Bees and Butterflies Are Going Extinct, Taking Our Food Supply with Them


Platinum Member
Bees and Butterflies Are Going Extinct, Taking Our Food Supply with Them, Says UN Report

© James Porter/Getty

The fate of food depends on bees, butterflies and birds.

A new scientific report from the United Nations warns that if we don’t do something fast, pollinators like bees, birds, butterflies and beetles, could go extinct. While the potential disappearance of multiple species is certainly worth worrying about, the report adds that when these pollinators go, so will much of the world’s food supply.

According to the report, three-quarters of the world’s food crops (including cacao so take note, chocolate lovers) rely on pollination—and pollinator species are quickly dropping in number. Two out of five species of invertebrate pollinators like butterflies and beetles are about to go extinct, while one in six vertebrate pollinators like hummingbirds are on the same path.

Along with these depressing statistics about mass bee and butterfly extinction, the report does offer a few ideas for how to solve the crisis. “There are relatively simple, relatively inexpensive mechanics for turning the trend around for native pollinators,” David Inoue, one of the reports co-authors, said according to the AP. The solutions include crop diversification, dedicating more farmland to grassland where wildflowers can grow and changing our pesticide policies.

Want to do your part? Adopt some bees.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Humans are the problem to this earth.

Dinosaurs lived in this earth for hundreds if millions of years. They survived on basic instinct. They survived multiple ELEs and was able to still move forward. Humans have only been around a couple of millions of years. While we still have some basic instincts, most of it has been evolved out due to technology. We need the earth, the earth doesn't need us.

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
The WHITE MAN is the CANCER of this world!!!!

For hundreds of thousands of years melanin people lived in harmony with nature!

Let's acknowledge the world wide system created by those that are genetically inferior!

It's the white mans way of living, him imposing his will on the planet that has systematically destroyed it. All for something that is not real aka paper money!

D Kline

I posted on this. The stupidity abounds in this thread. This is a serious issue like the lack of water.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Humans are the problem to this earth.

Dinosaurs lived in this earth for hundreds if millions of years. They survived on basic instinct. They survived multiple ELEs and was able to still move forward. Humans have only been around a couple of millions of years. While we still have some basic instincts, most of it has been evolved out due to technology. We need the earth, the earth doesn't need us.

thats right its them gotdam chemtrails..

you tell em selfscience....


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
WHITE Humans are the problem to this earth.

Dinosaurs lived in this earth for hundreds if millions of years. They survived on basic instinct. They survived multiple ELEs and was able to still move forward. Humans have only been around a couple of millions of years. While we still have some basic instincts, most of it has been evolved out due to technology. We need the earth, the earth doesn't need us.
Fixed. From Africans to Native Americans, Indians -whatever, these races of people cultivated the land. They lacked some technological advances while at the same time possessed some technology that can't be explained for the time they lived.

They didn't take more from the land that they needed and they used it all. When they killed a bear they used the meat and the hide and didn't simply pose with it as a trophy and discard the carcass like trash. Same thing with buffalo, lions and any other animal killed. Even though the Masai Warrior killed lions as they ascended to manhood, they used the parts of the animal they could. White people...

White people are conquerors, and conquerors don't cultivate shit. They don't know how, and they don't want to learn. They cut down trees to build farms and when one wolf eats a sheep they having hunting parties and kill every wolf in 20 square miles!

And the forest? Fuck the animals that once lived there that are now homeless, some, once plentiful, now extinct. They decimate with impunity and with no concern for the environment, the world or the community. White people are the only people in the history of human being who hunt for fun, for sport...and with big ass guns so the "sport" is like me playing against a kindergarten basketball team, winning by 150 and then bragging about it.

Every landmass that White people conquered that once belonged to another race of people and the Whites took over has gone to shit. Tell me I'm wrong. As they said in Avatar, "They killed their mother." They rape, pillage and destroy and don't cultivate a thing.
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BGOL Legend
Why are they going extinct?

we're not really sure.

not sure how true it is but erykah badu in a song said that certain frequencies that cell phones emit are confusing the bees and throws off their internal compass and makes it hard for them to go out and navigate to places that they need to go to survive.

i took her serious because she is a vegan and an animal activist like me.:dunno:

here is a snippet of a video from TIME...


D Kline

Only here are rappers creditable on environmental issues. :smh: As usual the herd gets on this imagery oppressed kick instead of focusing on real issues.

Getting out in the field and studying for one's self not depending on a rapper or anyone else is asking a lot of work . This group like the typical masses won't care until it hits your doorstep.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
interesting...I was eating some wings y-day and started thinking why are there animals and shit on the planet other than to be hunted/eaten...but everything here is for a purpose...and it doesn't always tie in to man's needs...never would've realized how vital bees and shit are to sustaining life...great info
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BGOL Legend
Only here are rappers creditable on environmental issues. :smh: As usual the herd gets on this imagery oppressed kick instead of focusing on real issues.

Getting out in the field and studying for one's self not depending on a rapper or anyone else is asking a lot of work . This group like the typical masses won't care until it hits your doorstep.

If you're trying to get to blunt's trolling level, you got a ways to go.

Step your troll game up son! :rolleyes: