BATWOMAN Discussion Thread.. Javicia Leslie is new Batwoman (Update: Luke Fox is BatWing 6/8/2021) Bring on MORE Assorted White TEARS!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Isn't that ol girl from BET's The Family Business?


I remember her as the main character's sister from God Friended Me


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Batwoman boss reveals Kate Kane won't be killed off: 'We’ll never erase her'

By Chancellor Agard
June 10, 2020 at 12:47 PM EDT



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Just because Batwoman plans on introducing a brand new character to pick up the titular hero's mantle in the wake of Ruby Rose's exit doesn't mean the CW superhero drama will forget about Kate Kane. In fact, Kate's absence will baked into the show's second season in the same way that Bruce Wayne's was in the first season.
"As a lesbian who’s been working as a writer for the past fifteen years, I’m well aware of the “Bury Your Gays” trope and I have no interest in participating in it," said Batwoman showrunner Caroline Dries in a statement released Wednesday morning. "That’s why it’s important to me as the showrunner to clarify any misinformation out there about Kate Kane and recasting Batwoman. Like you, I love Kate Kane – she’s the reason I wanted to do the show. We’ll never erase her. In fact, her disappearance will be one of the mysteries of season two. I don’t want to give away any of our surprises, but to all our devoted fans, please know that LGBTQ+ justice is at the very core of what Batwoman is and we have no intention of abandoning that."

Dries' statement is in response to some comments she made about rebooting the show with a new character named Ryan Wilder instead of recasting the role of Kate during an ATX Festival at Home Q&A with Legacies showrunner (and former colleague) Julie Plec.
"To be honest with you, I did consider the ‘soap opera version’ [of recasting] for a hot minute, because selfishly we already had a couple episodes written, and transition-wise it would be seamless,” she said, according to TVLine. “But upon further reflection — and I think [Arrowverse EP] Greg [Berlanti] helped me make this call — he’s like, ‘I think we should just reboot Batwoman as a different character.'” She went on to explain that this decision allowed them to honor Rose's work in season 1 while also not forcing the audience to put a new face to a character they'd already spent time getting to know.

Rose's departure was announced two days after Batwoman's season 1 finale. Then two weeks later, EW confirmed a leaked casting notice that revealed the show's plans to replace Rose's Kate with a new character named Ryan Wilder, who was in her late-20s and the complete opposite of Kate.
"She's likable, messy, a little goofy, and untamed," the now-deleted document read. "With no one in her life to keep her on track, Ryan spent years as a drug-runner, dodging the GCPD and masking her pain with bad habits. Today, reformed and sober, Ryan lives in van with her plant. A girl who would steal milk from an alley cat and could also kill you with her bare hands, Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly disciplined. An out lesbian. Athletic. Raw. Passionate. Fallible. And very much not your stereotypical All-American hero."
Batwoman is expected to return in 2021. The complete first season is available to stream on HBO Max now.
This post has been updated.



American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
The "plot" remains on the kindergarten level. The characters act in the absolutely stupidest way possible. One positive - the new bat chick is a 1 million times better actor than Ruby Rose. But that's not saying much. Whoops - the positive is removed times 10 for horrendous decision to put (?) behind action scenes. That shit made my teeth hurt.

I'll try but I doubt I'll make it through another episode unless I see some lesbo tittie sex.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The "plot" remains on the kindergarten level. The characters act in the absolutely stupidest way possible. One positive - the new bat chick is a 1 million times better actor than Ruby Rose. But that's not saying much. Whoops - the positive is removed times 10 for horrendous decision to put (?) behind action scenes. That shit made my teeth hurt.

I'll try but I doubt I'll make it through another episode unless I see some lesbo tittie sex.

Just finished...

It was a group watch Mom walked out, kids were ok but not enthusiastic her friends on the zoom all liked it her more than the original.

It was a little rushed they need to pick up the acting over all, they cancelled the bruce storyline way too fast.

Cause now Tommy knows about everything and is alive and able to tell EVERYONE?

Alice is still way too much a joker wannabe o liked her sleeping with the corpse

Sidebar: how did they get the actual actor to come back for THAT?

So Wilder has a legit reason to hate the crows and Alice i liked that.

Its early I'm going to reserve judgment but from the 3rd episode on no excuses lets get going...

Good luck


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Now that Arrow is done, Batwoman was supposed to anchor the "second" wave of the CW DC Universe. I think that is still the plan, so I'm pretty sure they're going to give this show all the time it needs to work out the kinks. Ruby Rose got them off to a bad start, as an actress she sucked and apparently things were a lot worse behind the scenes than they let on. For instance, I've heard that the neck injury she complained about actually happened to her on another project where she was uninsured and she blamed it on the CW to get it covered on their insurance.

But at any rate Batwoman ticks all the boxes, literally, in terms of diversity to lead the next wave of shows like Wondergirl and Stargirl. Superman aside, there seems to be an intentional decision to move away from the typical straight, white male lead superhero show which I don't think is a bad thing. The only thing that I will miss is the gritty realness that made Arrow so dope to begin with. Never forget, it was the show that prided itself on demonstrating the correct way to snap someone's neck with your bare hands. I doubt even Batwoman is willing to go that dark.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It wasnt horrible but it wasnt great either.Far to contrived and i know some people wanted the Tommy as Bruce storyline to continue but im glad it ended.
Van outrunning the Batmobile...yeah ok


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I watched the encore airing tonight after All-American.

I liked it but not enough to add it to the plex server. I'll keep my eyes peeled tho.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
She is nice to look at, but this show is terrible :smh:. I hope she gets some acting classes.
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American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Just finished...

It was a group watch Mom walked out, kids were ok but not enthusiastic her friends on the zoom all liked it her more than the original.

It was a little rushed they need to pick up the acting over all, they cancelled the bruce storyline way too fast.

Cause now Tommy knows about everything and is alive and able to tell EVERYONE?

Alice is still way too much a joker wannabe o liked her sleeping with the corpse

Sidebar: how did they get the actual actor to come back for THAT?

So Wilder has a legit reason to hate the crows and Alice i liked that.

Its early I'm going to reserve judgment but from the 3rd episode on no excuses lets get going...

Good luck

Bonne chance mon ami.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Batwoman Makes Ryan Wilder More Like Batman Than Kate Kane Was
The latest episode of Batwoman reveals that Ryan Wilder and Bruce Wayne share a fear of bats that Batman's cousin Kate Kane never seemed to possess.
Warning: The following feature contains SPOILERS for Batwoman Season 2, Episode 2 "Prior Criminal History."
The most recent episode of Batwoman revealed that Ryan Wilder is closer to Batman than Kate Kane in one respect; they both share a childhood fear of bats. While the roots of Ryan's fear have yet to be revealed, it is both ironic and fitting that she should take up the mantle of the Bat to protect Gotham City in the Arrowverse.
Ryan's fear was revealed shortly after she visited Mary Hamilton's underground clinic and was stunned to find the rich pre-med student working to treat the poor for free. Despite a rocky start, the two women came to bond over their shared hatred of Alice, who was responsible for killing both of their mothers. Coincidentally, it was at that moment that one of Mary's orderlies brought in the body of Mouse; Alice's right-hand man, which had apparently been fed upon by several small animals before being found by homeless people in the sewer tunnels under Gotham City.
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RELATED:Alice's Batwoman Plan Copies A Mission Impossible 2 Twist
Mary performed a toxicology test which determined that Mouse had died from ingesting the same rare toxin that Alice had used to kill her mother and that Mouse had been dead long before the animals started chewing on his body. As she explained this to Ryan and Luke Fox, Mouse's corpse began to convulse, and a bat erupted from his chest, apparently having chewed its way out before flying free. While Mary and Luke rightly found this disturbing, they did not react as violently as Ryan, who was the only one of them to scream. When Ryan noticed them starring at her afterward, she became defensive, noting that she really hated bats.

Chiroptophobia (the technical term for the fear of bats) is a trait Ryan Wilder shares with Bruce Wayne, who has also been depicted as having a childhood fear of bats. The first notable occurrence of this came in a flashback in Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, in which a young Bruce Wayne fell into a cave full of bats. Batman: Year One also made reference to Bruce Wayne having a fear of bats, in the scene where Bruce, having had a disastrous first night as a vigilante, became inspired to "become a bat" and adopt the image of the bat to strike terror into the hearts of criminals because of his own phobia.

The Batman movies of Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder both paid homage to these moments and made Bruce Wayne's conquering his fear a major milestone of his journey to becoming a hero. By the episode's end, Ryan finds herself similarly tested as Batwoman and is forced to confront her fear while putting aside her desire for revenge to save the city. In this, Ryan shares a common touchstone with Bruce Wayne that Kate Kane never did in the comics or in the Arrowverse.


Rising Star
Asian chick face always looked bloated to me which i'm not feeling, Sophie still looks better than Ryan to me. Both of them along with Alice and Julia getting raw dick from me tho

The sister is good eye candy. Did the Asian chick always look weird?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Batwoman Season 2 Hints At Alice's Future Vigilante Twist
Batwoman season 2 continues to offer a nuanced take on Alice — even offering a subtle hint at her own comic book vigilante persona: Red Alice.
Warning: SPOILERS for Batwoman season 2, episode 2, "Prior Criminal History".
Batwoman season 2, episode 2 saw Alice embark on a fresh campaign of vengeance - and subtly alluded to her own vigilante persona of Red Alice. Played by Rachel Skarsten, Alice has served as a principal antagonist since the show premiered. Revealed to be the long-lost twin sister of Kate Kane (Ruby Rose), Alice's backstory was depicted throughout Batwoman season 1. Held captive for over a decade, Beth Kane ultimately manifested a personality based on Alice in Wonderland. Returning to Gotham, she waged war on those she blamed for her extensive trauma. As a result, despite her villainy, Alice emerged as one of Batwoman's most sympathetic characters.
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Batwoman season 2 has only continued that nuanced characterization. In the wake of Kate's seeming death, Alice has lamented missing the chance to kill her twin personally. In response, Alice vowed to instead destroy the person that upset her master-plan: Safiyah Sohail (Shivaani Ghai). To that end, Alice unleashed a plague on Gotham before also providing the miracle cure. With the latter derived from a plant native to Safiyah's island, the move was designed to draw out the elusive terrorist. As pointed out by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang), however, the plot was likely Alice's twisted way of grieving. Whether or not Alice even knew it herself, her vendetta against Safiyah was just as much (if not more) about avenging Kate's murder as her ruined plan.

RELATED:Alice Copies An Old Batman Trick In Batwoman Season 2
That made a subtle nod at the end of Batwoman season 2, episode 2, "Prior Criminal History" all the more fitting. After completing the first step in her larger plan, Alice was confronted by Sophie Moore (Meagan Tandy). Holding her at gunpoint, Sophie attempted to take her into custody. As she did so, the laser sight from Sophie's weapon illuminated a spot on Alice's clothes and prompted the following line of dialogue: "I've never looked good in red." This was no doubt a clear allusion to Beth Kane's other alter-ego: Red Alice. Not just mentioned in the name, the color red is a prominent part of this slightly more heroic persona's costume.

In the comics, Red Alice battled alongside Batwoman on several occasions, helping to take down such foes as Nocturna and Morgaine le Fey. Following the departure of Rose's Kate Kane, it was suggested that Alice should become Red Alice in Batwoman season 2. It's too soon to know for sure whether the writers have intended to go that route. Still, the allusion emphasized that such concepts are ones that they've clearly thought about. And, furthermore, that it was one they're happy to weave teasingly into the scripts. That evolution would certainly make a lot of sense — channeling the sympathy already felt for the fan-favorite character into an outright redemption.

With Arrowverse newcomer Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie) taking over the Batwoman mantle, the evolution would likely have to weather a few new wrinkles. After all, Alice's gang was responsible for the death of Ryan's adopted mother. Still, Ryan agreed to the Batwoman code of never killing and seemed keen to honor Kate's legacy. As such, it could be that Ryan and Alice will ultimately reach some kind of understanding. It could even be that Ryan will accomplish what Kate wasn't able to: turning Alice back to the side of good. That would be helpful, especially with Safiyah set to bring a war to Gotham City.

Then again, Red Alice could emerge in a way akin to what Red Hood was to Batman. As also teased by her latest plot, Alice could further embrace a more antiheroic role and merciless approach to crimefighting. That would utilize the sympathy that's been garnered, while still putting her at odds with Team Batwoman. It could even set up a future Battle for the Cowl-type storyline - with Alice perhaps believing it's more her right to follow in her family's footsteps as Gotham's central protector. Whatever the case ends up being in the remainder of Batwoman season 2, the line was at least a fun, attentive nod to Alice's comic book journey.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So far this is a good version of Victor

Damn who would have thought Zzasz would be one of the most popular batman villains


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
did u like gotham's version?

Yeah i did

that dude really made it his own so much so in comics and the animated movies they started using HIS version as a template.

That actor was great in that HBO comedy hitman show too.