Bees and Butterflies Are Going Extinct, Taking Our Food Supply with Them

Mt Airy Groove

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
we're not really sure.

not sure how true it is but erykah badu in a song said that certain frequencies that cell phones emit are confusing the bees and throws off their internal compass and makes it hard for them to go out and navigate to places that they need to go to survive.

i took her serious because she is a vegan and an animal activist like me.:dunno:

here is a snippet of a video from TIME...

Which song?


Rising Star
OG Investor
These ended up being bumble bees.

Tens of thousands of dead bees and other insects were found in a Target parking lot in Oregon earlier this week in what is being called one of the largest mass deaths of bumblebees in the western U.S., a local environmental organization says.

The dead bumblebees, reported to be around 25,000 number, were found by shoppers under blooming European linden trees in Wilsonville, Ore., according to the Xerces Society, a Portland-based nonprofit that studies bees and other invertebrates. Xerces was the first to document Monday's mass death.

Update (June 21, 12:15pm): Bee-proof netting is being installed to cover the 55 linden trees in the parking lot to prevent further bee deaths, The Oregonian reports. The paper also reported that the Oregon Department of Agriculture is working with a number of organizations, including the maker of Safari, the insecticide suspected in the deaths, to determine further action.

Previously reported:

While the cause of the die-off remains unknown, the organization believes the incident may be from a toxic pesticide that was used on the trees for cosmetic reasons, or simply because the trees are members of a poisonous species.

The Oregon Department of Agriculture is working to determine the cause.

Bees have been dying in remarkable numbers in the U.S. since 2005, greatly reducing the number available to pollinate many of the nation's fruits and vegetables.

The epidemic, known as "colony collapse disorder," caused U.S. bee keepers to lose about one-third of their colonies last year. Researchers believe the epidemic is due to a relatively new class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids, which are chemically similar to nicotine and are thought to reduce bees' capacity to learn scents, making it difficult for the insects to find food.

Clarification: The 25,000 dead bees were bumblebees, although some dead honey bees were also found in the parking lot. Colony collapse disorder is a malady primarily affecting honey bees.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Humans are the problem to this earth.

Dinosaurs lived in this earth for hundreds if millions of years. They survived on basic instinct. They survived multiple ELEs and was able to still move forward. Humans have only been around a couple of millions of years. While we still have some basic instincts, most of it has been evolved out due to technology. We need the earth, the earth doesn't need us.

Humans been tearing shit up since day one. Wherever humans spread, some species lost. In some cases, they were other humanoids. Once humans got out of the hunter/gatherer stage, shit really started to go downhill for the planet.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i've seen a special on bees years ago on television that was very informative.first we need to get rid of the pesticide neonicotinoid then.sure they could reformulate it or something. i need to do more research and see if this pertains just to the u.s. just cant be the whole world


Renegade of this atomic age

The creation of more "fake food"...more illnesses.....future looks great.


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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The miracle foods out of the bee hive are the key ingredients in bringing blacks into the knowledge of self. I myself rent an apartment. I had tried to grow honey bees where my mother lives but she did not want bees flying around there. Now she has sold the land and the house. I would have to get me a house back in the woods to raise honey bees.
With all the bombing of Afghanistan they probably destroyed a lot of giant bee hives. The largest are the one north of Afghanistan in the Himalaya mountains. As long as Satan (whites) rule the world we are headed to toward the total destruction of the earth. Unless blacks return to being their glorious self as we were in the beginning.
Only a God can create a God and only a devil can create a devil.

lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
I had tried to grow honey bees where my mother lives but she did not want bees flying around there. Now she has sold the land and the house.
It may not have had anything to do with the bees. She may have just been pissed that you were able to track her down.


Renegade of this atomic age
These ended up being bumble bees.

Tens of thousands of dead bees and other insects were found in a Target parking lot in Oregon earlier this week in what is being called one of the largest mass deaths of bumblebees in the western U.S., a local environmental organization says.

The dead bumblebees, reported to be around 25,000 number, were found by shoppers under blooming European linden trees in Wilsonville, Ore., according to the Xerces Society, a Portland-based nonprofit that studies bees and other invertebrates. Xerces was the first to document Monday's mass death.

Update (June 21, 12:15pm): Bee-proof netting is being installed to cover the 55 linden trees in the parking lot to prevent further bee deaths, The Oregonian reports. The paper also reported that the Oregon Department of Agriculture is working with a number of organizations, including the maker of Safari, the insecticide suspected in the deaths, to determine further action.

Previously reported:

While the cause of the die-off remains unknown, the organization believes the incident may be from a toxic pesticide that was used on the trees for cosmetic reasons, or simply because the trees are members of a poisonous species.

The Oregon Department of Agriculture is working to determine the cause.

Bees have been dying in remarkable numbers in the U.S. since 2005, greatly reducing the number available to pollinate many of the nation's fruits and vegetables.

The epidemic, known as "colony collapse disorder," caused U.S. bee keepers to lose about one-third of their colonies last year. Researchers believe the epidemic is due to a relatively new class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids, which are chemically similar to nicotine and are thought to reduce bees' capacity to learn scents, making it difficult for the insects to find food.

Clarification: The 25,000 dead bees were bumblebees, although some dead honey bees were also found in the parking lot. Colony collapse disorder is a malady primarily affecting honey bees.



Rising Star
Humans been tearing shit up since day one. Wherever humans spread, some species lost. In some cases, they were other humanoids. Once humans got out of the hunter/gatherer stage, shit really started to go downhill for the planet.


technological society seems to have exacerbated this


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From growing up in a rural area in the 80s to now I have noticed alot less insects and animals. I rember there used to be hundreds if not 1000s of lighting bugs on my parents property every night. Last year was the first time I saw one in about 7 years. I think the lost of insects and global warming is due to all the new construction. There is just to much developed land.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I remember as a kid we would find a wasp nest being built somewhere on our house every year and have to get rid of it. I haven't seen a wasp nest on my house in the last 4 or 5 years.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
From growing up in a rural area in the 80s to now I have noticed alot less insects and animals. I rember there used to be hundreds if not 1000s of lighting bugs on my parents property every night. Last year was the first time I saw one in about 7 years. I think the lost of insects and global warming is due to all the new construction. There is just to much developed land.
meanwhile the cockaroach is still chillin..scientist mite be rite if the nukes went off the only thing left alive mite be the roaches


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
The WHITE MAN is the CANCER of this world!!!!

For hundreds of thousands of years melanin people lived in harmony with nature!

Let's acknowledge the world wide system created by those that are genetically inferior!

It's the white mans way of living, him imposing his will on the planet that has systematically destroyed it. All for something that is not real aka paper money!
Ain't this the truth


BGOL Investor
These ended up being bumble bees.

I remember back in the late 90s we used to have trucks that used to ride down the side streets of Chicago and spray some sort of "smoky gas" into the air. I dont know what it was. It didnt have any type of "raid spray" odor. But they said they used the smoke to kill the mosquito's.

Weather could be a factor....but even during the warm summers it seems as if the mosquito's only hang in certain areas. I dont even see insects flying around streets lights like i used to. Obviously theyre putting something into the air or putting something on the trees. But at some point you have to wonder if the shit that theyre using is affecting humans as well.

You got a lot of mofos walking around the crazy desensitized zombies. Chemicals in food, chemicals in the air. Your organs can only filter so much before they become overtaxed. I bet if they gave poorer folks toxicology reports..i bet theyd find all sorts of deadly bs; bs that kills you slowly.
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