*****this thread starter material*****
Not talking about the picture, even tho it's A1
I lost 120 pounds and it took me 18 months. I have been healthy and maintaining my weight loss for 8 years now. I exercised daily with weight resistance training, lots of running and jumping roping. I changed what I ate and how much and how often. I learned everything I could about living a healthy lifestyle and I implemented what I learned to see how my body responded. I got positive results and kept doing things like going heavier on my weights and adding more protein to my diet. 8 years ago, I was a different girl. After years of being a wife, stay-at-home Mom and battling clinical depression, I weighed over 230 pounds. Remotely, I went to see a psychiatrist every 3 months to restock my prescribed supply of Prozac. I did that for 8 years straight. I slept most of each day away, because it was the closest thing to death. Oddly, I remember very little about that period of my life. I wore a version of the same outfit most every day- a “Just My Size” t-shirt in a size 3X and black elastic waist pants in a size 2X. I couldn’t feel. My heart was shrouded in darkness and despair most days. I wasn’t living, I merely existed. I ate crap and did not exercise my body. I’d lost sight of my goals and my dreams. The rude, hurtful comments people would make about me being so fat, would play over and over again in my head every day. My identity was that of an invisible woman. I had lost. ME. 8 years later, God woke me from that season of obesity, depression and despair. God said, ” It’s time for you to walk into your destiny” and I began a journey of a thousand lives to overcome obesity and reclaim my life. What did it take?? IT TOOK CHANGING EVERYTHING. I had to put myself first. I had to learn how, what and when to eat. I had to learn how to exercise and lift weights. I had to remove toxic people and relationships from my life. I had to change my mind and make the decision to go forward. No matter how many setbacks, no matter how much weight I had to lose and no matter how many people said I couldn’t do it, I did it.