Bees and Butterflies Are Going Extinct, Taking Our Food Supply with Them


Platinum Member
This ain’t gud

Tracking the ‘Murder Hornet’: A Deadly Pest Has Reached North America
Sightings of the Asian giant hornet have prompted fears that the vicious insect could establish itself in the United States and devastate bee populations.

BLAINE, Wash. — In his decades of beekeeping, Ted McFall had never seen anything like it.
As he pulled his truck up to check on a group of hives near Custer, Wash., in November, he could spot from the window a mess of bee carcasses on the ground. As he looked closer, he saw a pile of dead members of the colony in front of a hive and more carnage inside — thousands and thousands of bees with their heads torn from their bodies and no sign of a culprit.
“I couldn’t wrap my head around what could have done that,” Mr. McFall said.
Only later did he come to suspect that the killer was what some researchers simply call the “murder hornet.”

With queens that can grow to two inches long, Asian giant hornets can use mandibles shaped like spiked shark fins to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of hours, decapitating the bees and flying away with the thoraxes to feed their young. For larger targets, the hornet’s potent venom and stinger — long enough to puncture a beekeeping suit — make for an excruciating combination that victims have likened to hot metal driving into their skin.
In Japan, the hornets kill up to 50 people a year. Now, for the first time, they have arrived in the United States.



Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The pesticides and fertilizer from Beyer's killed millions of honeybees. Almost as if they were targeted. And because of the bee pollen, bee propolis, and royal jelly and it's history with blacks


The Big Brain
BGOL Investor
Hope there's been some improvement since first posted.

Damn shame we can't 'extinct' rats, .Ice and poisonous snakes!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fixed. From Africans to Native Americans, Indians -whatever, these races of people cultivated the land. They lacked some technological advances while at the same time possessed some technology that can't be explained for the time they lived. They didn't take more from the land that they needed and they used it all. When they killed a bear they used the meat and the hide and didn't simply pose with it as a trophy and discard the carcass like trash. Same thing with buffalo, lions and any other animal killed. Even though the Masai Warrior killed lions as they ascended to manhood, they used the parts of the animal they could. White people...

White people are conquerors, and conquerors don't cultivate shit. They don't know how, and they don't want to learn. They cut down trees to build farms and when one wolf eats a sheep they having hunting parties and kill every wolf in 20 square miles! And the forest? Fuck the animals that once lived there that are now homeless, some, once plentiful, now extinct. They decimate with impunity or concern for the environment, the world or the community. White people are the only people in the history of human being who hunt for fun, for sport...and with big ass guns so the "sport" is like me playing against a kindergarten basketball team, winning by 150 and then bragging about it.

Every landmass that White people conquered that once belonged to another race of people and the Whites took over has gone to shit. Tell me I'm wrong. As they said in Avatar, "They killed their mother." They rape, pillage and destroy and don't cultivate a thing.
Man, i'm waiting on that book. You thorough bruh.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Man, i'm waiting on that book. You thorough bruh.
I need to stop bullshittng around. I'm in school now. But that's no excuse. I need to spend more time on it or I'll never get it done.

I will do my best to have a short story compilation out by years end. Unfortunately, if I post it here my anonymity will be gone and the wolves ...they're ruthless


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I need to stop bullshittng around. I'm in school now. But that's no excuse. I need to spend more time on it or I'll never get it done.

I will do my best to have a short story compilation out by years end. Unfortunately, if I post it here my anonymity will be gone and the wolves ...they're ruthless
Fuck the wolves, get the job done. I need to finish my edit and publish. I had the final edit done over a year and I got about twenty pages left to put in. But, I keep putting it off. I will get it done by the end of August. Fuck it.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Ever since I bought my house.... I had tons of flowers planted around it.....butterfly bushes too..... this year I saw a grand total of three butterflies, only one Monarch..... and two...... TWO fucking bees..... when I used to see hundreds off them minimum
