Are Single BLK Mothers DESTROYING their sons?


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

Funny how they never tell strippers or My Fans whores to consider the feelings of their children, especially their boys, because everyone knows that if your moms is a whore you going to be made fun of to the point that you have to be fighting even shooting folks to back off.
Just imagine your moms a stripper and going to high school and some mother fucker comes up to you asking, "Yo, where is your moms working this week, because I want to get my dick tapped" Now if that isn't squabbling words what is.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Why is it that whenever you see a black male doing crazy dumb shit, they always seem to have a mom like this? :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

His guilt lingers with him.
I dont have any of his issues. I took care of my moms as much as she would let me.‍♂️

You can always look back and sè how you could hsve done better. He cries cause he knows he wasnt shit. He didnt appreciate her until she was gone.... thats whst hsppens.

She worked around the corner from the house. She wad a nurse. Sent me to private school. Never had to get me out of jail for anything. I had positive male role models.

Its hard to feel sorry for niggaahz like him. Ijs.
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Rising Star
single black mothers have their faults but they on their job where it counts. right now, they are the one feeding them, making sure they got a roof over their head, making sure they get a education.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Thats the thing.

Even if you think divorces are too easy now, getting rid of no fault just opens up the can for women(and men) offing each other.

There has to be a way out for a woman without her killing me. Just so I can sleep well at night.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Are we ready as black men to have the uncomfortable conversation of us leaving 24-7 or we gonna keep acting like because we got options it’s all good?

Expecting a woman to solely be equipped with a man’s discipline, power and responsibilities is dissonance behavior.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Are we ready as black men to have the uncomfortable conversation of us leaving 24-7 or we gonna keep acting like because we got options it’s all good?

Expecting a woman to solely be equipped with a man’s discipline, power and responsibilities is dissonance behavior.

What do you mean exactly by "leaving"? Speaking specifically to the family dynamics that I know of personally, the majority of single mothers were never in REAL relationships with the fathers in the first place, so what does your idea of "leaving" entail? Especially if you were technically never in that space to begin with. You were just fuckin.

At the end of the day, stop lettin niggas with no plans on raising a family with you nut in you. I personally know 6 black women with 5 children....ALL BY DIFFERENT MEN. Of course, there's enough blame to go around. It's not just the fault of these ladies, but at the end of the day, you as a woman control what goes on with your body. Some of us are too broken to know that. No personally accountability....just finger pointing.

I don't know one man that expects a woman to be capable enough to TRAIN a young boy into manhood, but in most social spaces, we can't even say it out loud anymore without the phrase "toxic masculinity" being shoved in our faces. Some moms are equipped to raise him with values, morality, a code to live by, work ethic, and class, but she's incapable of TRAINING a man. Just like I'm incapable of training a lady. I can raise her up good asf, but the training aspect? A lady is required for that.

I grew up without my father being around a lot, but my mother knew she couldn't train a man, so she made sure I was always with my grandfather, uncles, and even coaches that could help mold me. Idk where I'd be in life if she didn't understand that early on. Probably in prison to be honest.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
What do you mean exactly by "leaving"? Speaking specifically to the family dynamics that I know of personally, the majority of single mothers were never in REAL relationships with the fathers in the first place, so what does your idea of "leaving" entail? Especially if you were technically never in that space to begin with. You were just fuckin.
I’ll give you great example that we’re currently dealing with:

The wife’s nephew is staying with us for the summer and as a 15 year old kid, he’s emotionally unstable. He was raised pretty much, by just his mom, as his father, my wife’s brother, left them when he was four. They were married, were together, and started a life, only for him to grow up and leave them in the cold.

The man then went to another relationship and married this new woman and pretty much did the same thing, where he had a kid with this new woman, and then left her as well.

He’s doing this now with another woman he’s currently with, and she now has a restraining order on him from the court.

Now I know this is anecdotal, but we see things like this all too often and its never spoken about.

And some point, we need to look at ourselves as to why we’re getting with these women and leaving. Again, I know we have options as black men, but we also have to bare some responsibility here. We can’t simply say it’s ALL a single mother’s fault that she can’t raise a man.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
You should ask yourself why so many Black men have such low morals and standards that they impregnate these women.
There are a lot of simps who tell lies to women thinking this is the only way they can get pussy, and after they get them knocked up they realize that they are not ready to be fathers! I despise these types of motherfuckers (my pops was one) just as much as I hate women who move just as foul!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You should ask yourself why so many Black men have such low morals and standards that they impregnate these women.
Men and what it means to be a man isn't the same thing as a male. Any male can get any female pregnant that's how the species functions. A man takes care of his woman and family.

Big difference...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Men and what it means to be a man isn't the same thing as a male. Any male can get any female pregnant that's how the species functions. A man takes care of his woman and family.

Big difference...
A lot of males in the community, not many men.

Black women make bad choices in many cases, but the elephant in the room is that many dont have the option of making a good choice

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor