Are we ready as black men to have the uncomfortable conversation of us leaving 24-7 or we gonna keep acting like because we got options it’s all good?
Expecting a woman to solely be equipped with a man’s discipline, power and responsibilities is dissonance behavior.
What do you mean exactly by "leaving"? Speaking specifically to the family dynamics that I know of personally, the majority of single mothers were never in REAL relationships with the fathers in the first place, so what does your idea of "leaving" entail? Especially if you were technically never in that space to begin with. You were just fuckin.
At the end of the day, stop lettin niggas with no plans on raising a family with you nut in you. I personally know 6 black women with 5 children....ALL BY DIFFERENT MEN. Of course, there's enough blame to go around. It's not just the fault of these ladies, but at the end of the day, you as a woman control what goes on with your body. Some of us are too broken to know that. No personally accountability....just finger pointing.
I don't know one man that expects a woman to be capable enough to TRAIN a young boy into manhood, but in most social spaces, we can't even say it out loud anymore without the phrase "toxic masculinity" being shoved in our faces. Some moms are equipped to raise him with values, morality, a code to live by, work ethic, and class, but she's incapable of TRAINING a man. Just like I'm incapable of training a lady. I can raise her up good asf, but the training aspect? A lady is required for that.
I grew up without my father being around a lot, but my mother knew she couldn't train a man, so she made sure I was always with my grandfather, uncles, and even coaches that could help mold me. Idk where I'd be in life if she didn't understand that early on. Probably in prison to be honest.