. Biden has let in 10 million people from all over the world since he's been in office. Let's say 90% are good people. That would mean 1 million are not. Biden is literally importing killers and rapists and we're paying for them.

They need to torture these muthafuckas. They are not citizens so anybody should be able to torture them. No trial.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This piece of shit should have gasoline
Poured on him and set on fire. This mother fucking bitch should rot in hell you nasty fucking BITCH!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As soon as you ask Jim Crow Joe about this.

Ok I asked him and he said he didn’t remember saying any of that shit. Now let’s talk about ya boy Donny Lil fingers. I see you got no smoke for his racist ass. If I posted all the stupid racist shit he’s said Colin would be all up in here. But Google is ya friend:
Damn Shitler even got a Wiki page for his racist nonsense. This yo King? I can do this all day.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
All the "I hate the Dems" in this thread today.....


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Ok I asked him and he said he didn’t remember saying any of that shit. Now let’s talk about ya boy Donny Lil fingers. I see you got no smoke for his racist ass. If I posted all the stupid racist shit he’s said Colin would be all up in here. But Google is ya friend:
Damn Shitler even got a Wiki page for his racist nonsense. This yo King? I can do this all day.
Roblowsdicks is a white boy fyi


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The irony...Biden already has been what you say trump is now
Would you rather be on the road in a vehicle driven by a recovered alcoholic, with a dozen years sober, or someone that denies their dependence on alcohol, yet drinks every day, routinely fraternizes with admitted alcoholics and embraces their destructive behavior? Don’t answer, its hypothetical.

Don Coreleone

Rising Star

Jeff Landry is a gift from the Democratic party. The Democrats ran a candidate with no name recognition, seriously underfunded. Former Gov Edwards prepared no one to take his place. The Democrat party had no money, no legitimate candidate and no message as far as I know of. I lived in Louisiana a few months before the election and saw no adds for the democratic candidate. As a former resident of Louisiana I will take no blame or responsibility for Jeff Landry.

As far as Joy Reid I said she needed to take that damn wig off now I may have been wrong. Lawd I have more hair than her.

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