Bangin one hit wonder


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I only recently learned after all these years that Pos was doing the female parts on the song. A recent Salute the Sample with LL, Greg Nice, and Z-Trip covered the song and how he was crunched for time and couldn't wait for a female to do the part, so he essentially recorded it and pitched it down. Really interesting hearing it.
I heard something about that back in the days.. wasn’t sure if he said it in the interview or something but I know a few of my boys told me that


鋼鉄の人 - より似たチタン
Platinum Member
Cause was trying to fig out if this was also a hit

I remember my cousins and I were hired by some parents to DJ a pool party for their pre-teen daughter and her friends... their parents were obviously there and they said we could play rap music but were adamant about there being no cursing in the songs.

So me and my cousins went to the music store to pick up some new CDs (i know, i know but this is how long ago this was)

So we looked for the clean version of every CD and we found all of them except the J-Kwon...but we bought it anyway figuring if we don't play it at this party we can play it at the next party for adults or older big deal...

So we get to the party..setup and start playing music...and everything is going fine...the little boys and girls are doin' what little boys and girls do at a pool party...boys are talking to the other boys...and the girls are talking to the other girls...nobody's dancing...and nobody's gettin' in the water...

And at the time...the J-Kwon - Hood the hottest thing on the radio...and I know the kids wanna hear it because they been hearing it on the radio and seen the video on BET...that might at least get 'em to dance amongst themselves...even if they don't wanna dance with each other...

The beat was fire...and I don't care who you are...if hot beat comes're gonna at least start noddin' your I'm tryna get this party crackin'...get the energy up...get the little kids hype...

Problem is...we don't have the clean version of the song...and at the time...none of us already had the we never actually heard the dirty version..

So I'm quickly tryna go over the lyrics in my head...and trying to replace all the censored lyrics with what i think is the real figure out how vulgar the song really is...although it's hard to concentrate because the party is already in full swing and music is already blaring...

I think about it and decide we should be OK to play can't be that the kid..J-Kwon is only 17 at the he's probably not gonna be cussin' that much..kinda like Lil' Wayne when he was only 16...there might be an occasional "Shit" or "Bitch" but those should be few and far between...and nobody's gonna notice...because the beat is bangin' and everybody's gonna be too busy vibin' to care.

Oh and also the party is in a residential neighborhood on the even the neighbors are probably home...

But I decide "fuck it"...let's play bad could it be...

So we put it on...and in the first verse all I hear is "BITCH" and "MOTHERFUCKER" ...and my face was starting to get really hot.. as I felt the parents..who had went inside to kind of give the kids some space and freedom...heard the lyrics which I'm now hearing unedited and uncensored for the first time and were staring at us through the we were tryin' to swap to another song...but we didn't have the next song lined up yet...

then we finally get the next song and are about to blend into it...and the next thing I hear is..."I CAN SHOW YOU MY DICK, YOU CAN SHOW ME YOUR THROAT"...

I was like "Welp, we're not gettin' a recommendation from these parents."

and that song got yanked damn fast...I don't even think we even tried to make the transition seamless at that point....
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember my cousins and I were hired by some parents to DJ a pool party for their pre-teen daughter and her friends... their parents were obviously there and they said we could play rap music but were adamant about there being no cursing in the songs.

So me and my cousins went to the music store to pick up some new CDs (i know, i know but this is how long ago this was)

So we looked for the clean version of every CD and we found all of them except the J-Kwon...but we bought it anyway figuring if we don't play it at this party we can play it at the next party for adults or older big deal...

So we get to the party..setup and start playing music...and everything is going fine...the little boys and girls are doin' what little boys and girls do at a pool party...boys are talking to the other boys...and the girls are talking to the other girls...nobody's dancing...and nobody's gettin' in the water...

And at the time...the J-Kwon - Hood the hottest thing on the radio...and I know the kids wanna hear because they been hearing it on the radio and seen the video on BET...that might at least get 'em to dance amongst themselves...even if they don't wanna dance with each other...

The beat was fire...and I don't care who you are...if hot beat comes're gonna at least start noddin' your I'm tryna get this party crackin'...get the energy up...get the little kids hype...

Problem is...we don't have the clean version of the song...and at the time...none of us already had the we never actually had the dirty version..

So I'm quickly tryna go over the lyrics in my head...and trying to replace all the censored lyrics with what i think is the real figure out how vulgar the song really is...although it's hard to concentrate because the party is already in full swing and music is already blaring...

I think about it and decide we should be OK to play can't be that the kid..J-Kwon is only 17 at the he's probably not gonna be cussin' that much..kinda like Lil' Wayne when he was only 16...there might be an occasional "Shit" or "Bitch" but those should be few and far between...and nobody's gonna notice...because the beat is bangin' and everybody's gonna be too busy vibin' to care.

Oh and also the party is in a residential neighborhood on the even the neighbors are probably home...

But I decide "fuck it"...let's play bad could it be...

So we put it on...and in the first verse all I hear is "BITCH" and "MOTHERFUCKER" ...and my face was starting to get really hot.. as I felt the parents..who had went inside to kind of give the kids some space and freedom...heard the lyrics which I'm now hearing unedited and uncensored for the first time and were staring at us through the we were tryin' to swap to another song...but we didn't have the next song lined up yet...

then we finally get the next song and are about to blend into it...and the next thing I hear is..."I CAN SHOW YOU MY DICK, YOU CAN SHOW ME YOUR THROAT"...

I was like "Welp, we're not gettin' a recommendation from these parents."

and that song got yanked damn fast...I don't even think we even tried to make the transition seamless at that point....
:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: good story telling