Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok I asked him and he said he didn’t remember saying any of that shit. Now let’s talk about ya boy Donny Lil fingers. I see you got no smoke for his racist ass. If I posted all the stupid racist shit he’s said Colin would be all up in here. But Google is ya friend:
Damn Shitler even got a Wiki page for his racist nonsense. This yo King? I can do this all day.
We know he doesn't remember much these days. But Jim Crow Joe has left lots of memories for us.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lmbaooo at these democrat obsessed honkies ignoring the Republikkklans and their blatant racism and bullshit
Sorry Dr. Toof. You racist fear mongering just doesn't hit the same when you have jim crow joe as president and democrat governors saying Black kids don't know what the word computer is. You've got your lips so firmly attached to democrat ass you can't even see their shitty immigration policy is getting people killed and the bomb hasn't even gone off yet. But since they passed the asian hate crime bill, we know they have your support.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

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Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
It was a time when a @roblo type wouldn’t have felt comfortable even posting ONE post with all the hyenas that were up in here lmao. Dude would’ve been staring at his screen on some impotent shit… looking out the window like Squidward. It’s a different era smh
He’s got a whole group of them bitch asses like him. Supersav, MrFreddybegood and all them other coons. They Black just bitch ass niggas. But Roblowsdicks is a honky guaranteed


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It was a time when a @roblo type wouldn’t have felt comfortable even posting ONE post with all the hyenas that were up in here lmao. Dude would’ve been staring at his screen on some impotent shit… looking out the window like Squidward. It’s a different era smh

Guys like that would consistently get ran off like a hoe on the wrong street corner in the golden era of this forum. Different era indeed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Guys like that would consistently get ran off like a hoe on the wrong street corner in the golden era of this forum. Different era indeed.

Yeah my boy who I went to college with that put me on to BGOL hasn't fucked with BGOL in several years.....My other homeboy from college doesn't fuck with it anymore either.....

That far right NEO Nazi BS pushed people away. IT's a difference between being a conservative and a neo nazi....We can have our differences, but when you start to see white supremacy being spread on a board that is for black folks, people don't have time for that BS...

Sign of the times I guess...


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Guys like that would consistently get ran off like a hoe on the wrong street corner in the golden era of this forum. Different era indeed.

Man, I’m trying to picture a weak fuck like him posting all his credulous MAGA shit back in the first few years I first joined. Shit would’ve been bad for him lmao. Def would’ve been ocked hard lol.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah my boy who I went to college with that put me on to BGOL hasn't fucked with BGOL in several years.....My other homeboy from college doesn't fuck with it anymore either.....

That far right NEO Nazi BS pushed people away. IT's a difference between being a conservative and a neo nazi....We can have our differences, but when you start to see white supremacy being spread on a board that is for black folks, people don't have time for that BS...

Sign of the times I guess...

Yea man, you have some side show barkers on here who love to tell the forum they don't vote, yet are in every political news/events thread posting tweets from White Nationalists. Definitely an agenda.

Man, I’m trying to picture a weak fuck like him posting all his credulous MAGA shit back in the first few years I first joined. Shit would’ve been bad for him lmao. Def would’ve been ocked hard lol.

It's crazy that they're allowed to post numerous White Nationalist Neo Nazis like Charlie Kirk (on this very page, for example), the same guy who said that standards are lowered when hiring Black professionals or admitting Black students into Ivy League schools. Then, call it "nuanced" to regurgitate their Pro-Trump tweets.