"I've never looked good in red."
Batwoman Season 2 Hints At Alice's Future Vigilante Twist
Batwoman season 2 continues to offer a nuanced take on Alice — even offering a subtle hint at her own comic book vigilante persona: Red Alice.
Warning: SPOILERS for Batwoman season 2, episode 2, "Prior Criminal History".
Batwoman season 2, episode 2 saw Alice embark on a fresh campaign of vengeance - and subtly alluded to her own vigilante persona of Red Alice. Played by Rachel Skarsten, Alice has served as a principal antagonist since the show premiered. Revealed to be the long-lost twin sister of Kate Kane (Ruby Rose), Alice's backstory was depicted throughout
Batwoman season 1. Held captive for over a decade, Beth Kane ultimately manifested a personality based on Alice in Wonderland. Returning to Gotham, she waged war on those she blamed for her extensive trauma. As a result, despite her villainy,
Alice emerged as one of Batwoman's most sympathetic characters.
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Batwoman season 2 has only continued that nuanced characterization. In the wake of Kate's seeming death, Alice has lamented missing the chance to kill her twin personally. In response, Alice vowed to instead destroy the person that upset her master-plan: Safiyah Sohail (Shivaani Ghai). To that end, Alice unleashed a plague on Gotham before also providing the miracle cure. With the latter derived from a plant native to Safiyah's island, the move was designed to draw out the elusive terrorist. As pointed out by Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang), however, the plot was likely Alice's twisted way of grieving. Whether or not Alice even knew it herself, her vendetta against Safiyah was just as much (if not more) about avenging Kate's murder as her ruined plan.
Alice Copies An Old Batman Trick In Batwoman Season 2
That made a subtle nod at the end of
Batwoman season 2, episode 2, "Prior Criminal History" all the more fitting. After completing the first step in her larger plan, Alice was confronted by Sophie Moore (Meagan Tandy). Holding her at gunpoint, Sophie attempted to take her into custody. As she did so, the laser sight from Sophie's weapon illuminated a spot on Alice's clothes and prompted the following line of dialogue: "
I've never looked good in red." This was no doubt a clear allusion to Beth Kane's other alter-ego: Red Alice. Not just mentioned in the name, the color red is a prominent part of this slightly more heroic persona's costume.
In the comics, Red Alice battled alongside Batwoman on several occasions, helping to take down such foes as Nocturna and Morgaine le Fey. Following the departure of Rose's Kate Kane, it was suggested that
Alice should become Red Alice in Batwoman season 2. It's too soon to know for sure whether the writers have intended to go that route. Still, the allusion emphasized that such concepts are ones that they've clearly thought about. And, furthermore, that it was one they're happy to weave teasingly into the scripts. That evolution would certainly make a lot of sense — channeling the sympathy already felt for the fan-favorite character into an outright redemption.
With Arrowverse newcomer Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie) taking over the Batwoman mantle, the evolution would likely have to weather a few new wrinkles. After all, Alice's gang was responsible for the death of Ryan's adopted mother. Still,
Ryan agreed to the Batwoman code of never killing and seemed keen to honor Kate's legacy. As such, it could be that Ryan and Alice will ultimately reach some kind of understanding. It could even be that Ryan will accomplish what Kate wasn't able to: turning Alice back to the side of good. That would be helpful, especially with Safiyah set to bring a war to Gotham City.
Then again, Red Alice could emerge in a way akin to what Red Hood was to Batman. As also teased by her latest plot, Alice could further embrace a more antiheroic role and merciless approach to crimefighting. That would utilize the sympathy that's been garnered, while still putting her at odds with Team Batwoman. It could even set up a future Battle for the Cowl-type storyline - with Alice perhaps believing it's more her right to follow in her family's footsteps as Gotham's central protector. Whatever the case ends up being in the remainder of
Batwoman season 2, the line was at least a fun, attentive nod to Alice's comic book journey.